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Worst part is, most Indians still believe they can win a war with China

You can think India is already a leading power and will become stronger with each passing day.
Uh huh ... losing 1000 square kilometers of strategically valuable territory, having 22 to 50 soldiers killed in Galwan and another 60 wounded, over 100k covid cases per day, an economy that is crashing 25% with hundreds of millions unemployed, and being surrounded by increasingly China-centric (and therefore hostile) neighbors makes India stronger with each passing day. I buy that logic :enjoy: .
India is actually capable of winning small to medium engagements with China, provided both countries don't escalate beyond border skirmishes. They currently have more men along the border and they are able to deploy more air assets due to having greater number of airfields. China's advantage won't be apparent unless it becomes a major war.

I mock the Indians a lot here, but I am also realistic. It's not as one-sided as many here would think.

India is about to get exposed. They have 270+ Su-30MKI and a far greater number of airfields in the area. India has no excuses.

China's J-20 fighter jets show superiority over previous generation counterparts
By Liu Xuanzun Source: Global Times Published: 2020/9/15

Despite being heavily outnumbered, a Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) pilot scored a 17:0 victory against opponents with a newly commissioned fighter jet in a recent combat exercise. Many clues suggest that the aircraft the pilot flew was likely the J-20, China's most advanced stealth fighter jet. If the speculation turns out to be true, the exercise result again demonstrated the absolute superiority the J-20 has over its previous generation counterparts, media and experts said on Tuesday.

Indian media previously hyped that India's newly purchased Rafale fighter jets, which are one generation older than the J-20, were better than the Chinese aircraft.

Facing interceptions from multiple directions, Chen Xinhao, a young pilot attached to the Wang Hai Air Group under the PLA Eastern Theater Command, coordinated with his teammate and took down 17 opposing fighter jets with no damage taken, despite being heavily outnumbered, the PLA Daily reported on Monday.

IMHO China Military is in fact quite confident but is trying its best to avoid a war in order not to humilate India and create another decades of distrust and animosity between them.
But more than often, many Indians mistook these gestures from China as signs of weakness and suffer from lapsed amnesia due to induced nationalism by fake news.
India are still suffering from the shock and humiliation of 1962 and still cannot move forward.
Most Indians are in fact trying to survive the effects of COVID and COVID itself.
They have little or no interest in the conflict s n Kashmir or LAC.
it will soon be 6 million and then 10 millions. According to Chinese researchers, all COVID cases suffer from permanent lung damages. And India today will buy more arms but can only offers herd immunity to its people.
India is barely a regional power now, considering how all of her neighbors despise her.

1)India recently defeated China in UN commission for women election .2) 184 countries around the world voted in favour of India to be permanent representative at UNSC.
Painting people of a whole region with a broad bigoted brush :( . Sort of opens a window into the working of your mind. It’s disturbing and sad.
If your kind paints all Pakistanis and muslims as atangwadis, Bangladeshis as leeches immigrant parasites, Chinese as copycats, nepalis and sri lanka as poor people, Then why can't I paint bhartis as bigots?? Besides I am doing it on this forum!
Want to know what's more sad? You on this forum and your kind working in Muslim and Christian countries. Despite being closeted racist and bigots.:disagree:
1)India recently defeated China in UN commission for women election .2) 184 countries around the world voted in favour of India to be permanent representative at UNSC.

haha, a giant win against China, hinduvta scums are satisfied.
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