Situation is not simple as we think - that is why each global lender is trying leverage the bailout - call it blackmail, but they're there for their interest not ours. The situation we're in isn't created by them but ours, I don't know what you guys would call them, but word "Traitor" always comes in my mind when I think of them. It was situation staged by our own so Pakistan fails when they're out of power - lust of power is always like that.
Imran Khan tried to avoid IM initially but there is no way out - Govt not only have to carry its own burden but the burden of it previous previous Govt's doing as well - financing gap generated due to CAD this year will be about $11.5 Billion - $8.5 already managed by timing it remaining $3 billion could also have managed same way using Saudi's oil facility. And then what? In next years Govt have to mange the previously scheduled debts as well as that's years financial gap.
Govt is trying to hide their real level of worry to avoid panic but we're in a very desperate situation and question we need to ask ourselves is more like asking a patient with a disease on terminal stage: "Do you want to live or enjoy the moment?" and act accordingly because the required cure is much more painful.
PS: If I had to choose it for myself - I would have chosen cure instead taking more of what is killing me to buy a few moments of comfort.