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Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak

It is more than obvious that Indian's English comprehension sucks but this bad that they cant even read simple tables? From the tables you posted, your conclusion is that Pakistanis support terrorism? You have not even paid attention to the questions that were asked. @waz Please take a note of this deliberate twisting of facts and trolling.

All of this is just to stop the freedom fighters from Kashmir i think, but Pakistan should keep sending freedom fighters to india and we dont shit on these UN resolutions .
All of this is just to stop the freedom fighters from Kashmir i think, but Pakistan should keep sending freedom fighters to india and we dont shit on these UN resolutions .
We should keep supporting Kashmiris struggle on every forum but must not send in armed insurgents. This policy (no longer in place though) of ours has more harmed the Kashmiri cause than benefited it.
We should keep supporting Kashmiris struggle on every forum but must not send in armed insurgents. This policy (no longer in place though) of ours has more harmed the Kashmiri cause than benefited it.

Yea i agree with you and we should make strategy like the chinese are doing to india .. they do not send in Freedom Fighters rather what they do is put pressure on india on every front . what do you think ?
Yea i agree with you and we should make strategy like the chinese are doing to india .. they do not send in Freedom Fighters rather what they do is put pressure on india on every front . what do you think ?
Right, you cracked the case. Congrats !
Now all you have to do is execute it, good luck putting pressure on india on international forums.
Right, you cracked the case. Congrats !
Now all you have to do is execute it, good luck putting pressure on india on international forums.
yea we should keep these freedom fighters for now withing pakistan and get them ready for war with india in the future , for now it would work for us ....
Really twisted journalism from ToI. China did not support the proposed UN convention as a favor to India - it did so because it has it's own concerns about terrorism in Xinjiang.

Anyway, I can't see how this charter would be targeted at Pakistan. There's no credible evidence to suggest that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terror. On the contrary, Pakistan is one of the many victims of the terrorism in the region. If this charter rallies international support against the most nefarious terrorist groups like TTP, IMU, ETIM, then all the better.
Unfortunately your government's thoughts does not resemble your thoughts. Pakistan could be a strategic parter, but that is not helping Pakistan, it is only helping China.

India, China, Russia have understood that, it is no good deal of brining war into their mainland due to land disputes, hence countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in North Africa becomes the battle ground.

this is indian media .. they will drag Pakistan now in to it . i think Pakistan will also support this and will want into to stop the terrorist from india . and Pakistan hand over evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan so it will benefit Pakistan

Also a breaking news here


bad news for india really .....

Why Pakistan only threatens to handover the evidences, but never hands them over? We have been listening to this nonsense past 10 years, but no evidence has been put on the table till now.
Unfortunately your government's thoughts does not resemble your thoughts. Pakistan could be a strategic parter, but that is not helping Pakistan, it is only helping China.

India, China, Russia have understood that, it is no good deal of brining war into their mainland due to land disputes, hence countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in North Africa becomes the battle ground.

Why Pakistan only threatens to handover the evidences, but never hands them over? We have been listening to this nonsense past 10 years, but no evidence has been put on the table till now.

You must be crazy or have been sleeping for some time , john kerry handed over the evidence to india and grilled modi over it search it over your own news papapers or on this forum and you would find some old threads .. and grow up
You must be crazy or have been sleeping for some time , john kerry handed over the evidence to india and grilled modi over it search it over your own news papapers or on this forum and you would find some old threads .. and grow up

Who is Kerry to handover the evidence? Has Pakistani government ever booked Indian government in the UN for baluchistan?
What a stupid fucking article. This is nothing more than media deliberately misinforming it's viewers.
Hmm..It's a fairly broad statement. Dont read much into it.

Pakistan's value as a nuisance is utilized by many countries, including the U.S, and they too frequently make these statements. But when it come to action you know how the U.S is.

No one is ever going to say we will support terrorism/terrorist states etc, even Pakistan doesnt say that.
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Its not a question of faith. Its a question of what Pakistanis are taught in schools and their surroundings from a young age.
The Turks or Bangladeshis being Muslim but dont agree with suicide bombings or support jihad globally like Pakistan has done for decades.

Your sir, are an exception. And you would be wrong to extrapolate your views on to Pakistani population.
Note how the first table is the most recent and goes backwards chronologically from there. How Pakistanis were comfortable in violence against civilians as long as it was not their people. And how their views changed when it started affecting their people.





I know Indian schools suck at educating their kids, specially when it comes to reading comprehension; but all you literally had to do here was read numbers. In the first table, 83% of Pakistanis are concluded to ***never*** favor suicide bombings against civilians. FYI, your entire jingoistic, nationalist post loses its credibility when you prove you cant even read numbers ;) I would go further and write an essay explaining the dynamics behind these surveys and why each Muslim country thinks what, but since you can't even read a lame table, I doubt you'd understand that essay. Peace :)
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