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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Where are these terrorists trained ?

Officially, they are being trained somewhere in the lawless Af-Pak border regions.

Some of them were even caught in Afghanistan and sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Unofficially, who knows.
Officially, they are being trained somewhere in the lawless Af-Pak border regions.
Some of them were even caught in Afghanistan and sent to Guantanamo Bay.
Unofficially, who knows.
China had raised this issue many times in front of Pakistan in the past.
Beijing Points to Pakistan After Ethnic Violence
China Points to Pakistan in Xinjiang Attack - WSJ.com

what is your intension to ask this question?
Intention is to ask you where these terrorists are trained because you are facing the same problem like we are.
Everything is propaganda for you.

Where are these terrorists trained ?

in 2006 American forces captured 22 uyghur terrorist from afghanistan and pakistan , and they were linked to al-qaeda , FYI

Officially, they are being trained somewhere in the lawless Af-Pak border regions.

Some of them were even caught in Afghanistan and sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Unofficially, who knows.
yes in 2006 by american forces , but they were not sent back to CHINA due to human rights issues ,

i think china needs to understand the situation and partner with india on counter terrorism, under modi governance you can't get a better partner than india when it comes to fighting terrorism , at least far better than USA and so called friend pakistan , you will be doing irreversible damage to your own country by supporting pakistan on kashmir issue , bcz the kashmir based militants that pakistanies support have similar agenda which the uyghur terrorist have.
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yes in 2006 by american forces , but they were not sent back to CHINA due to human rights issues

Human rights for terrorists, fantastic. :rolleyes:

They've got a reason to be worried though, terrorists don't last long in China.

These two Uyghur terrorists tried to hijack a plane recently, and they were beaten to death by the passengers before the plane had even landed.

BBC News - Two 'plane hijackers' die in China's Xinjiang

Two men who allegedly tried to hijack a plane in China's restive Xinjiang region have died, state media report.

The Global Times, citing unnamed officials, said the men had died "from injuries received in a fight with passengers and crew".
Human rights for terrorists, fantastic. :rolleyes:

They've got a reason to be worried though, terrorists don't last long in China.

These two Uyghur terrorists tried to hijack a plane recently, and they were beaten to death by the passengers before the plane had even landed.

BBC News - Two 'plane hijackers' die in China's Xinjiang

and that is something which we indian 100% appreciate and admire about china and israel , the manner in which you deal with terrorist.

these human rights dogs will jump in to defend terrorists and rapists , they did that even for the nirbhaya rapists who were given death sentence ,

under modi's rule at least one thing we can guarantee to chinese national , india won't be a bredding ground for these uyghur terrorist,
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Intention is to ask you where these terrorists are trained because you are facing the same problem like we are.
There are indeed some of uyguren terrorist trained in South Asia coutry.
Officially we only call it South Asia country

South Asia countries can also be Indian :-):-):-)
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respect for chinese police , this is how these scums must be treated
indian police must learn something..

They are innocent people victim of CCP goons. If they are culprit why police didn't caught them and tried in court? RIP Innocent civilians.
Someone is definitely fomenting trouble in Xinjiang, however the Chinese response should be controlled, or this has a potential to get out of hand.

Shooting people armed with just knives is a bit too much I reckon.
Someone is definitely fomenting trouble in Xinjiang, however the Chinese response should be controlled, or this has a potential to get out of hand.

Shooting people armed with just knives is a bit too much I reckon.

Did you not read the OP?

They were "throwing explosive devices and wielding knives".

If someone throws a bomb at you, then I'm sure you'll be fine with it, since you'll be dead.
Someone is definitely fomenting trouble in Xinjiang, however the Chinese response should be controlled, or this has a potential to get out of hand.

Shooting people armed with just knives is a bit too much I reckon.
Nothing wrong with it (my personal thinking). May be thats one of the reasons why China having the upper hand in dealing with terrorism. We should do the same.
Did you not read the OP?

They were "throwing explosive devices and wielding knives".

If someone throws a bomb at you, then I'm sure you'll be fine with it, since you'll be dead.

It was prolly molotov cocktails, had it really been heavy explosives all the police officers would be dead, and they wouldn't have been to able to shoot 14 of them dead. It is bit high handed if you think about it. Such high handedness is just going to antagonize the restive Uyghurs even more.
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