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Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak

India seeks to move a resolution in the UN to punish those who shelter and finance terrorism. If India uses terrorists against Pakistan. Than govt of Pakistan should support this resolution. Nothing to rattle about .

Its a general resolution against coumtries supporting terrorism.
I would love to see how its implimented
India also uses its land to support terrorism against Pakistan. So does Afghanistan and also USA supporting ISIS.

It's also includes Africans nations also . So Every single nation is ready to move on with India .
You must be crazy or have been sleeping for some time , john kerry handed over the evidence to india and grilled modi over it search it over your own news papapers or on this forum and you would find some old threads .. and grow up

Said usually by some Pakistani TV "experts". Nowhere in the Indian or American media has a word of this ever been suggested.

See the comedy bit in the video below. Btw, the same guy was abusing Obama after he visited India.

Pakistan or Pakistanis have not supported any 'Jihad globally'. Not more than India supports so called 'freedom fighters' or the US supports 'moderate rebels'.
I don't vehemently disagree with the above but I would like to deconstruct the premise of this argument. Lets look at the jibe under the freedom fighters veil. I assume the reference is to Mukti Bahini in 1971, the question is did the MB forces conduct bombings i pakistani markets, hotels, bus stations, kidnapping of tourists, hijacking of aircrafts? Are those mukti bahini fighters today being declared as terrorists by the UN? What happened to the Mukti bahini after pakistani surrender?

Apply the same standards to everyone. The Afghan mujahideen, which once included Osama Bin Laden in their fight against terrorism, were considered heroes by everyone, even the Western champions of civilization (especially the US) because they fought the Russians instead of the Americans. (Have you ever seen Rambo III?)
Three issues here
Role against USSR; Communist government of afghanistan invited support from USSR, what was Pakistan's strategic interest in interfering in Afghan matters, If the justification was for human rights and genocide against afghans then why complain the premise of India in east pakistan.

Type of action; Viet cong was supported by the soviets, but today there are no vietnamese terror organisation working in the region fighting till date. Why weren't the mujhahideen groups armed by pakistan, completely disarmed and dismantled after soviet withdrawal.

Intent : After the soviet withdrawal, pakistan's intent became clearer with it's unilateral support to specific groups and empowering of pashtun ethinicity under the post 1993 mullah omar brand taliban backed by Gulbudeen hekmatyaar.

I don't buy the Islam argument that and neither do subscribe to that, but Pakistan has been reckless when it comes to international security paradigm. It has nothing to do with Islam, pakistan deliberately aided, promoted and armed the mullah omar afghan emirate, which became a training ground for terrorists from chechnya to nigeria. Pakistan has also proliferated nuclear technology to mad nation like North Korea, which in turn today holds South Korea as a hostage purely due to pakistans effort in empowering NoKo.

Pakistan's aggression conventional or assymetric against India is understandable, kashmir or no kashmir, that will remain. But when pakistan is blamed for irrigating global jihad forest, there is some serious introspection that is needed from pakistans side.
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We will support this resolution and move one by ourselves, internationalizing Indian funding of BLA, TTP and ETIM.
Sure, we will wait to hear from you on this....
We will support this resolution and move one by ourselves, internationalizing Indian funding of BLA, TTP and ETIM.
I don't think single nation with support your resolution . With no sustainable evidence . More over P5+1 is the new calculation .
BEIJING: In a significant development, China and Russia on Monday decided to back India for moving a proposal at the United Nations that essentially goes against Pakistan on the issue of terrorism.

In order to corner Pakistan for sheltering and facilitating terrorists involved the 26/11 carnage and other attacks in the country, India seeks to move a resolution in the UN to punish those who shelter and finance terrorism. And on Monday, it enlisted the support of China and Russia for the same. "I see this as a major achievement," Exteral affairs minister Sushma Swaraj told newsmen after a summit of the foreign ministers of Russia, India and China (RIC).

This is a rare occasion when China, a close ally of Pakistan, has taken a stand on an issue that is bound to rattle Islamabad. Beijing's move not only reflects the importance it accords to New Delhi, but is also an acknowledgment of its own problem of terrorism in Xinjiang province. China has often said that 'foreign forces' are helping terrorists in Xinjiang.

After the RIC summit - attended by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and Swaraj - a joint communique was issued which "underlined the need to bring to justice perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of terrorist acts".

The three foreign ministers called for early conclusion of negotiations on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. India had moved this resolution 19 years back that has since remained inconclusive, Swaraj explained.

