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Worst flooding in the region in 40 years


Feb 16, 2013
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1400 lives lost across India, Bangladesh and Nepal, and counting.. Why isn't hardly anyone talking about it ? while the forum is inundated with useless threads about who's worse off at juvenile dick measuring contests

When floods hit Australia and Sri Lanka last year there was so much coverage and discussions even though the deaths were minimal compared to this catastrophe.. And hurricane Harvey in Texas is still making headlines.. Just goes to show where priorities lie

1400 lives lost across India, Bangladesh and Nepal, and counting.. Why isn't hardly anyone talking about it ? while the forum is inundated with useless threads about who's worse off at juvenile dick measuring contests

When floods hit Australia and Sri Lanka last year there was so much coverage and discussions even though the deaths were minimal compared to this catastrophe.. And hurricane Harvey in Texas is still making headlines.. Just goes to show where priorities lie

Because nobody cares about sub-continent people, not even themselves. In PDF only circlejerking and dickmeasuring is allowed
1400 lives lost across India, Bangladesh and Nepal, and counting.. Why isn't hardly anyone talking about it ? while the forum is inundated with useless threads about who's worse off at juvenile dick measuring contests

When floods hit Australia and Sri Lanka last year there was so much coverage and discussions even though the deaths were minimal compared to this catastrophe.. And hurricane Harvey in Texas is still making headlines.. Just goes to show where priorities lie

1400 lives lost across India, Bangladesh and Nepal, and counting.. Why isn't hardly anyone talking about it ? while the forum is inundated with useless threads about who's worse off at juvenile dick measuring contests

When floods hit Australia and Sri Lanka last year there was so much coverage and discussions even though the deaths were minimal compared to this catastrophe.. And hurricane Harvey in Texas is still making headlines.. Just goes to show where priorities lie

When similar catastrophies happen on many continents,the ''white'' always get the most attention,India,Bangladesh and Nepal just have the wrong color of people.
the deaths in india could have been prevented if india had used the weather satellites data better and deployed more helicopters to fight floods instead of facing china and pakistan

When similar catastrophies happen on many continents,the ''white'' always get the most attention,India,Bangladesh and Nepal just have the wrong color of people.

Its not the wrong colour.

I ask you.

If the state and national authorities cant be bothered to save the 500+ people who died in Bihar or bring the plight to world attention, who would care?

no one would bother about countries that dont care about themselves.

Thats why the west never bothered much about genocides in 3rd world nations, its much too tough, and neglected by governments.

Even india's own bhopal chemical disaster was marginalised by india.

Its always good to inflect rather than to point fingers and ask why.

The world did care about Tiananmen 1989.

Its always important to know why.

Both chinese and south asia are coloured people.
When similar catastrophies happen on many continents,the ''white'' always get the most attention,India,Bangladesh and Nepal just have the wrong color of people.

Well i'm not entirely surprised at the institutionalized racism from western media, Outsets like CNN, BBC, CH4 or even AL Jazeera have their own agenda but what's down right sad is the lack of empathy from their own people, Mostly because it's the poor and the voiceless that's mainly affected, I mean just look at this sub section and the Bangladeshi sub section in PDF, Look what they're discussing about ? As @Kal Muah mentioned above even their own people care less, One of my Indian colleagues just mentioned on his FB account that the Indian media really started to cover the news only when Bombay got severely affected
Well i'm not entirely surprised at the institutionalized racism from western media, Outsets like CNN, BBC, CH4 or even AL Jazeera have their own agenda but what's down right sad is the lack of empathy from their own people, Mostly because it's the poor and the voiceless that's mainly affected, I mean just look at this sub section and the Bangladeshi sub section in PDF, Look what they're discussing about ? As @Kal Muah mentioned above even their own people care less, One of my Indian colleagues just mentioned on his FB account that the Indian press started to cover the news only when Bombay got severely affected

Truth be told not all of india is mountainous.

As sea levels rise as a result of global warming and magnetic poles inverts, its almost inevitable that natural disasters get worst.

India must seize the initiative and do what is right to prevent floods.

Flood prevention can start with dams, drainage, walls and irrigation etc

Look at the idiots in indian defence forum.

They only know "tejas" "arjun" "AMCA" and "1967"

They dont know about "poverty" "education for masses" "infrastructure cleanup" and "aid for people"

They only want to see india have stealth fighter.

India's defense budget as percentage is 0.6% higher than China!
Quite surprised nobody raised this issue. Where is the monies for social spending really.

Jai hind? Really?

@proud_indian @fsayed @Alphacharlie
@SorryNotSorry @Star Wars
@navtrek @doe33

@gslv mk3 @Stephen Cohen
@Jackdaws @Gurjot.S
@hellfire @nair @Majet Raha
@AnnoyingOrange @Dem!god
@Rollno21 @wiseone2 @third eye @Guynextdoor2
@Rajaraja Chola @Abingdonboy
@gulli @The_Sidewinder
@Robinhood Pandey

@ito @Vishwabalas @Nalini

@Tshering22 @Kal Muah

@anant_s @pothead

@Sam Vaish @deep.ocean

@Ajaxpaul @Kinetic

@Omega007 @jetray

@Dash @WhyCry
The world did care about Tiananmen 1989.
The world didnt care about Tiananmen 1989,the western media(western powers) only used it to portray the ''evilness'' of the communist party in China,China was getting to independent and powerful in economic and military(the economic reforms in China started in 1978).
Both chinese and south asia are coloured people.
You cant compare it to China,South Korea or Japan,these countries made themselves count.

