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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

In the broader global geopolitics China and Muslims are allies, for now and for the long term. The Chinese did not embark on a "War on Terror", which is essentially a war on Islam. The are not being controlled by the Zionist and are running propaganda crusade of Islamophobia, which is being helped by Indian peons and boot lickers. And a few bad apples among Muslims, who resort to violence, are biggest threat for Muslims, even before they are threats for others. So I fully support the death sentence, if due process was followed.

Indians and the West can cry hypocrite all they want, this is the core of the matter. Chinese and Muslims (Shia's and Sunnis) are allies and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
In the broader global geopolitics China and Muslims are allies, for now and for the long term. The Chinese did not embark on a "War on Terror", which is essentially a war on Islam. The are not being controlled by the Zionist and are running propaganda crusade of Islamophobia, which is being helped by Indian peons and boot lickers. And a few bad apples among Muslims, who resort to violence, are biggest threat for Muslims, even before they are threats for others. So I fully support the death sentence, if due process was followed.

Indians and the West can cry hypocrite all they want, this is the core of the matter. Chinese and Muslims (Shia's and Sunnis) are allies and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

Hame Gum bhi unka aziz hai..Ki unhi ki di hui cheez hai..
Chinese laws, their country and their people. Who the **** are we to talk? What's really funny here is Indian's talking about injustice relating to the Ujihur people, when they are a wonderful track record in IOK.

Pot calling the kettle black much?
Chinese laws, their country and their people. Who the **** are we to talk? What's really funny here is Indian's talking about injustice relating to the Ujihur people, when they are a wonderful track record in IOK. Pot calling the kettle black much?
Just like Pakistani commenting about India when they have awesome record in East Bengal, Baluchistan, Sindh etc.

These things happen in each country. India also have jailed people for life who caused riots. Death sentences given.

Justice in not perfect in any country.

As for Kashmir, I wonder what you say about Kashmiris who threatened their own neighbors and made lakhs of Kashmiri Pundits to leave their homes.

What about those Kashmiris who killed their neighbors and took their property ?

I have never seen any Pakistani talk about Kashmiri Pundits. Are they not Kashmiris ?
The Ummah rallies itself when Muslims anywhere else are ' threatened'.

Its amusing to see BD & Pak posters condone death sentences in China .

' Give me the man & I'll give you the rule".
Just like Pakistani commenting about India when they have awesome record in East Bengal, Baluchistan, Sindh etc.

These things happen in each country. India also have jailed people for life who caused riots. Death sentences given.

Justice in not perfect in any country.

As for Kashmir, I wonder what you say about Kashmiris who threatened their own neighbors and made lakhs of Kashmiri Pundits to leave their homes.

What about those Kashmiris who killed their neighbors and took their property ?

I never seen any Pakistani talk about Kashmiri Pundits. Are they not Kashmiris ?

1. Did i say Pakistan is a candidate for beatification? :angel: We have our fair share of **** ups...
2. East Pakistan was 42 years ago?
3. Baluchistan last time i checked are Internal conflicts, IOK last time i checked was disputed territory. I would not comment on what India does to her citizens in mainland India... Your country, your laws.
4. Sindh? :cuckoo: Pray tell what conflict you foresee in Sindh?

The Ummah rallies itself when Muslims anywhere else are ' threatened'.

Its amusing to see BD & Pak posters condone death sentences in China .

' Give me the man & I'll give you the rule".

Where was the Ummah during the Naqba? Where was it during GW1, GW2, Afghanistan, Syria conflict, Lybia conflict etc etc.... The Ummah = OPEC, and pipe dreams from war mongering **** heads like Zahid Hamid. Please don't count us all from the same bucket.

Do i care bout the treatment of Ujhiur han Chinese? Yes
Do i respect that this is an internal matter for the Chinese? Yes
Did i ever rant or rave when France banned the Hijab? Nope, got better things to do.
1. Did i say Pakistan is a candidate for beatification? :angel: We have our fair share of **** ups...
2. East Pakistan was 42 years ago?
3. Baluchistan last time i checked are Internal conflicts, IOK last time i checked was disputed territory. I would not comment on what India does to her citizens in mainland India... Your country, your laws.
4. Sindh? :cuckoo: Pray tell what conflict you foresee in Sindh?
IOK is not disputed. Its ours. :angel:

My point is, your point of bringing Kashmir was irrelevant here. And for other points of mine, its similar for you, irrelevant. :D

P.S. BTW how r u Sir ? Belated Eid Mubarak.
IOK is not disputed. Its ours. :angel:

My point is, your point of bringing Kashmir was irrelevant here. And for other points of mine, its similar for you, irrelevant. :D

P.S. BTW how r u Sir ? Belated Eid Mubarak.

Hehe tit-for-tat :P

Thank you very much for the eid greeting, a happy independence day to you from me. May our region collectively achieve peace, and may the Zahid Hamids on both sides drown in a flood of their own excrement.
Hehe tit-for-tat :P

Thank you very much for the eid greeting, a happy independence day to you from me. May our region collectively achieve peace, and may the Zahid Hamids on both sides drown in a flood of their own excrement.

And may we all together wipe out terrorists from our region. :cheers:
Hehe tit-for-tat :P
Thank you very much for the eid greeting, a happy independence day to you from me. May our region collectively achieve peace, and may the Zahid Hamids on both sides drown in a flood of their own excrement.

