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Worried Indian Army Witnessing Huge PLA Build up on LAC with Massive Live Fire Exercises Nearby

India with Modi, a megalomaniac, egotistic person will do some foolish act to save the fake pride and will start a war with China, it seems as though.

Modi ego and pride is hurt badly, and a wounded Tiger(read Hyena) can go to any length to save his pride, just as people do when put against the wall, a do or die situation.

Modi with his 56" chest is hurt badly with bruised ego and pride, lost face to show it around to bhakts and others.

And with India run by a Mob, a mob has many heads but no brains, the chance of a skirmish turning into a full spectrum war is real, clear and present.
What kids here don't realize is that the west , especially usa would love to exploit a conflict to quietly support india with intelligence and possibly arms and peg the Chinese down a bit. India wont be fighting alone. In the 65 and 71 wars , usa and uk quietly helped Pakistan, even in day to day operations, especially in the air operations. American officers were involved in planning sorties and interrogating captured indian officers.
And if the Americans quietly use their stealth planes to bomb some Chinese formations, what can the Chinese do ? They will know on examining the damage but would keep silent for obvious reasons. The Chinese have been extremely foolish in initiating this during a worldwide disaster.

Side effect of too much cowcola.

During 65 and 71 US placed arms embargo on Pakistan.
India received more intelligence support from Soviet union during 65 and 71 war then Pakistan did from US.
Now I understand that all that BS of "no first use" policy was that, BS. India is a dangerous and irresponsible nation, it should not hold nuclear weapons. The real "Rogue" state in the world is India.
West is foolish to protect and buildup India, providing its access to uranium etc. to build up her capacities.

The West have their own motives, to contain China. China is actually calling that bluff of the West to beef up India to cause problems for China.

Indians should think, they are nothing but "Sacrificial Lamb".

The indications are that "India" is not even a nuclear power. Their tests failed miserably , according to some of their own scientists. In any case, their missile delivery systems are not as operable as you guys think. I think that most of Indian's missiles are garbage, and should be dumped. Except perhaps "Brahmos" that to due to Russia's involvement. Even Brahmos have limitations, that's why India chickened out from their threat to launch missiles at Pakistan after 27th Feb 2019. They knew what would be coming their way, and they have no answers.

Why you guys do not think deeply about India's capabilities instead of getting suck in to the lies from your politicians and media!!
The Pak Intelligence must have a much clearer idea about the Indian capabilities! Have they shared it with the Chinese?
hey, hey! language Timothy! let's be posh and refer to it as fellatio, thusly it should be: just finished fellating the honorable PM of Australia"

Sorry you are right. Thanks for new vocabulary addition. India is great at fellating each other and their phrands. Don't forget to Jai!

India with Modi, a megalomaniac, egotistic person will do some foolish act to save the fake pride and will start a war with China, it seems as though.

Modi ego and pride is hurt badly, and a wounded Tiger(read Hyena) can go to any length to save his pride, just as people do when put against the wall, a do or die situation.

Modi with his 56" chest is hurt badly with bruised ego and pride, lost face to show it around to bhakts and others.

And with India run by a Mob, a mob has many heads but no brains, the chance of a skirmish turning into a full spectrum war is real, clear and present.

Modi is not a tiger. He is not even house cat. Modi is house rat and begging for real tigers (USA) to come fight its battle but tigers are also selfish creatures and there are prices to pay when dealing with the devil.
who do you think the puppet master is? oh wise one? they are a means to an end (a thing that is not important in itself but is useful in achieving an aim)

Does not mean much when the means is too scared, powerless, inferior, backward and incompetent to carry out it's job.
Modi is not a tiger. He is not even house cat. Modi is house rat and begging for real tigers (USA) to come fight its battle but tigers are also selfish creatures and there are prices to pay when dealing with the devil.

Exactly!!! A Jackal or a Hyena disguised as tiger for the gullible low IQ Indians...who loves fake bravado, false chest thumping and bragging. They are good in bragging, the Indians, aren't they.
India with Modi, a megalomaniac, egotistic person will do some foolish act to save the fake pride and will start a war with China, it seems as though.

Modi ego and pride is hurt badly, and a wounded Tiger(read Hyena) can go to any length to save his pride, just as people do when put against the wall, a do or die situation.

Modi with his 56" chest is hurt badly with bruised ego and pride, lost face to show it around to bhakts and others.

And with India run by a Mob, a mob has many heads but no brains, the chance of a skirmish turning into a full spectrum war is real, clear and present.

No I think they are big mouth bastards who show off with words but never with honor and action. Right now they realized that their decades long slandering of China has made CCP aware of their enemy status. So what do you do with enemies? At the moment India is desperately doing three things:

1. Begging China to stop
2. Begging USA and alliance of gangster former and current criminal nations (some of which raped India for centuries but doesn't matter to them) to help
3. Quickly ordering military equipment with express post and even larger orders of underpants. Rapists realized real men will not take their shit longer than they have to. India becomes poorer and their military suppliers loving every second. Meanwhile China hopefully buys or hacks and steals their secrets like British did with France to Argentina about Exocet missile. Every man who sells and lies for you will also sell and lie against you India don't forget. You made the ones who could be your friends into enemies and your real enemies into your pimps. So fucking tragic for Asia.
a chance of a skirmish turning into a full spectrum war is real, clear and present.
deliberately, on purpose against China? not in million years unless by some accident of fate. but against Pakistan, yes they can be persuaded/coerced/bribed by next month or within 2 at the most

but they'll be unpleasantly surprised if they do
I would stay out of it.
China might crush us.
But that does not mean you can get involved.
That's cowardly jumping in to fight that is not yours
And we may end taking you lot out completely
Leave your interoperability to fiction you have enough issues at home already

WARNING ! | ADULT CONTENT | Reader discretion strongly advised.

