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World Stock Markets Crashed - COVID 19 2020!!!

Just means someone took out their share during none trading hours and rest of people of world are stuck with bad stocks ;)

I think 6am - 9am is special access for special financial bodies
Similarly 4pm to 6 pm is special acess for special financial bodies

Normal person can't buy/sell during these times

They manipulate the figures during these hours
Either they pull put funds suddenly , after a dodgy press release at 4:30 or in Early morning site a news over night as the reason for crash or surge

The big players keep their stash only the average Joe lose their cash and pension

That is the dark secret of financial trading you have to be lucky to not be stuck when manipulation is at peak
Technically we are 20 percent above the march 23 loss and therefore in a bull market.

I am pi55ing myself laughing. During the past two weeks 16 million american have signed up for employment benefits. Industry has all but ceased trading. Oil at 20 dollars and no sign of COVID 19 ending.
That's all the reason you need for global markets to rise 20 percent and enter bull market
Well certain "groups" stated they are willing to lend world "Governments" up to 1 Trillion Dollars Loan :smokin:
Do I need say more ?

From New World Order Card game
Game came out in 1994


Some really interesting concepts in this NWO GAME

This card looks very familiar from 2008 to 2013 energy crisis in Pakistan

Remember Mera Jism Meri Merzi ?

How about playing the offshore money card ?

We have already seen this card and person in this card?
Who authorized assassination ?

Hacking/Wikileaks/Targeted man card

But it is all concidental , from a board game made in 1994 based on a book from 1970's about New World Order ambitions
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We are emerging into a utopian society. Pandemics, market crashes, etc show us just how stupid capitalism (with all of the inequalities it empowers) really is. With a min wage, tuition-free education, universal healthcare, a universal basic income (UBI) and internet access for all, we'll raise the starting point of capitalism from zero, we'll let you die with no money, to a level of life with dignity, reducing societal daily fears on a massive scale which will free us to welcome the coming automation revolution with open arms rather than fear and great harm. I think we’re leaving the era of ‘greed is good’ and celebrating wealth and entering an era of altruism and equality.
the new emerging system of world is a hybrid of socialism and communism mix.
If you think about .....world governments become cashless with pandemic

  • This group comes in and lends them Trillions of Dollar and then gets back 10 Times more in interest

We have already seen how loans influence , control over country's internal policies

If country's owe money to this "Global Group" they can dictate policies world wide


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That is why we should adopt cryptocurrencies, how on the world can you keep printing a piece of paper and then call it "money"?
That is why we should adopt cryptocurrencies, how on the world can you keep printing a piece of paper and then call it "money"?
Cryoto is worse. It's not even real. At least you can hold money in your hand
You would computer systems out and .your money is gone

Gold.is the only option here. Back to gold , and NO TO any virtual thing
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