Same to you. :D
And may we all together wipe out terrorists from our region. :cheers:

Amen to that!
Chinese laws, their country and their people. Who the **** are we to talk? What's really funny here is Indian's talking about injustice relating to the Ujihur people, when they are a wonderful track record in IOK.

Pot calling the kettle black much?

Then why you people cry on Burka ban in France/Babri Masjid issue/ Israel Palestinian issue/ Assad Syria issue
You could apply the same analogy (their country issue their rule) and keep your mouth shut
Then why you people cry on Burka ban in France/Babri Masjid issue/ Israel Palestinian issue/ Assad Syria issue
You could apply the same analogy (their country issue their rule) and keep your mouth shut

"you people"... Buddy, i am not President of Pakistan, i can only account for myself. Please pay more attention when reading what people type. :)
Rebiya Kadeer's paternal grandparents were colonists who moved from Khotan (in the Tarim Basin) to Gulja (in Dzungharia). Her maternal grandparents were from Merket (also in the Tarim Basin) and moved to Gulja.

She says so in pages 6-7 of her book "Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China", but she doesn't mention where Gulja is or who the natives were.

Now the hypocrite Kadeer is claiming China is "colonizing" Xinjiang and saying that all non-Uyghurs in Xinjiang are colonists, while most off them live in Dzungharia.

Dzungharia's natives were the Dzunghar Mongols. Everyone who is not a Dzunghar, including both Uyghur, Han, Hui, Salar, Xibe, and Manchu, is a colonist and a migrant there.

Another lie in her book was claiming that Uyghurs were living in peace before they became part of China in the 1760s. The reality is that the Muslim Chagatai Khanate in the Tarim Basin was invaded by the Dzunghar Khanate and the Uyghurs were forced into vassalage by the Dzungar Mongol Buddhists.

Uyghur leaders like Emin Khoja joined China for protection against the Dzunghar Buddhists and China defeated the Dzunghar Khanate in 1758-1759. Then the Dzunghars were nearly wiped out, and the Uyghur Khojas, Khans and Begs joined China. Dzungharia was then opened to Uyghur and Han immigrantion.

China Marches West

Both Manchus, Han, Hui, Salar and Uyghurs paid in blood for Dzungharia and to overthrow the expansionist Dzunghars, but a minority of ultranationalist Uyghur separatists like Kadeer lie and claim Dzungharia is their native land.

Rebiya also claimed that Yakub Beg was a Uyghur hero (he was not a Uyghur, he came from modern day Uzbekistan), and admits her father took part in the Ili Rebellion on page 9 of her book and she admitted that the Uyghur separatists received Soviet support. In the Ili Rebellion, the Uyghur Ili rebels were Communists and backed by the Soviet Red Army and White Russians in Xinjiang. Their leader Ehmetjan Qasim (Ahmedjan Kassimi) was a Soviet Communist party member and an agent of Stalin.The Uyghur separatists received direct military support from the Soviets and weapons.

So in summary, her family were colonists in Dzungharia, Soviet agents, and now that the Soviet Union is gone, she seeks aid from America. She is a massive hypocrite


The Uyghur Ili Communists, including Rebiya Kadeer's father, committed mass murder against the Han people in Dzungharia with Soviet support and called for extermination of Han people since they were labeled as "reactionary".

China arrests 139 in Xinjiang for urging 'jihad': media - DAWN.COM

BEIJING: China has arrested 139 people in Xinjiang for allegedly spreading jihad, state-run media said Wednesday, as it warns of growing religious extremism in the far western region home to Muslim Uighurs.

Beijing has pointed to violent incidents to indicate a rising militant threat among the ethnic minority, but information in the vast region is tightly controlled and Uighur organisations complain of cultural and religious repression.

Police in Xinjiang have “handled an increasing number of cases in which individuals have posted or searched for religious extremist content on the Internet”, the China Daily said, citing an unnamed source in the Xinjiang Daily.

In the two months to the end of August, 139 people were arrested for “spreading religious extremism including jihad”, it said.

Also citing the Xinjiang Daily, the Global Times said a farmer in Hotan was detained after he uploaded 2GB of e-books about secessionism which were read 30,000 times.

Dilshat Rexit, a spokesman for the overseas-based World Uyghur Congress, which Beijing calls a separatist group, said the claims were a “total distortion of the truth” aimed at blocking Uighurs from going online.

Those detained had “expressed discontent with Chinese rule and systematic repression in the area”, he said.

China's goal “is to suppress Uighurs' use of the Internet to obtain information and express different points of view”, he added.

China's state-run media have previously reported that Uighurs have fought in Syria's civil war against the regime, then returned home to put their militant experience into practice.

Members of a gang behind what China called a “terrorist attack” in Lukqun in June that left 35 people dead watched extremist videos beforehand, the China Daily said, citing police.

A court sentenced three people to death and one person to 25 years in jail in September over the attack, saying they had taken part in a “terrorist organisation”, the official news agency Xinhua reported at the time.

The clash was Xinjiang's deadliest since 2009, when riots between Uighurs and China's ethnic majority Han left 200 people dead.

Xinjiang's population is 46 per cent Uighur and 39 per cent Han, according to official statistics, but the latter largely dominate the economy and form a majority in the regional capital Urumqi.
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