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World's 13b$ Aircraft Carrier

Df21d is different in a sense that its a medium range ballistic missile on which terminal phase has been made maneuverable enough to hit a slow moving big target like an aircraft career... off course with satellite links and terminal target acquisition and guidance system...
Its apogee can be 1000 km above and hence beyond range of any radar... its descent is probably at mac 20...
It will pass through all known defences and impact alone at that speed can disable a career..

Collin powell said " this missile is not changing rules of the game rather has potential to change game it self...

Russians recently commented that no known counter measures can stop it...

Only question remains is it accurate enough ( at that kind of speed)??

Another advantage of anti ship ballistic missile is range is not really an issue...once u have perfected targetting and accuracy, range ca be enhanced by putting same war head on longer range ballistic missiles... so there is no where to hide....

lol, DF-21D have been myth had been debunked many time before in this forum alone.

In theory, if DF-21D can actually do all its said and complete the kill chain, there are nothing in the US Arsenal can stop it, yet.

But the problem is, DF-21D have a very long kill chain, and it only take 1 of the element to have gone wrong, the "kill" would not be able to be established,.

It would be worthwhile for you to know, the US had already considered Medium range ASBM in its application in the 70s and deemed the kill chain is too complicated to work.

1.) Target Acquisition.

Being an ASBM, you acquire your target remotely. Basically how you find a carrier in millions square miles of seas. Carrier is big, but not that big to be able to spot in the ocean. Unless you are depending on the target carrier to broadcast their location to you the whole time, you will need to find it, and how are you going to find it? WHat MH-370 told us is we can't, the sea is simply too big to cover everything, and if you cannot locate the carrier group in the middle of the sea, you cannot bloody shoot it now can you?

Even if you do find them, the Carrier can put on a EM Decoy and imitate the EM signature of the carrier and put it in front or behind the carrier to fool the incoming threat. Since the guidance is not done visually, it could basically fool the missile even if the Chinese successfully locate the carrier in the middle of the ocean.

2.) Initial launch.

Basically it is the most vulnerable stage of the ASBM, it can be destroy and disable by airborne attack, either with missile to actually shoot them down to using airborne laser to render it disable. And once launch, the missile is literally out of control on the Chinese.

3.) Launch site.

Not to mention the launch site can be attack prior to launch, by tracking vehicle in and out of the site and also by ELINT and SIGINT gathered by other means.

4.) Terminal Guidance

Once the missile enter terminal guidance, again, assort of decoy tactics can use range from Laser, Airborne missile, BMD and now Jamming by Jammer Aircraft such as EA-18G or EC-130H. At this point, nothing can the Chinese do to prevent the missile from being shot down, disable, or jammed. Can the US shot it down, disable it or jam it is another question.

5.) Range

Above all, the most important issue is range, at 2,500 km, the Carrier don't actually need to enter that range to do their job, with the help of aerial refuelling and buddy refuelling, F-18 can cover twice that range (5000 kms or 3000 miles) easy with airborne refuelling (Which can literally extend the range into unlimited). Where the carrier can simply sit outside the range of DF-21D and launch F-18 and refueller to carry on with their duty, which ultimately rendered the whole concept of ASBM useless.....

And for China to score that ASBM kill, all 5 element in the kill chain have to pass thru before it can call a hit, and for the US, they only need tp break one to render the kill chain useless. Hence DF-21D is not an actual favourable weapon, it may be the messiah for observer, it have no actual use in reality.

If you have watched the video, you can clearly see, these measure are being developed by Raytheon for USAF to counter long range chinese and and Russians SAMs. I don't know which other AF is foolish enough to mess with Russian or Chinese Air-defence system unless they are part of NATO or their close buddy. Outdated Iraqi air defence units were a duck shoot for USAF. Nonetheless, Chinese and Russians learned valuable lesson on expense of US adventures overseas and are developing exactly what they needed to counter USAF strategies. Russians are leading in long range SAMs, while Chinese are trying to beat US in electromagnetic warfare.

US Has Lost ‘Dominance In Electromagnetic Spectrum': Shaffer « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

lol......again, I cannot debate what China or Russia "Hope" to do. I can only debate what they "Can" do. And at this moment, there are nothing in Russia or Chinese inventory that can penetrate thru the extensive 3 stage AA net, had they do a massive swarm like you said with their premier fighter, the only result is they will almost certainly all be shot down by a combination of SM-2/3 and AIM-120C fired by AB Destroyer and Ticonderoga Cruiser and FA-18E/F Superhornet guided by shipborne radar and E-2D before they even reach the firing range.

You can argue all you want with what Chinese hope to achieve, but I can also counter with what US have been doing to keep the edge. The technology field is not like you develop something and I have to wait for you to finish develop it before I starting on some other thing to counter it, the progress is parallel, which means the moment you are developing something to kill me, I am already doing something to render your stuff useless.

By the way, the video is actually projecting the same stuff I said, just instead of using a manned jammer (EA-18G). the video show using an unmanned jammer (MALD). Everything down to the strike package is the same as what I said the US have been doing since 1990.
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I have a question, since majority of people here are saying that Aircraft Carriers are now obsolete and just plain targets for that DF-21 or somethin, why in the world the Chinese and Indians are building 'em and still wants 'em?

@jhungary sir, I will be in Queensland before the New Year for 3 days. It is my first time going down under! Any suggestions where can I see the sights?
I have a question, since majority of people here are saying that Aircraft Carriers are now obsolete and just plain targets for that DF-21 or somethin, why in the world the Chinese and Indians are building 'em and still wants 'em?

@jhungary sir, I will be in Queensland before the New Year for 3 days. It is my first time going down under! Any suggestions where can I see the sights?

lol, there are not much to see in Queensland, been there a couple of time myself, unless you like water sport, it won't be as much fun as you like.

I will probably spend one day in surfer paradise, 1 day in Brisbane and 1 days in the cairns. Then you can get to places like Water World, Australia Zoo, Warner Studio, Surfer's Paradise, great barrier reef (if you want to spare time) and Brisbane nightlife.
Months? Are you kidding me ?

These days the nuclear reactors in our all top line SSNs and Carriers come with life long fuel support. They don't need to come back at all and limited only by the extent of human exhaustion and stress !

Yeah...... and the number of Rolls of Toilet paper available on board ! :lol:

I have a question, since majority of people here are saying that Aircraft Carriers are now obsolete and just plain targets for that DF-21 or somethin, why in the world the Chinese and Indians are building 'em and still wants 'em?

The Age of Carriers is not done yet, never mind any 'yarns' about Dong Fengs and such like. However, Carriers have a very specific purpose, and other "wunder-waffen" are already here to serve military purposes.

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