Well i'm not entirely surprised at the institutionalized racism from western media, Outsets like CNN, BBC, CH4 or even AL Jazeera have their own agenda but what's down right sad is the lack of empathy from their own people, Mostly because it's the poor and the voiceless that's mainly affected, I mean just look at this sub section and the Bangladeshi sub section in PDF, Look what they're discussing about ? As @Kal Muah mentioned above even their own people care less, One of my Indian colleagues just mentioned on his FB account that the Indian media really started to cover the news only when Bombay got severely affected
Ok then two reasons,poor and color.
Well i'm not entirely surprised at the institutionalized racism from western media, Outsets like CNN, BBC, CH4 or even AL Jazeera have their own agenda but what's down right sad is the lack of empathy from their own people, Mostly because it's the poor and the voiceless that's mainly affected, I mean just look at this sub section and the Bangladeshi sub section in PDF, Look what they're discussing about ? As @Kal Muah mentioned above even their own people care less, One of my Indian colleagues just mentioned on his FB account that the Indian media really started to cover the news only when Bombay got severely affected

LOL .... you really want to talk about "reality" ?

Looks at the TRUE SIZE image of US, India and Australia.



Now explain to us why the population of India is 1300 Million people while the population of Australia is still 24 Million :coffee:

So before curing your itch to preach to India and the west, I suggest you start preaching to your own govt. and taking in over 100 Million Indian emigrants. (for starters)

THEN we can talk more about the floods in India. How does that sound ?
Well i'm not entirely surprised at the institutionalized racism from western media, Outsets like CNN, BBC, CH4 or even AL Jazeera have their own agenda but what's down right sad is the lack of empathy from their own people, Mostly because it's the poor and the voiceless that's mainly affected, I mean just look at this sub section and the Bangladeshi sub section in PDF, Look what they're discussing about ? As @Kal Muah mentioned above even their own people care less, One of my Indian colleagues just mentioned on his FB account that the Indian media really started to cover the news only when Bombay got severely affected
You got that part wrong. Indians are very well aware of the situation what is going on with the flood. With Trending in both Twitter and Facebook you can pretty much know that Indians are active about it. There is also many fund page for flood victims that is running. Newspapers like The Hindu, TOI, Indian Express have daily updated their reports on Flood. The thing about why others are not interested is we didn't cared to have international media presence to show our case. US have huge international media to push their narrative, CNN, MSNBC etc etc. To be frank we never heard of Australian floods, and most in India also have very little knowledge about the ongoing US floods. Take also an example of Japan, their earthquakes hardly feature in our media, so we never get to know about it. What you see in PDF is very different from real life. In PDF after chinese standoff, you can pretty much see how in every thread it is about trolling Indians, thus we never cared to post it, since we hardly ever have healthy discussions here
Sick RSSers, never care about low-caste hindus who r suffering
You got that part wrong. Indians are very well aware of the situation what is going on with the flood. With Trending in both Twitter and Facebook you can pretty much know that Indians are active about it. There is also many fund page for flood victims that is running. Newspapers like The Hindu, TOI, Indian Express have daily updated their reports on Flood. The thing about why others are not interested is we didn't cared to have international media presence to show our case. US have huge international media to push their narrative, CNN, MSNBC etc etc. To be frank we never heard of Australian floods, and most in India also have very little knowledge about the ongoing US floods. Take also an example of Japan, their earthquakes hardly feature in our media, so we never get to know about it. What you see in PDF is very different from real life. In PDF after chinese standoff, you can pretty much see how in every thread it is about trolling Indians, thus we never cared to post it, since we hardly ever have healthy discussions here

Exactly, and your point was proved by the very next post.

Sick RSSers, never care about low-caste hindus who r suffering
You got that part wrong. Indians are very well aware of the situation what is going on with the flood. With Trending in both Twitter and Facebook you can pretty much know that Indians are active about it. There is also many fund page for flood victims that is running. Newspapers like The Hindu, TOI, Indian Express have daily updated their reports on Flood. The thing about why others are not interested is we didn't cared to have international media presence to show our case. US have huge international media to push their narrative, CNN, MSNBC etc etc.

Not until the floods hit Bombay according to many colleagues of mine, That after scores were dead in Assam and Bihar etc.. And it seems so if you look at the media coverage in India

What you see in PDF is very different from real life. In PDF after chinese standoff, you can pretty much see how in every thread it is about trolling Indians, thus we never cared to post it, since we hardly ever have healthy discussions here

I have been in this forum long enough to know its not just some Chinese, Actually Indian trolls are worse and more in numbers, It's not a wonder being a Pakistani defense forum but it is surprising the leniency shown by the admins and mods towards it, You wont get such leeway in a Indian run forum
Not until the floods hit Bombay according to many colleagues of mine, That after scores were dead in Assam and Bihar etc.. And it seems so if you look at the media coverage in India

How about asking your govt. to give asylum to a few million of those flood affected Indians ?

or do you still want to ,

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