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Bitcoin is a money which does not belongs to a particular country.
Created by any user , and it is up to him to promote it's usage around his community / city / country.

If it becomes accepted in his community or country people start using it instead of local currency

Since it is not controlled by Jews most people like it

There are limited number of coins issued when currency is launched.

Everyone gets a Wallet to store their currency (digital currency) , using Internet they use it freely.

When one person uses the Currency to buy something , it does not needs approval from Bank there are global machines which approve the transaction anyone can setup that machine does not have to be owned by Jew firms

The platform discourages tracking of person's private history of buying or selling

ANTI JEW (Goldman Sacs , Federal Banks , Anti Establishment)

Approval for the money transfer is done by World wide individual people and their computers they run programs across the world not done thru transfer of data to a Mega BANK

Even if Trump shuts down 1 computer or even 100 , there will still be million other people world wide running the programs to process money transactions

Money is stored in people's personal computer if the computer is hacked
Hacker could transfer the funds from computer / mobile phone to another place

This risk is no different then lets say a theif stealing your wallet in street
So some people normally stash their Money in 1,000 walets to reduce the risk of theft
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Can someone pls explain in layman's term what the fk is BITCOIN?

In layman's term it is digital currency that is accepted world wide to sell and buy stuff.
In a bit advanced term it is currency that is not controlled by any gov
In a bit more advance term it is book keeping method that is always available online due to it's high demand
Bitcoin is a money which does not belongs to a particular country.
Created by any user , and it is up to him to promote it's usage around his community / city / country.

If it becomes accepted in his community or country people start using it instead of local currency

Since it is not controlled by Jews most people like it

There are limited number of coins issued when currency is launched.

Everyone gets a Wallet to store their currency (digital currency) , using Internet they use it freely.

When one person uses the Currency to buy something , it does not needs approval from Bank there are global machines which approve the transaction anyone can setup that machine does not have to be owned by Jew firms

The platform discourages tracking of person's private history of buying or selling

ANTI JEW (Goldman Sacs , Federal Banks , Anti Establishment)
Nobody knew who created Bitcoin, how can you be sure its isn't CIA and jews? Bitcoin is susceptible to quantum computer attacks, its would be worthless by then.
Bitcoin is a money which does not belongs to a particular country.
Created by any user , and it is up to him to promote it's usage around his community / city / country.

If it becomes accepted in his community or country people start using it instead of local currency

Since it is not controlled by Jews most people like it

There are limited number of coins issued when currency is launched.

Everyone gets a Wallet to store their currency (digital currency) , using Internet they use it freely.

When one person uses the Currency to buy something , it does not needs approval from Bank there are global machines which approve the transaction anyone can setup that machine does not have to be owned by Jew firms

The platform discourages tracking of person's private history of buying or selling

ANTI JEW (Goldman Sacs , Federal Banks , Anti Establishment)
Does it mean that the money we pay online using our cc is also called as BITCOIN?
Does it mean that the money we pay online using our cc is also called as BITCOIN?
Now look to explain you in whole what bitcoin is I will have to write a whole page but you will understand what it actually is so if you really want to know just quote me and I will make the effort.
Now look to explain you in whole what bitcoin is I will have to write a whole page but you will understand what it actually is so if you really want to know just quote me and I will make the effort.
Lol, just kiss (keep it sweet and short)
Does it mean that the money we pay online using our cc is also called as BITCOIN?

Normal Money -----> Linked to Credit card -----> Linked to Banks ----> Sit on arsss and Spend it --> Banks make Billion from their illegal exploits around the world ------> They then give you 0.0001% profit share---> Countries use the Bank system to Sanction poor countries-----> Banks create interest credit card or , interest loans from Pool of money ---> Interest based loans are modern age slavery. Banks all meetup some rich countries make up STUPID rules saying their currency is more value and force other countries to be poor

Example of STUPID rules

USA with 25,000,000,000,000 Debt claim their currency is 100 Times more valueable lets say then Pakistan Rupee when Pakistan's debt is mere 80 Billion

Bitcoin -----> You hold it in your hand------> You give it to annother person ---> You get 100% , other guy gets 100% gain. No model for Loans/ Interest

Simple Model
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Nobody knew who created Bitcoin, how can you be sure its isn't CIA and jews? Bitcoin is susceptible to quantum computer attacks, its would be worthless by then.
It doesn't matter who created Bitcoin. The entire technology and design behind bitcoin is in opensource. Heck the blockchain ledger has been used for other purposes than crypto currency. It is based on cytographic constructs well known. Like SHA. So chances of CIA 'hacking' your bitcoins is almost zero.
Normal Money -----> Linked to Credit card -----> Linked to Banks ----> Sit on arsss and Spend it --> Banks make Billion from their illegal exploits around the world ------> They then give you 0.0001% profit share---> Countries use the Bank system to Sanction poor countries-----> Banks create interest credit card or , interest loans from Pool of money ---> Interest based loans are modern age slavery. Banks all meetup some rich countries make up STUPID rules saying their currency is more value and force other countries to be poor

Bitcoin -----> You hold it in your hand------> You give it to annother person ---> You get 100% , other guy gets 100% gain. No model for Loans/ Interest

Simple Model
I think I am getting the essence of it now.
Thank you.
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