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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

I don't see a blanket banning of Ramadan. They discourage people does not mean banning. But they do request that the party members, who are suppose to be atheists, to not observe Ramadan. That is a party order, not a general ban on the religious activity.
Actually, US government is taking away the rights of average citizens. But it is giving lots of rights to terrorists. Its kind of mess up. China is hard against terrorists and that would send a message. As for its lack of freedom to its own people, its up to its own people to make the change at their own time. That is their own business.

Se there should be a proportionate response to everything. Response should be Just. Chinese response was unjustifiable.

You are right when you say " US government is taking away the rights of average citizens. But it is giving lots of rights to terrorists". We show the same in case of Twine tower attack. They build mosque there.
Se there should be a proportionate response to everything. Response should be Just. Chinese response was unjustifiable.

You are right when you say " US government is taking away the rights of average citizens. But it is giving lots of rights to terrorists". We show the same in case of Twine tower attack. They build mosque there.

Actually, I'm against interfering in other people's businesses. How Chinese respond its their business. But lets put it this way, if China would send tanks against their students, how do you think they would treat real criminals or terrorists?
I don't see a blanket banning of Ramadan. They discourage people does not mean banning. But they do request that the party members, who are suppose to be atheists, to not observe Ramadan. That is a party order, not a general ban on the religious activity.

You are trying to be apologist, no surprise. You seems to be supporting banning of core religious practices of the Muslims. I also can't understand the logic, why PRC is so threatened from a festival of Muslims.
Actually, I'm against interfering in other people's businesses. How Chinese respond its their business. But lets put it this way, if China would send tanks against their students, how do you think they would treat real criminals or terrorists?

That is exactly I say. Uncivilized CCP goons denying basic human rights to people. If they stop killing people and deal with people democratically, people will also protest in democratic manner rather than using swords and knifes.
That is exactly I say. Uncivilized CCP goons denying basic human rights to people. If they stop killing people and deal with people democratically, people will also protest in democratic manner rather than using swords and knifes.
I'm giving you a contrary example. There are Islam separatists in South Thailand too. Thailand is widely believed as a democratic country. Yet the deadly violence in there never stopped.
Islamic terrorist should be nipped in bud otherwise they spread like wildfire destroying entire countries like we have seen in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and to some extent Indian state of Kashmir...

Way to go China..... but have a just response...

And I agree with one poster, had these axeweilding terrorist access to guns and bombs, they would have not refrained back and killed several police officers...

then again, I think Chinese posters should support India when Islamic terrorists attack Indian nation....
nobody is supporting killing of muslims , we are talking about muslim terrorists !

and that shouldn't be an argument to tolerate their nonsense , when the same guys enter a temple and kill innocent devotees or bomb a public place we blame our security forces , going soft on these terrorist not only encourages them but also breaks the confidence of our security forces who risk their lifes to fight these parasites.

when we say shoot the terrorists , its applicable for every community , be it the naxals in the tribal region , LTTE in south or the khalistan in punjab , a terrorist is a terrorist , no mercy for them

if you listen to the speeches given by the mullah brigade in kashmir you would be the first one to support this chinese action on these muslim terrorist , if we give them a free hand out of compassion they will turn our country in another afghanistan,

ps: agreed china has less muslims but also very few religious people , thats bcz they have actively promoted atheism and nationalism , something which these uyghur mullahs oppose , something that we must learn from them.

Muslims is not a problem for China, but the Muslims live in southwest of Xinjiang is a big problem. In fact there are many other minority Muslims distribute in other city where Han people dominant. Their ancestor have live with us for several hundred years. they almost have same habits and customs with us .For other those Muslims just our friend, classmate colleague or neighbor. The biggest problem for those Muslims is that when we feast those Muslims, we have to choose a halal restaurant.

And there are also many Uyghur Muslims live in north of Xinjiang (more than 1M). they live with Han , Kazak Mongolian and other minority. those Uyghur Muslims choose to accept modern education, They work hard to enter unniversity , get good job , earn more money for improve their life. they are also not a problem.

But in southwest of Xinjiang. In that region all people are Uyghur Muslims. They refuse to accept modern education. They like Religious schools, so they don't have enough knowledge to get a good job.
Someone is definitely fomenting trouble in Xinjiang, however the Chinese response should be controlled, or this has a potential to get out of hand.

Shooting people armed with just knives is a bit too much I reckon.
Feel free to go disarm them with your bare hands. Did you conveniently missed the part about them attacking with explosives?
天山网讯(记者田山报道) 12月30日6时30分许,9名暴徒持砍刀袭击新疆喀什地区莎车县公安局,投掷爆炸装置,纵火焚烧警车。公安民警果断处置,击毙8人,抓获1人。

新疆莎车处置1起暴袭案 警方击毙8人抓获1人|新疆|警方|抓获_新浪新闻

On Dec. 30th at 6:30pm, 9 attackers armed with knives and explosives attack the local police station in Shache County, in the Kashgar Prefecture. They tossed explosives at police and burned several police cars. Police killed 8 of the attackers and captured 1. Police casualties are unknown at this time and the incident is under investigation.

I'm guessing it's most likely Wahabist scums.
its getting daily routine now a days
Started when China allowed Saudi funded religious schools in Xinjiang in the mid 1990's. Now religious extremism has displaced pan-Turkic nationalism as the driving force being Xinjiang separatists. I would like nothing less than slap the idiot who allowed external religious influence to flow into Xinjiang. Now more and more women are wearing face veils and men growing full beard.

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