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Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

People have been accusing us of being "warmongers" even though we have not had any wars for the past 30 years! :lol:

Whereas America has invaded three separate countries in the past decade alone.

So apparently the people who think we are "warmongers", they want us to have a war? Well that is easy, just attack us and you can have all the wars you want. But if you lack the guts, then I guess you have nothing to worry about.
Yes, they did volunteer to join India by signing papers of accession, we didn't do a "Tibet" there like China.
Hay dude ! INDIA captured kashmir by force by entering Forces in Occupied Kashmir
2ND : Kashmir is Muslim Majority Province....Basic Principle derived while Partition was Hindu majority lands goes to india & muslim land goes to Pak...??
Later ! India captured independent HYDERABAD state by Invading in 1948 (no one talks on that issue....)

3rd: INDIA....took kashmir matter to (UNITED NATIONS) not Pakistan??? Open your Eyes/memories?
4th: .....What the Hell Indian forces are doing in Kashmir Right NOW??? ...PICNIC OR ELSE???
5th: .....FACE THE MUSIC
People have been accusing us of being "warmongers" even though we have not had any wars for the past 30 years! :lol:

Whereas America has invaded three separate countries in the past decade alone.

So apparently the people who think we are "warmongers", they want us to have a war? Well that is easy, just attack us and you can have all the wars you want. But if you lack the guts, then I guess you have nothing to worry about.

Now this is also a kind of war-mongering, why should anyone attack your country unnecessarily? It is China who believes in "Preemptive strike". :)

Hay dude ! INDIA captured kashmir by force by entering Forces in Occupied Kashmir
2ND : Kashmir is Muslim Majority Province....Basic Principle derived while Partition was Hindu majority lands goes to india & muslim land goes to Pak...??
Later ! India captured independent HYDERABAD state by Invading in 1948 (no one talks on that issue....)

3rd: INDIA....took kashmir matter to (UNITED NATIONS) not Pakistan??? Open your Eyes/memories?
4th: .....What the Hell Indian forces are doing in Kashmir Right NOW??? ...PICNIC OR ELSE???
5th: .....FACE THE MUSIC

India entered Kashmir on request of the king of Kashmir to prevent Pakistani invasion of Kashmir, and that too only after he signed the accession papers to join India. This has been discussed a thousand times here, read the old threads and get educated instead of starting another mindless debate on this. Same advise to @Beast .
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stop lie. China is hooligan now, China don't have right to drill in our EZZ.
Do you understand that the drilling platform fall just 17 miles off Paracel and only 30 miles off Woody Island. It is 120 off your closest island facing east and 150 miles from your coast. In international law, such as UNCLOS, a settlement on overlap EEZ will be the midpoint equidistant of two territories. 120 miles from your closest de factor island + 17 miles from de facto island from us = 137 miles will split into half which you can only maintain an EEZ control for about 70 miles West (from 1-70 miles out) while 71-140 miles East are under our EEZ on Paracel. Under this potential settlement, 17 miles is still falling under our continental shelf, not your.
Do you understand that the drilling platform fall just 17 miles off Paracel and only 30 miles off Woody Island. It is 120 off your closest island facing east and 150 miles from your coast. In international law, such as UNCLOS, a settlement on overlap EEZ will be the midpoint equidistant of two territories. 120 miles from your closest de factor island + 17 miles from de facto island from us = 137 miles will split into half which you can only maintain an EEZ control for about 70 miles West (from 1-70 miles out) while 71-140 miles East are under our EEZ on Paracel. Under this potential settlement, 17 miles is still falling under our continental shelf, not your.

Do you agree that nine-dashed-line is meaningless and not related to Chinese territorial claim ?
anyway, Paracels is disputed territory. And have no its own EEZ no matter which country own it ...
Do you agree that nine-dashed-line is meaningless and not related to Chinese territorial claim ?
anyway, Paracels is disputed territory. And have no its own EEZ no matter which country own it ...
The 9-dash line is a historical reference that need to be discussed between relevant party. I want to remind you that the US didn't ratify UNCLOS and we did. We like to have maritime flexibility within the 9-dash line just as the US will not ratify UNCLOS to keep their flexibility in their NAVY operation.

It is not a disputed territory. You have no control over anything. You cannot just turn back and call any territory that others control a "dispute", then it means a dispute in international law. That is the equivalent of Columbia claiming Virgin Island a "dispute" with the US, do you think the world or the US will listen? No, that is not how international law works. The dispute territory must not be control by other party to consider a dispute. We control fullly, 100% since 40 years ago. It is fait accompli. What done is done.
BEIJING - There's no gene for invasion in Chinese people's blood, and Chinese people won't follow the logic that "might is right", said Chinese President Xi Jinping while addressing a conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), a non-governmental organization.

Xi added China will firmly stick to the path of peaceful development, and would like to boost the world peace with other countries.

Xi said the association played an irreplaceable role in promoting China's friendship with other countries. Its development showcased the power of people-to-people engagement in promoting world peace and development, and its important role in China's overall diplomacy.

Xi said friendship between peoples is a strength to promote world peace and development, as well as a precondition to realize win-win cooperation. Peoples in all countries should strengthen friendly exchanges and join hands in the face of a complicated international situation and severe global challenges.

He called on the association to innovate and explore ways to allow for more people-to-people exchanges, and help build more sister cities and promote exchanges between localities.

Xi stressed that China loves peace and will not pursue hegemony. China will insist on a peaceful way of development.

The CPAFFC has established friendly cooperation with more than 500 non-governmental organizations in 157 countries, and helped the establishment of 2,106 sister cities and provinces between China and 133 nations.

It looks like Xi has "shameless" in his gen while China is illegally occuping Paracels of Vietnam, Tibet, East Tukistan...
It looks like Xi has "shameless" in his gen while China is illegally occuping Paracels of Vietnam, Tibet, East Tukistan...
Consider the map of Qing and our current map, it is a shame that we lost 10% of our inherent territory. But you see? We will not complain and reclaim them as we accept the current border settlement with relevant party, except India. On the sea side, Paracel had never been under North VN. We retake what belong to us only. Tibet and Xinjiang are inherent territory that belong to our country historically, even the West will not dispute that fact.
Consider the map of Qing and our current map, it is a shame that we lost 10% of our inherent territory. But you see? We will not complain and reclaim them as we accept the current border settlement with relevant party, except India. On the sea side, Paracel had never been under North VN. We retake what belong to us only. Tibet and Xinjiang are inherent territory that belong to our country historically, even the West will not dispute that fact.

Your country will be ready with Vietnam go to an international tribunal to resolve disputes over the Paracel Islands?
Both will have the opportunity to show evidences at there.
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