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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

It was prolly molotov cocktails, had it really been heavy explosives all the police officers would be dead, and they wouldn't have been to able to shoot 14 of them dead. It is bit high handed if you think about it. Such high handedness is just going to antagonize the restive Uyghurs even more.

I guess that is why India is in the top 5 countries most affected by terrorism, while China is not even in the top 20 or anywhere close.

Obviously your soft-handedness with the terrorists has cost you badly, you're just one level behind Afghanistan and Pakistan in terms of terrorist risk. And both those countries are in the middle of a war.
It was prolly molotov cocktails, had it really been heavy explosives all the police officers would be dead, and they wouldn't have been to able to shoot 14 of them dead. It is bit high handed if you think about it. Such high handedness is just going to antagonize the restive Uyghurs even more.

Have you ever seen a Molotov cocktail? It isn't an explosive in any sense of the word, there is some limited expansion of gasses and fuel, but it's not an explosive material. At most you could say it's a "fire bomb" or a "petrol bomb" in slang terms, though it's still not an explosive in any sense.

It is basically a glass bottle filled with flammable liquid, and with usually some other ingredient mixed into make it "sticky" like a rudimentary form of napalm.

Not an explosive device. The explosive device in question would most likely have been a rudimentary pipe-bomb, due to the ease of making one and it's sheer effectiveness.
They are innocent people victim of CCP goons. If they are culprit why police didn't caught them and tried in court? RIP Innocent civilians.
how can you be so sure they are innocent!
you don't understand what is the policy of these muslim fundamentalist ,
break the nation in the name of religion , spread terrorism , encourage conversion , encourage civil disobedience , break laws etc etc
this is what they are doing in india !
its high time india and china collaborate and drive these thugs out of our region
Have you ever seen a Molotov cocktail? It isn't an explosive in any sense of the word, there is some limited expansion of gasses and fuel, but it's not an explosive material. At most you could say it's a "fire bomb" or a "petrol bomb" in slang terms, though it's still not an explosive in any sense.
It is basically a glass bottle filled with flammable liquid, and with usually some other ingredient mixed into make it "sticky" like a rudimentary form of napalm.
You are going the right thing. Such violence can only be countered by counter violence.:enjoy:
Have you ever seen a Molotov cocktail? It isn't an explosive in any sense of the word, there is some limited expansion of gasses and fuel, but it's not an explosive material. At most you could say it's a "fire bomb" or a "petrol bomb" in slang terms, though it's still not an explosive in any sense.

Yes I have, but the news doesn't say what exactly killed the policeman. Whether it was the explosion or knife wounds. Either case, its not hard for armed police to subdue bunch of knife wielding rag tag thugs, without having to kill them.

China says Xinjiang police station attacked by axe, knife-wielding mob, 11 dead| Reuters

And this is not the first incident of this kind mind you, this seems like the modus operandi of the Chinese police in that region, finish them off instead of arresting them.

China's method is working for it right now, but it has potential to further aggravate the issue and antagonize the Uyguurs, especially the silent dormant majority. And you just never know how the geopolitics will change in the future and next thing you know Xinjiang will become the next Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, where Jihadis from world over will start converging to wage their "holy war".
how can you be so sure they are innocent!
you don't understand what is the policy of these muslim fundamentalist ,
break the nation in the name of religion , spread terrorism , encourage conversion , encourage civil disobedience , break laws etc etc
this is what they are doing in india !
its high time india and china collaborate and drive these thugs out of our region

Muslims do not live in China. We have at least 10 to 20 times Muslims than what China have. Will anybody support such killing of Muslims in large numbers?
I said that many times, terrorists in China only have one time to do something, or will be shoot or arrested, most are reported by general Uighurs and other ethnics to police, we must let our general Uighurs Chinese become richer and richer, another hand is resolutely attacking terrorists; And helping our west neighbor stable and attack terrorists in their own countries.
China's method is working for it right now, but it has potential to further aggravate the issue and antagonize the Uyguurs, especially the silent dormant majority. And you just never know how the geopolitics will change in the future and next thing you know Xinjiang will become the next Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, where Jihadis from world over will start converging to wage their "holy war".

So our way is working, and your way is not.

Shouldn't policies be result-orientated?

Or do you believe you have a "long term" policy, and that this kind of Islamic extremism will naturally reduce in India as it develops? I've got some bad news for you then, this kind of stuff gets worse in this stage of development.

Maybe when you're in a developed country you can imagine letting these things die down by themselves. But at this stage of development it's not going to work.
Muslims do not live in China. We have at least 10 to 20 times Muslims than what China have. Will anybody support such killing of Muslims in large numbers?
nobody is supporting killing of muslims , we are talking about muslim terrorists !

and that shouldn't be an argument to tolerate their nonsense , when the same guys enter a temple and kill innocent devotees or bomb a public place we blame our security forces , going soft on these terrorist not only encourages them but also breaks the confidence of our security forces who risk their lifes to fight these parasites.

when we say shoot the terrorists , its applicable for every community , be it the naxals in the tribal region , LTTE in south or the khalistan in punjab , a terrorist is a terrorist , no mercy for them

if you listen to the speeches given by the mullah brigade in kashmir you would be the first one to support this chinese action on these muslim terrorist , if we give them a free hand out of compassion they will turn our country in another afghanistan,

ps: agreed china has less muslims but also very few religious people , thats bcz they have actively promoted atheism and nationalism , something which these uyghur mullahs oppose , something that we must learn from them.
nobody is supporting killing of muslims , we are talking about muslim terrorists !

and that shouldn't be an argument to tolerate their nonsense , when the same guys enter a temple and kill innocent devotees or bomb a public place we blame our security forces , going soft on these terrorist not only encourages them but also breaks the confidence of our security forces who risk their lifes to fight these parasites.

when we say shoot the terrorists , its applicable for every community , be it the naxals in the tribal region , LTTE in south or the khalistan in punjab , a terrorist is a terrorist , no mercy for them

if you listen to the speeches given by the mullah brigade in kashmir you would be the first one to support this chinese action on these muslim terrorist , if we give them a free hand out of compassion they will turn our country in another afghanistan,

ps: china not has less muslims but also very few religious people , thats bcz they have been actively promoted atheism and nationalism , something which these uyghur mullahs oppose , something that we must learn from them.

Terrorist are one who comes with an intention to kill one with whom there was no enmity. Those so called terrorist were not carrying Machine guns and bombs. They had knife at the most. They could have been caught easily.

This is an initial stage of unrest. After some time the so called terrorist will also become sophisticated and shall carry out sophisticated attacks and CCP army shall not be able to content them.
Terrorist are one who comes with an intention to kill one with whom there was no enmity. Those so called terrorist were not carrying Machine guns and bombs. They had knife at the most. They could have been caught easily.

This is an initial stage of unrest. After some time the so called terrorist will also become sophisticated and shall carry out sophisticated attacks and CCP army shall not be able to content them.
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