Ever heard of double-penetration? In military terminology, it's also referred to as two-front war, but here I would like to keep it closer to indian-IQ level and refer to it as double-penetration.

Visualize this. I know how good the Indian mind is at imagining things.

While China begins to ***-bang Endia doggy-style spanking it's bums red, shouting heee-haww, with Endia's back arched up and China's hand around Endia's "neck", it would be in the best interest of Pakistan to sneak underneath and make it's entry through the other front(al hole).

But the story doesn't end here. It's not going to be this easy for Endia. Like some military think tanks have suggested, it'll be a FOUR FRONT WAR.

Now again, use your imagination. The third penetration will be in the form of a deep-throat penetration by the armed insurgencies from within Endia, fueled further with support from the first two bangers. The fourth front engagement would be in the form of a forced hand-job for Khalistan / Sikh movement.

Quite a sorry picture on the horizon for Endia.

The above post is purely for entertainment purposes. I personally have a high regard for my Indian neighbours and respect them. It is just the RSS / Hindu Fundamentalists and their Bhakts, which in my opinion, are responsible for taking India down the dangerous road towards destruction.
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Exactly!!! A Jackal or a Hyena disguised as tiger for the gullible low IQ Indians...who loves fake bravado, false chest thumping and bragging. They are good in bragging, the Indians, aren't they.

Yes I have read their forums for years. I realized what they are like then. The lowest and cheapest enemy we have. But cheap and low has its advantages, like you see from 1950s to now, India steadily becoming worse and worse a country and poorer relative to average global improvements which shows everyone in 20th to early 21st century is steadily improving but not India by that rate. The evidence is in front of them and their true reflection denied with every lie they tell others and every lie they convince for themselves. Our cheap enemy wants to make itself the whore of the west and has done this. Luckily the west respects China's real progress and abilities behind the internet shit talking, western corporate leaders and politicians have genuine respect and acknowledgement of China and CCP. If they want to have a war tomorrow, then God bless us all and let judgement come for each person because we have lived under their torment and worked our shirts off while they point laugh and curse us. Afraid of death? PLA? Maybe some individuals but balance and nature is coming for Jai fellatio masters.

Since Indians often pay lip service to the idea of karma, then why do they practice such cruelty to other's? Why are they this racist (I have read enough to know them). Why are they living on planet Earth's WORST Hell shithole and getting worse day by day and cannot sustain any disturbance to perfect condition for example cannot take disruption of economic issues or pandemic which so many countries did try to control. It's like conditions must be perfect just for them to maintain hell shithole status and if worse than that, I don't even know how bad. But they will deny all this and focus on taking Beijing in two days like they have the dignity to say the word Beijing. I will not trade Beijing and its population for all of India.
It is just the RSS / Hindu Fundamentalists and their Bhakts, which in my opinion, are responsible for taking India down the dangerous road towards destruction.
is Congress all lovely, innocent and harmless then?

oh by the way who was responsible for 47, 48, 62, 65, 71 and 84? Congress or RSS and their bakhts?
is Congress all lovely, innocent and harmless then?

oh by the way who was responsible for 48, 62, 65, 71 and 84? Congress or RSS and their bakhts?
Ever heard of damage control ? hmmm

In my opinion, the level of suicidal damage that the current lot is doing has no comparison in indian history.
You don't seem to understand we already took land without fighting. At least in 1962 you guys had some balls to fight. Now it is done without fighting. Only cheap words accusing PLA of being sissies and paper tigers is what you have. Don't you get it? Words are not real.

India has been behaving like our enemy for many decades and now cries about it when China has turned around and treat you like enemy. 2018 gave Indians last chance to behave and since continue to behave like enemy and whispering with our other enemies, then why not just be enemies? You already treat us like that so I think about time China treats you that way too. First enemy to destroy is the one closest and easiest. You are not USA, you are not as strong as Pakistan but you feel like you are USSR + USA in power. In reality your generals have disappeared and last week went into China begging and we told you to go home, come back with your guns when you find them and start shooting. Not interested in your word playing. Behind our backs you say we are bat eating sissies with one child afraid to war... in front of us you are begging and beaten up and tied up.

So seems like reading many of these forums here that Indians are not just real cowards calling others sissies but also fucking stupid. They don't understand the war is over already. They lost because they don't even fight. We have taken Galwan. And even after this war is over and won, they still here talking about China should fire first shot. What the **** is wrong with these people? Are they being paid by CCP to make up this shit so it is easier for CCP? Almost seems like many of these commentators are actually Chinese false flaggers to make Indians seem ridiculous. Also helps CCP if India denies China taking territory. I guess either way, Modi is loser.

Bhai we've been staying put and tired waiting for your motorbikes with 20 decorative rapists. Your pathetic rapist army is strong in words. Can't even bare to face us, don't even talk about fighting. PLA is itching to kill Jai Hinders. We will send the northerners on you. One guy will destroy the faces of 20 Indian rapist army jai hinders if you just want to keep it fist fighting only.
Now you understand what we have had to put up with with these shameless cretins for the last 70 odd years.
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