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World’s Largest Democracy Censors A British Magazine

Isnt the concept of democracy based on the idea that what the majority of the people desire is the direction the country will follow...under such circumstances, isnt it completely logical that such a magazine would be banned in India, where the majority of the population feels it is offensive and hence not worth reading.
Demoratic nations arent so because they agree or disagree with the notions put forth by other country, but because they allow their own people to make the decisions.

finally someone from pakistan who understands what democracy is...
"for the people by the people to the people"
Also doesn't democracy require openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view?
Indian behavior and actions resemble more to a facist state than democratic state.

your naive view of democracy is stupid..
Those countries that allow anyone to print anything within the law are democratic. Those that do not are not. Anti-religion publications come under blasphemy laws.

Does India have an anti-map law?

We don't have an Blasphemy Law.

Is that what you are asking?
Also doesn't democracy require openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view?
Indian behavior and actions resemble more to a facist state than democratic state.

Openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view?





So, the point is?
Also doesn't democracy require openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view?
Indian behavior and actions resemble more to a facist state than democratic state.

So who is opposing this within India? BJP, Left Parties, civil society, Minorities, Maoists, SC/STs? Don't tell me we have to accept, Pakistan, China or Bangladesh point of view to prove our's is a democracy. It will be a CHAOcracy, if a government doesn't doesn't listen to its own people and listens to another country. I am stopping short of giving an example.
alright TTT, i read what you said in reply to MBI Munshi. That territorial integrity is important, look at abbotabad.

How is abbotabad similar to this?

Doesn't it justify what MBI Munshi said in the beginning about India's "democracy" being a falsehood?

The whole world except India regards that map of Kashmir as correct. It is the official position. Those are the legal facts. Why censor the legal facts?

Since you want to know.

If India is a falsehood, it still survives.


The world regards the map as correct?


You are rather presumptuous to assume you are the world's spokesm

Update yourself

Separatists fume as UN drops Kashmir from pending disputes list
Published: Tuesday, Nov 16, 2010, 2:27 IST
By Ishfaq-ul-Hassan | Agency: DNA

Separatists are seething over the United Nations’ (UN’s) decision to drop Jammu and Kashmir from a list of long-pending international disputes.
Separatists fume as UN drops Kashmir from pending disputes list - India - DNA

That much for what the world is doing that puts paid to your contention!
BS. A map and a religion are two different things. Look them up.

Yet Pakistan has allowed the map to be displayed. Pakistan has more characteristics of democracy in this case.

Pakistan has allowed the US to do what it likes.

Are you happy?

Is that the democracy that you are talking about?

The threads here show that Pakistanis are not happy at all and instead are fuming!!

I share the same consternation as the rest of the Pakistanis, even though the US feels that they killed a most wanted terrorist who was plaguing the world including Pakistan.
Since you doubt it, why assume that it will be so?

Surely, your delusional assumptions cannot be taken as the Gospel, can it?

I find it also amusing that you are slave to the typical mentality that plagues many - that the West alone can be right and they alone are the sole custodian of all things bright and beautiful, to include Democracy.

I am not so gullible to believe they alone are human and rest are animals who have to follow their Masters to be acceptable. Do remember, the subcontinental civilisation is much much older than theirs and ideas of democracy is not something new to us.

Since you are such an adherent to the idea that the West and the gora log alone are the custodians of all things bright and beautiful in this universe, let me give you some cold facts of the Democracy of the West that you bow in obeisance to!

Are you aware of this in the UK

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, s.24 (1)-(3) - Arrest without warrant for arrestable offences
The powers in relation to these types of offences are in s.24(4) - (7):

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, s.24 (4)-(7) - Arrest without warrant for arrestable offences

(4) Any person may arrest without a warrant -

And this of your beloved US

United States Code: Title 18871

§ 871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency.

Even hot headed statements can sort one out!

Eg I was in on the assassination of President Kennedy and I am going to kill President Johnson in the near future. I have sold some cattle and purchased a rifle with a scope. I have written a letter to the White House today in which I told the President I would kill him. - Normand P. Michaud v. United States of America, 350 F.2d 131, July 7, 1965

Heard of the Patriot Act?

Heard of racial profiling?

I am sure the quote below will bring joy since it upholds the 'Democracy' of your beloved US of which you are so fondly ecstatic about!

If that is your ideal of Democracy, then what can one say?

Maybe you should see the film - MY NAME IS KHAN!

For Christ's sake, I am sure it would not be too much of a bother if do your homework before you appear to be a PR wonder of the US and UK.

I have nothing against the UK or the US. But then, I must be excused since I do not share your fascinated awe about they being the sole custodians of civilisation!

You amuse.


Triple T sir when will we bring to justice those responsible for Gujjrat genocide of muslims and sikh massacre of 1984 so that the confidence of minorities is restored in our country?
How is abbotabad similar to this?

Doesn't it justify what MBI Munshi said in the beginning about India's "democracy" being a falsehood?

The whole world except India regards that map of Kashmir as correct. It is the official position. Those are the legal facts. Why censor the legal facts?
The whole world is not Pakistan if that is wat U mean. That Map also portrays Baloch similar to Kashmir so is it the official position?