"The ministers reiterated that there can be no ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic, or any other justification for acts of terrorism," the resolution said.


Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj and Chinese President Xi Jinping greet each other before their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, on February 2, 2015.

Russia and China also agreed to support a larger role for India in the United Nations, Asia Pacific Economic Coperation (APEC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

There are clear signs that China and Russia are making an extra effort to sway India towards them after the new-found bonhomie between New Delhi and Washington in the wake of US president Barack Obama's recent visit to India. Among other things, Obama had agreed to back India's membership in the APEC and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Ahmedabad during the latter's visit to India in September 2014.

"China and Russia welcomed India's application for full membership of SCO and supported India to join the SCO after completing all necessary negotiations and legal processes," the joint communique said. Incidentally, Pakistan is also seeking a membership of SCO but it was not mentioned.

The joint statement also said, "China and Russia would welcome India's participation in APEC." But it did not specify if India would be considered for full membership. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier refused to attend the APEC summit in Beijing after Chinese president Xi Jinping invited him as an observer.

However, China and Russia did not specifically commit themselves on India's demand for a seat in the UN Security Council. "RIC has reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative and efficient, so that it could better respond to global challenges," the communique said, and further added: "Foreign Ministers of China and Russia reiterated the importance they attached to the status of India in international affairs and supported its aspiration to play a greater role in the United Nations."

Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak - The Times of India
Higher than Mountains :lol:
Deeper than Sea :lol::lol:
This looks like a pact where we wontbse any immediate results but it will have long term gain. If we can bind China and Russia with some agreement and eventually push it through UN then pressurize Pakistan (US is already) then we have achieved it.

Now we will have to wait and she for how long they live in denial and play the victim card.
Obama did it as well ...........in the hidden corridors .
In hidden corridors??? What were you doing there serving tea to them?

Please back up.your claims its not lala land.

We will support this resolution and move one by ourselves, internationalizing Indian funding of BLA, TTP and ETIM.
If you had any evidence no one needed to tell you guyz to internationalize Indian funding of Bla, ttp etc. you are just talks no action.
We will support this resolution and move one by ourselves, internationalizing Indian funding of BLA, TTP and ETIM.
@Horus I am seeing lot of one liners from you, being MOD you need to discuss it more elaborately then to give a general one liner. Can you provide any link where Pakistan is going to UN on terrorism issue on India.
If India is backing terrorist group what is stopping Pakistan, either it is all nonsense or while proving India involvement Pakistan can get into trouble.
This is just a general statement but nothing will change on the ground as JUD are considered a state asset and a chairity organisation.
BEIJING: In a significant development, China and Russia on Monday decided to back India for moving a proposal at the United Nations that essentially goes against Pakistan on the issue of terrorism.

In order to corner Pakistan for sheltering and facilitating terrorists involved the 26/11 carnage and other attacks in the country, India seeks to move a resolution in the UN to punish those who shelter and finance terrorism. And on Monday, it enlisted the support of China and Russia for the same. "I see this as a major achievement," Exteral affairs minister Sushma Swaraj told newsmen after a summit of the foreign ministers of Russia, India and China (RIC).

This is a rare occasion when China, a close ally of Pakistan, has taken a stand on an issue that is bound to rattle Islamabad. Beijing's move not only reflects the importance it accords to New Delhi, but is also an acknowledgment of its own problem of terrorism in Xinjiang province. China has often said that 'foreign forces' are helping terrorists in Xinjiang.

After the RIC summit - attended by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and Swaraj - a joint communique was issued which "underlined the need to bring to justice perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of terrorist acts".

The three foreign ministers called for early conclusion of negotiations on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. India had moved this resolution 19 years back that has since remained inconclusive, Swaraj explained.

"The ministers reiterated that there can be no ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic, or any other justification for acts of terrorism," the resolution said.


Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj and Chinese President Xi Jinping greet each other before their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, on February 2, 2015.

Russia and China also agreed to support a larger role for India in the United Nations, Asia Pacific Economic Coperation (APEC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

There are clear signs that China and Russia are making an extra effort to sway India towards them after the new-found bonhomie between New Delhi and Washington in the wake of US president Barack Obama's recent visit to India. Among other things, Obama had agreed to back India's membership in the APEC and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Ahmedabad during the latter's visit to India in September 2014.

