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Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

Why are you posting off topic troll

this thread is not about India.

Why are you using big fonts and colors to violate he rules??
First it was USA our best friend.

Second it was Saudi Arabia our best friend.

Now, both are not your best friend and came much closer to India. :yahoo::yahoo:

Now, China is our best friend.

First it was USA our best friend.

Second it was Saudi Arabia our best friend.

Now, both are not your best friend and came much closer to India. :yahoo::yahoo:

Now, China is our best friend.



Don't be so pessimistic, "Mona Lisa", never heard about Martians ? :smitten:
First it was USA our best friend.

Second it was Saudi Arabia our best friend.

Now, both are not your best friend and came much closer to India. :yahoo::yahoo:

Now, China is our best friend.


Hey hey hold your horses. I think you are making friendship claim about Saudi Arab and China too early. Think again about your friendship with these two. Only time will tell how friendly these two friends are to India.

Hey hey hold your horses. I think you are making friendship claim about Saudi Arab and China too early. Think again about your friendship with these two. Only time will tell how friendly these two friends are to India.


Saudi Arabia is not your best friend at this time and its a fact, if you have any doubt just visit Manmohan Singh's visit to Saudi Arabia thread and read the comments of Pakistani members.

As, for china????????????

I have never said that USA, Saudi Arabia and China are our best friend.

But, 2 out of three are not your best friend for sure and have came closer to India this is what i have said.
Saudi Arabia is not your best friend at this time and its a fact, if you have any doubt just visit Manmohan Singh's visit to Saudi Arabia thread and read the comments of Pakistani members.

As, for china????????????

I have never said that USA, Saudi Arabia and China are our best friend.

But, 2 out of three are not your best friend for sure and have came closer to India this is what i have said.

Lolzzz So I have to read the posts of the forum members to know about our relations with Saudia. :hitwall: We know about Saudis more then any one else. As I said time will tell whether they are our friends or not. Don't get emotional.

new wave..still sticking up insisting it means your given definition? move on..

Look at the topic and look at your discussions Mods take notice of it
The friendship between pakistan and china is time tested and all weather we dun just said dat for nothing. as for china we are sincere in our friendship with who ever friendly to our country.
The friendship between pakistan and china is unique of its kind, we respect each others, helped and supported each others in both good and bad times, and as time goes by our friendship will only get stronger.:china:::pakistan:
Ask WJ for this...


As we in tamil Nadu dosent hear or seen any rebel hear . . But wonder how wj without any source for his claim it. . For god shake you itself provide atleast a small bit of news to your claim . . Thanks
Well attempted my friend.
Some examples of evergreen alliances of the world are the following:
Presence of a mutual defence threat : NATO
Similiarities of religious beliefs: Saudi Arabia / Other Arab States & Pakistan.
Similiar Ethnic Background: U.K, Australia, U.S, New Zealand.
Economic reasons: Various economic and monetary alliances of mutual benefit.
Nature of State: Democracies / Theocracies / Dictatorships etc.
May be you can add some more. So identifying the basic fundamentals should be able to give us a good insight in to this relationship between Pakistan and China that you are claiming to be evergreen.

----In your illustration you concerned NATO and U.K-U.S, obviously, those alliance are all base on common behalf.

----Frankly speeking, CH and Pak's relationship is base on need, the defence need, development need,politics need, economics need and so on. Except that, we have some special relationship which many other countires don't have. I needn't say that again and again.

----You can mediate that when Haiti earthquake happened, most countries aided them because the humanism demand they do, Haiti only gained material. However, China earthquake happened, we gained material aid from all over the world too. Except that, we gained mental support, which made us feel warmth, which came from our sincere friend. Wouldn't Pakistan did like that? Shouldn't China support them either? The history events tied us together, we cannot separate, the heart let us do.
Most Chinese would not be able to locate Pakistan on the world map. Why, majority don't even know Pakistan exsists.
I have even come across some chinese who think Pakistan is province of Afghanistan. Some Chinese who know about Pakistan, came to know only after 9/11, and for the wrong reasons ;).

----Do you want to say that Pakistan is a small country , smaller than India, so most of Chinese didn't know him?
----I don't agree with you. Before 2008, the former president of Pakistan visited China, CCTV made a lot of interview programs about him, Chinese who saw TV would heard he said that "The friendship of Pakistan and China is higher than mountain and deeper than ocean."
You said that Chinese didn't know Pakistan, that's a joke! Frankly speeking, there are some Chinese didn't care about the international affairs, they only pay attention to computer games, best drying, delicious food and so on. Every countriy has people like this. May be some of Indian don't know China yet.
----But after 2008, no one in China didn't know Pakistan, we can saw alot of articles about the friendship of Pakistan, even today, we can see many people appreciate Pakistan also. Include those guys who only care theirselves.
Buddy thats because we have a free press/NGO here who have the freedom to document them...not like in China where evrything is dcumented only by CPC and never sees the light of the day.

Oh i see free press NGOs han, My cousin lives in Hyderabad/ India he says that in recent riots between Muslims and Hindus, 17 mosques have been stoned and 3 have been burnt (shaheed), and there was curfew for more then couple of weeks, why dont you show some pictures on that, i have never heard it on press or any where else, go fool someone else:agree:
My uncle lived in china visited macau,hongkong,beijing and he said tht Chinese were very very kind towards Pakistani people.
He was singing like a parrot about China,Chinese people and there kindness towards Pakistanis.
Saudi Arabia is not your best friend at this time and its a fact, if you have any doubt just visit Manmohan Singh's visit to Saudi Arabia thread and read the comments of Pakistani members.

As, for china????????????

I have never said that USA, Saudi Arabia and China are our best friend.

But, 2 out of three are not your best friend for sure and have came closer to India this is what i have said.

So ur tellin us tht coz manmohan visited KSA after 6 decades they have better relations with KSA>?:rofl:
And KSA will abandon us in case of a war with india?
USA is nobdys friends they just have a work relationship with everybdy and has been most of the time anti indian in a sense nixon called indra a ....
and another president called indians ...
China well they are our brothers..no worry abt tht.
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