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World's 13b$ Aircraft Carrier

i think the power of a carrier is consider " how many aircraft unit it can carry", anyway i want to marry her (ford class carrier) she the most beauty full air craft carrier...................:smitten:
and have lots and lots of babies....

sorry folks, that was irresistible :P



And, for comparison,

LHA/LHDs aren't small either (about the same full load displacement as Charles de Gaulle CVN)

this ship man... she is a beauty and a beast... only if it had a hot Figurehead on its prow... but still got to go now...

I like it. though I wonder if would have been wiser if we had to chosen to build smaller carriers like the size Charles De Gaulle for around $6 billion a pop.

These costs also includes expenditure of other secret black projects. The Defence contrators billed $600 for a hammer in 1980 which in current dollars could be $2400. These high costs are also compensation to these defence companies for the other advance defence research projects.

The myth of the $600 hammer - News - GovExec.com
I wish they had a Naval F22, The Combo would be.....

That would be pretty sweet :woot:

If it were up to me, the F-22 production line would have continued much longer than it did. but that's another subject for another day :)
One ship is enough to bring democracy to a lot of countries ;)
Ahahahhaha that crack me up:rofl: You are right though

13 Billion???!!!!!
I hope it justifies its cost.

It would have been better if USA would have built less compact super carriers, comparable to Enterprise....In 13 billion, about 2 would easily come.... and they would still carry over 60 aircrafts.

8 Ford size carriers.... and 8 improved EEnterprise. These , along with America Class would be enough of Democracy on Seas.

Jesus Christ .... This super carrier is over 30,000 tons bigger than our Elizabeth class carriers .. This is a monster. GOD save countries without democracy.:D .
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Wow! Considering that it's a nuclear powered ship capable of sailing for months out in the sea, the number of toilet rolls needed for 4400 staff would run into hundreds of thousands!! :woot:

This carrier alone can defeat many powerful countries military. It's like a whole country's entire military power floating in the high seas . It's a monster . Respect . :tup:
Jesus Christ .... This super carrier is over 30,000 tons bigger than our Elizabeth class carriers .. This is a monster. GOD save countries without democracy.:D .
And - in turn - QE class is almost 30,000 tons bigger than Charles de Gaulle CVN....
Lool Well, to each his own 'class'. :D
PA2 (French: Porte-Avions 2, "Aircraft Carrier 2") was a planned aircraft carrier under development by Thales Naval France and DCNS for the French Navy. The design was based on the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers developed for the Royal Navy. The project was cancelled in the 2013 French White Paper on Defence and National Security.
French aircraft carrier PA2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


France’s PA2/CVF Carrier Project: Stalled France, Hedged Demand from Brazil?


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