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World's most powerful typhoon hits Philippines

Calm down Zero Wing, no one in China loves to see Filipinos die. Land dispute can't erase humanity. We will provide donation and it's your decision to accept it or not. you are overeacting in this case.
Calm down Zero Wing, no one in China loves to see Filipinos die. Land dispute can't erase humanity. We will provide donation and it's your decision to accept it or not. you are overeacting in this case.

It's not his decision at all, it's his country's decision and i'm betting their leaders will gladly accept our generous humanitarian offer. The foul mouthed racist here does not represent the whole nation. I'd almost feel a pity the typhoon didn't send this nasty Pinoy to the next afterlife for his ungrateful attitude towards the helpful Chinese who are willing to lend a helping hand.

That Aquino wasn't showing any smirk on his ugly face on television this time but he sure did when he was speaking to the press about the HK tourists and the Taiwanese fisherman shooting incidents.
It's not his decision at all, it's his country's decision and i'm betting their leaders will gladly accept our generous humanitarian offer. The foul mouthed racist here does not represent the whole nation. I'd almost feel a pity the typhoon didn't send this nasty Pinoy to the next afterlife for his ungrateful attitude towards the helpful Chinese who are willing to lend a helping hand.

That Aquino wasn't showing any smirk on his ugly face on television this time but he sure did when he was speaking to the press about the HK tourists and the Taiwanese fisherman shooting incidents.
Aquino is a USA boot licker, let wait and see how Uncle Sam rescue them in this case.
We all needed come together as one unit, one day all human will accept the differences and united as one.
Wish all Philippines well and on to a quick recovery with the help of all human kinds.
Please politics should be set aside at the moment. No words to describe the catastrophe that has hit our beloved country. Looking at these photos from local and international newspapers the devastation is overwhelming.








No amount of preparedness can avert a disaster like this. People thought they could weather the storm like before... US suffered almost the same in Katrina which a weaker typhoon compared to Haiyan (Yolanda) which is said to be one of the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history. In fact, even evacuation centers were badly damaged.

When it comes to calamity-preparedness, Japan is at the top but despite of that, the 2011 tsunami killed almost 20,000 Japanese.
RIP Filippino

My heart is with you, I understand what you gone thru and how horror as I myself were in the heart if Louisiana when jarring hits,

In this love and lost time, I hope that those who lost contact with their loved one found their list and may those who lost their love on found comfort

Are you a lonely divorced lady?

Ha your really running out man :omghaha: now its sexuality hahahaha :omghaha: 
For all the people Maraming Salamat po (thank you) for your sincerity and oneness for the Filipino people.
As if we need it so screw you 

Wow so civilized what stupid post from a stupid arrogant troll
You are the country that asks for help. As part of a world community, we have no choice but to help you out of goodwill. But you can assure we won't expand our best effort for that. In fact, how much you help us in 2008 Sichuan Earthquake is how much we will give back, about $340,000. We will give you $350,000, take it or leave it. Oh don't forget, keep the change! LMAO
I think Philippines was not enough prepared. when phi-lin happened exactly 1 month back I was in the area. only 10 ppl died of cyclone. govt should provide ample information and preventive measures .
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