TTT was comparing the two incident. As Abbotabad incident breached the sovereignty of Pakistan the same way this disoriented map tried to breach our sovereignty. Here we dont allow that to happen even Map....
Also doesn't democracy require openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view?
Indian behavior and actions resemble more to a facist state than democratic state.

openness, tolerance and accepting the opponent point of view

Openness to Drone attacks
Tolerance for Special forces Operation
Opponent POV: Getting diktats from USA

If this is what you call Democracy. We are better of being a fascist nation. :P

On-topic: Regarding Censorship

RTI Act, October 12, 2005 allows citizen of India to get information from public office.

It is ensured by able leadership of

Central Chief Information Commissioner - Mr. Wajahat Habibbullah.

Central Information Commissioners - Prof. M.M. Ansari, AN. Tiwari, Mr. 0.P. Kejriwal, Ms. Padma Balasubhramanian.

So, quit worrying about Democracy and Rights to information in India. It is way better off than what you could presumably get 50 years from now.
Pakistan has allowed the US to do what it likes.

Are you happy?

Is that the democracy that you are talking about?

The threads here show that Pakistanis are not happy at all and instead are fuming!!

I share the same consternation as the rest of the Pakistanis, even though the US feels that they killed a most wanted terrorist who was plaguing the world including Pakistan.
Pak has been sleeping with US since the partition.And got its most of moral and monetary support from US.
Probably US is just getting its returns.

And regarding democracy, I have seen pak more under military rule than compared to politicians. If has been more under dectators than under democrats.

The citizens of a country will be happy when their country makes progress and gives as the basic utilities that keep them happy.
Even since partition pak has been mainly involved in wars either with India as under the US command( Read Afghan War)

Whenever it went for a war against India, It took serious jolts and not to mention even loosing half of its territory.

So anyone expect its citizens to be happy when thier leaders turn out to be more than just sore loosers?

We are still bashing Nehru for mistrusting Chinese during 62. And the victories over pak never compensated the embarassment.Then think about the nationals who never won any war? Just like french after Napoleon. :P

Indians put thier voice against the gov mainly for one thing. Its corruption. They believe corruption is the root of all devil. When Brits left the Indian sub-continent after robbing all its riches, India is full of poverty.Literally it had to import food grains to feed its citizens.And today that case has been different.But the corruption thing left over by brits has grown bigger and tantamount so that millions still cant come out of poverty and feed their children let alone eductating them.
Apart from these 2 main issues both of which are not self made, but could have been certainly eliminated were failed by Gov(sucessive governments)

Hence Indians also unhappy on these two counts to say the best.

While thier counterparts in pak are unhappy on many counts. when a thread bashing Indian giv appears, relative to that more than 10 are appearing bashing Pak giv by pakistanis.

However, many surveys and educated guesses have been proved that Indians are living happily than compared to pakistanis with wotever they had.

Although Indians still live short of manythings, they never let loose thier soverignity unlike pakistanis. When an arrogant US do areal and surface incursions on a day to day basis and kills pakistanis( even those living in NWFP as still paks)atleast 10 every day.

Inshort I would say realities infront of eyes provide a better picture than anything else.
Triple T sir when will we bring to justice those responsible for Gujjrat genocide of muslims and sikh massacre of 1984 so that the confidence of minorities is restored in our country?

I don't know the latest on the Delhi issue.

But there is a couple of SITs monitored by the Supreme Court on Gujarat.

Politics is raising its ugly head and making the issue murkier and more confusing.

I am not concerned about this political tag of minorities. All citizens are equal as I am concerned. Justice should be for all and not because their is a label attached.

It might surprise you that there are 51 Dalit millionaires as per Outlook magazine. It shows that if one wants to do it, one can and without any tags. The Dalits did it on their own steam and not because of the special concessions that are given to them by the Govt. I salute such people who stand on their own feet and say 'Thank You, but I don't want your help. I am as good as you, if not better'.

These Dalits have proved that they are better than many of us.
Why oppose those maps, we all know those areas are not under our control.Duh! hypocrisy.
Blasphemy laws for you. Its freedom of Press for the West. Do you get the point?

Anti-map law? :cheesy: You are kidding right.

Blasphemy Laws are there . I've not seen any anti-map laws.

If India considers sedition as being anti-map then it is a very childish democracy.

No other country on the world, democratic or not is such a big brother censor.

it's not a democracy. that's just a badge the indians pay for.

or perhaps you could name me one other democracy in the world that consider being anti-map as sedition.
Blasphemy Laws are there . I've not seen any anti-map laws.

If India considers sedition as being anti-map then it is a very childish democracy.

No other country on the world, democratic or not is such a big brother censor.

it's not a democracy. that's just a badge the indians pay for.

or perhaps you could name me one other democracy in the world that consider being anti-map as sedition.

Its not Anti-map you stupid tank, its anti-national.Had it been allowed to publish, it would have started a mass movement against the printing house. the map was "incorrect" so, govt corrected it. What's wrong in that. All Indians, 1.2 billions of Indians support the ban,Its not anti-democracy. Infact its the prime example of democratic principles. Govt just took the step what the masses expected it to take.
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