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Wounded Libyans treated in Turkey, calling for ousting Gaddaffi

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Wounded Libyans treated in Turkey, calling for ousting Gaddaffi

Hundreds of Libyans injured in their country's clashes are receiving treatment in Turkey on Wednesday as they told local media their sufferings and demanded the ouster of long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gaddaffi.

Most of the wounded were being treated for burn injuries and none of them were in critical condition, Governor Cahit Kirac of west Turkey's Izmir Province told reporters when visiting a hospital hosting the injured Libyans in Izmir on Wednesday.

Turkey evacuated more than 500 Libyans, mostly injured, through sea and air transportation from Libyan cities of Misrata and Benghazi on Tuesday in a humanitarian relief mission as part of the multinational operations under NATO's command in the war-torn country.

More than 300 injured Libyans were taken to the Cesme port of Izmir Province by a ship and transferred to hospitals in the province.

Speaking to local media, some Libyans talked about the havoc of unrest in their country and thanked Turkey for helping them, while urging NATO forces to continue military strikes against Gaddaffi forces.

"We were hiding at home with 10 families as if we were rats. Whoever went out would get shot. People used shovels to dig into the ground to bury the dead. No water, no food," Novar Selim, a Libyan national whose left leg was cut off due to injuries, told Turkey's Dogan News Agency on Wednesday.

"Savage must end as soon as possible. We ask Prime Minister Erdogan not to stop NATO air strikes and get Gaddaffi forces out of the country," he was quoted as saying.

A pilot of Libyan air forces told the semi-official Anatolia news agency many of his colleagues took shelter in foreign countries with their planes and ammunition after receiving orders to attack the rebels.

"Me and my friends bombed the area of Gaddaffi forces, instead of bombing civilians," he was quoted as saying, while preferring to stay anonymous.

The only Islamic country in NATO, Turkey has repeatedly voiced its opposition since West-led air strikes began. However, after days of negotiation, all NATO member states, including Turkey, agreed to take over command of the military operations against Libya.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu nevertheless stressed on several occasions the NATO operations should be limited to protecting civilians and that Turkey would never point a gun at Libya.

Wounded Libyans treated in Turkey, calling for ousting Gaddaffi - People's Daily Online

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