"China and Russia welcomed India's application for full membership of SCO and supported India to join the SCO after completing all necessary negotiations and legal processes," the joint communique said. Incidentally, Pakistan is also seeking a membership of SCO but it was not mentioned.

The joint statement also said, "China and Russia would welcome India's participation in APEC." But it did not specify if India would be considered for full membership. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier refused to attend the APEC summit in Beijing after Chinese president Xi Jinping invited him as an observer.

However, China and Russia did not specifically commit themselves on India's demand for a seat in the UN Security Council. "RIC has reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative and efficient, so that it could better respond to global challenges," the communique said, and further added: "Foreign Ministers of China and Russia reiterated the importance they attached to the status of India in international affairs and supported its aspiration to play a greater role in the United Nations."

Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak - The Times of India
though its a welcome devlopment and if i may say BOLD move by chinese to support india over its "all waether friend" but i dont trust chinese they say something while are doing something else specially when india is in equation

maybe its got to do something with the new silk route project and trade corridoors from central asia

i will wait till may to give the final judgement
It is more than obvious that Indian's English comprehension sucks but this bad that they cant even read simple tables? From the tables you posted, your conclusion is that Pakistanis support terrorism? You have not even paid attention to the questions that were asked. @waz Please take a note of this deliberate twisting of facts and trolling.
Pakistan or Pakistanis have not supported any 'Jihad globally'. Not more than India supports so called 'freedom fighters' or the US supports 'moderate rebels'.

In the first graph, 83% of Pakistanis said terrorism and attacks against civilians were 'NEVER' justified. Never.

Saying that they were fine with others being attacked is a false accusation. If they didn't believe their current stance in the past, they believe it now. Are you now going to say that all that change is a bad thing?

Apply the same standards to everyone. The Afghan mujahideen, which once included Osama Bin Laden in their fight against terrorism, were considered heroes by everyone, even the Western champions of civilization (especially the US) because they fought the Russians instead of the Americans. (Have you ever seen Rambo III?)

It's human nature to not be hostile towards those who aren't hostile towards you, and the political theory being used nowadays is ''the enemy of my enemy is my friend''. When you are targeted, that's when you react. Most normal (especially uneducated) people don't go around thinking about stuff that doesn't affect them. Most of those people would still be believing in the old narrative of brave Islamic resistance fighters until they realized that it was not true.

And look at the other countries too, patterns change as circumstances change.

Your position and the propagandist ideas spread by the Indian media completely ignore current and historical facts, along with political factors and many other important considerations. The default positions of either ''Islam is the problem'' or ''OMG Pakistanis are taught terrorism in schools'' are both utter BS.
It seems in haste towards reading and trying to prove my post wrong, fellow Pakistani members on the board did not manage to do their due diligence. Due diligence would have been looking up the pew surveys annually or decadaly. I merely posted the last one and said Pakistani opinion was changing.

Here, have a look at this:

As I said, Pakistanis have LOVED suicide bombings(jihad) as long as it was the non-Muslims who were dying. Their opinion on suicide bombing only changed to 'terrorism' when the bombs started killing other Muslim Pakistanis.

Oh and @TankMan , I could have posted the dictionary meaning of 'justified' along with "civilians", the word as is used in the image for you and be condescending.

I wont. Its not my country that is suffering because of the Pakistani infatuation with jihad and what it teaches its kids about non-Muslims. Its yours.

@waz @Horus

Please do look the statistics over. I judge based on evidence, not "feelings".

And this is why Pakistanis supported their Military exporting their jihad all over the world which it primarily did in the 90's and early 2000's. The Pakistani population supported this and only started switching views when fellow Muslims started dying in Pakistan.

I know Indian schools suck at educating their kids, specially when it comes to reading comprehension; but all you literally had to do here was read numbers. In the first table, 83% of Pakistanis are concluded to ***never*** favor suicide bombings against civilians. FYI, your entire jingoistic, nationalist post loses its credibility when you prove you cant even read numbers ;) I would go further and write an essay explaining the dynamics behind these surveys and why each Muslim country thinks what, but since you can't even read a lame table, I doubt you'd understand that essay. Peace :)
In an attempt to say 'you were wrong' on my post, your forgot the most essential ingredient - reading the post first.
I stated clearly, that Pakistani opinion on suicide bombing and jihad changed only when the bombs started exploding at home and killing their own.

Till the time it was the others(non-Muslims) who were dying, Pakistanis had a high approval rate of civilians and others dying "to save Islam"
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