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Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood


May 17, 2014
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BEIJING - There's no gene for invasion in Chinese people's blood, and Chinese people won't follow the logic that "might is right", said Chinese President Xi Jinping while addressing a conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), a non-governmental organization.

Xi added China will firmly stick to the path of peaceful development, and would like to boost the world peace with other countries.

Xi said the association played an irreplaceable role in promoting China's friendship with other countries. Its development showcased the power of people-to-people engagement in promoting world peace and development, and its important role in China's overall diplomacy.

Xi said friendship between peoples is a strength to promote world peace and development, as well as a precondition to realize win-win cooperation. Peoples in all countries should strengthen friendly exchanges and join hands in the face of a complicated international situation and severe global challenges.

He called on the association to innovate and explore ways to allow for more people-to-people exchanges, and help build more sister cities and promote exchanges between localities.

Xi stressed that China loves peace and will not pursue hegemony. China will insist on a peaceful way of development.

The CPAFFC has established friendly cooperation with more than 500 non-governmental organizations in 157 countries, and helped the establishment of 2,106 sister cities and provinces between China and 133 nations.
Obviously, it is China that is the one gaining the most from the status quo. We are adding over a trillion to our GDP every single year, more than anyone else by a huge margin. We are the ones who benefit from peace and stability the most.

It is the "established powers" that are unhappy at the idea of our relative power increasing so fast. They are the ones who are NOT happy with the status quo, and they will play their tricks again and again to derail our development process.
Obviously, it is China that is the one gaining the most from the status quo. We are adding over a trillion to our GDP every single year, more than anyone else by a huge margin. We are the ones who benefit from peace and stability the most.

It is the "established powers" that are unhappy at the idea of our relative power increasing so fast. They are the ones who are NOT happy with the status quo, and they will play their tricks again and again to derail our development process.

Ironically, also, established powers (industrialized West) thinks growing in strength and challenging (even peacefully) their supreme position that they have enjoyed for some 300 years is in fact being revolutionary and thereby anti-status quo.

There is the dilemma. They will not care if you go full-Syria so long as you are not a menace to their exceptionalism. But, if you, by simply being you, challenge their standing in the hierarchy, they will turn your peaceful development around and paint a devil out of you.

But somehow, dialectical forces always overcome anti-historical roadblocks.
Chinese in nature are insular people, or we would have colonized SE Asia and islands long ago. I believe partly this mentality is due to filial piety under Confucius teaching that "you should not travel far when your parents are alive." Of course, this unwillingness to travel far away has been gradually eroded ever since late Qing Dynasty due to economic hardships, and Chinese immigrants started arriving in SE Asia and NA.

Also I think only Manchu Qing started expanding into frontier areas. Traditionally, the Han Chinese love to cuddle in our own native land. For example, I am not interested in Tibet, or helping developing Africa, etc, etc. Expansion wont last long unless you can fully integrate native population, which is very very hard in today's world.
Xi said that because China consider this whole world is China's territory.
All they would invade is collecting China's territory ... LOL

This is the defensive acts ? hundreds of this happen in Vietnam EEZ ... we could send all as your will

Xi said that because China consider this whole world is China's territory.
All they would invade is collecting China's territory ... LOL

This is the defensive acts ? hundreds of this happen in Vietnam EEZ ... we could send all as your will

Stop causing trouble. For all we know, it might be the Vietnamese vessel provocatively ramming Chinese ship and we retaliate by ramming back and you use that opportunity to take picture.
Stop causing trouble. For all we know, it might be the Vietnamese vessel provocatively ramming Chinese ship and we retaliate by ramming back and you use that opportunity to take picture.

Respect our sovereign 1st ...

Paracel Islands you occupied all from us ... is that not enough ?
We will not step back because, as we guess, you would step forward after that ...
We dont want step back until our coast line right behind us
Respect our sovereign 1st ...

Paracel Islands you occupied all from us ... is that not enough ?
We will not step back because, as we guess, you would step forward after that ...
We dont want step back until our coast line right behind us
Paracel is fait accompli. What is done is done. Cannot be reverse back because you want it to. We are willing to share the resources. The sovereignty is another matter. Depending on your behavior and friendliness attitude, we may consider giving you some in Paracel just like we lend Patte Island to the North VN in the war against USA.

You Vietnamese are beyond stupid. You are not willing to negotiate with us even when we said many times to agree to settle peacefully but it just become deaf ear to you. You are not willing to fight us. You are only good at crying, asking for world sympathy, and trying to cause trouble at your house but it escalated and turn bad for you with idiotic riot. I don't know what to say you incompetent Vietnamese govt. Perhaps a change of regime is best for your country as the Vietcong regime simply don't get it. They just don't know what they want.
Action speaks louder than words, and here China's actions are not in line with what he is saying for public consumption.
Paracel is fait accompli. What is done is done. Cannot be reverse back because you want it to. We are willing to share the resources. The sovereignty is another matter. Depending on your behavior and friendliness attitude, we may consider giving you some in Paracel just like we lend Patte Island to the North VN in the war against USA.

You Vietnamese are beyond stupid. You are not willing to negotiate with us even when we said many times to agree to settle peacefully but it just become deaf ear to you. You are not willing to fight us. You are only good at crying, asking for world sympathy, and trying to cause trouble at your house but it escalated and turn bad for you with idiotic riot. I don't know what to say you incompetent Vietnamese govt. Perhaps a change of regime is best for your country as the Vietcong regime simply don't get it. They just don't know what they want.

stop lie. China is hooligan now, China don't have right to drill in our EZZ.
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