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World War III : Possible Scenario

World war III : Possible Scenarios

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US are weakening to hell the European economy
In an economy matter i guess will remind only US top tech and China would be the main manufacturer
But i see no war possible in this world
We communicate much more than before the second war and there is no nazi kind of big power on earth

A writer and consulting of president of France, who i like , Attali said
the new order would be first major companies which lead to an economy above all the states even US
and then by reaction it would be a planet dictatorship military one
and then people would revolt and the world would be better
ok i simplify but his book is quite not possible to summarize easily :D

US against muslim world?
US is ally of many muslim countries.
US against China?
I don't China is stupid to enter in kind of game like that
US against Russia?
see NATO...

so what remains? nothing.
India will stay natural as usual.

Future wars will be fought over resources like drinking water..
And what makes u guys think that it had already not started! May be this is the WW3.
WWIII is long over due. We need to have war every 20 years to control the population of humans or some kind global disaster.
what do you mean?

What do u think that I mean, Iraq under occupation, Afghanistan, Pakistan under thread day in day out, Syria, Heck even Iran.

A world war dont really mean that conventional armies will go at each others throats. It has changed my friend. Too much at stake these days.
WWIII is long over due. We need to have war every 20 years to control the population of humans or some kind global disaster.

I think promoting birth control through more traditional means would be more productive and less destructive.
You have a urge to inpregnate women?l0l

I think china+islamic world is wishful thinking.

in any case i dont see a world war in the near future.
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