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World Health Organization says China withheld data during Covid probe in Wuhan

I wasn’t talking about US bonds legally the US can adjust it against the 1.6 Trillion Dollars China owes the US. Besides bonds, there is plenty of Chinese money overseas, it’s a lever that Trump didn’t think he needed to pull maybe Biden will - who knows?

I think the world needs to make sure that China is held to account for this. All countries should support bringing China to full transparency like the Australians have already shown the courage to do.

Whether there was any Chinese culpability or not, China needs to be fully transparent as the consequences of this virus has been dire for the whole world.

It bears not thinking about if the virus unleashed also severely affected the young and healthy like the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 did.

China for its own reputation needs to be fully transparent as otherwise the suspicion would be that they were negligent or culpable in spreading this virus around the globe.
I wasn’t talking about US bonds legally the US can adjust it against the 1.6 Trillion Dollars China owes the US. Besides bonds, there is plenty of Chinese money overseas, it’s a lever that Trump didn’t think he needed to pull maybe Biden will - who knows?

Where do you get your news from? FOX news or WION?
Dude, listen y to yourselves, US owes us 1 trillion in treasury bonds. We don't owe US anything. We do owe financial institutions whether US or otherwise 2 trillion, hence we have a net 1 trillion surplus on reserves. And hey money overseas? As in investments? If the US touches ours we will confiscate theirs in China mate. Its taht simple, why do you think US is taking in the pain without going all iraqi? Had it been India, you guys would have been *** raped.

Dude, listen y to yourselves, US owes us 1 trillion in treasury bonds. We don't owe US anything. We do owe financial institutions whether US or otherwise 2 trillion, hence we have a net 1 trillion surplus on reserves. And hey money overseas? As in investments? If the US touches ours we will confiscate theirs in China mate. Its taht simple, why do you think US is taking in the pain without going all iraqi? Had it been India, you guys would have been *** raped.

The US holds 1.6 trillion Dollars in Chinese bonds and Europe holds 3.4 Trillion USD. The US government has no assets inside China.The Chinese state owned enterprise have mines , onshore and offshore oil and gas assets worth many Billions. The US is well with in its legal right to offset the 1.6 Trillion against the 1.5 Trillion $ securities held by China.

Even more, if the US really wanted to hurt CPC it can go after CPC party and family members hidden billions overseas.
The US holds 1.6 trillion Dollars in Chinese bonds and Europe holds 3.4 Trillion USD. The US government has no assets inside China.The Chinese state owned enterprise have mines , onshore and offshore oil and gas assets worth many Billions. The US is well with in its legal right to offset the 1.6 Trillion against the 1.5 Trillion $ securities held by China.

Even more, if the US really wanted to hurt CPC it can go after CPC party and family members hidden billions overseas.
Can you show me the data that US holds 1.6 trillion dollars Chinese bonds? Our foreign debt is 2 only 2 trillion. The rest is owed to domestic populace.

You must be rather naive to think China will only confiscate US gov assets, if you fck with China we will confiscate all your assets regardless whether its private or state owned.lolol

The reality is most of our investments are in third world resource rich countries, which I doubt can be confiscated unless you invade them. The Western world otoh have real assets in production facilities, capital equipment in China. So its easier for us to fck them up than vice versa. You can hurt some commie politicians but who cares, China will still be there. If this was feasible, Trump would have done it. He don't even dare default on Chinese bond holdings. Says alot, if they default, the world will dump dollars enmass. That's why dumping bonds is Chinas wmd. Lol
China censorship: four-year jail term for journalist who reported on the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan

Tuesday, December 29th 2020- 09:01 UTC
Full article

Zhang Zhan, 37, is the first such person known to have been tried for reporting firsthand accounts from crowded hospitals and empty streets in WuhanZhang Zhan, 37, is the first such person known to have been tried for reporting firsthand accounts from crowded hospitals and empty streets in Wuhan
A Chinese court handed a four-year jail term on Monday to a citizen-journalist who reported from the central city of Wuhan at the peak of last year's coronavirus outbreak, on grounds of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,” her lawyer said.

Zhang Zhan, 37, the first such person known to have been tried, was among a handful of people whose firsthand accounts from crowded hospitals and empty streets painted a more dire picture of the pandemic epicenter than the official narrative.

“I don’t understand. All she did was say a few true words, and for that she got four years,” said Shao Wenxia, Zhang’s mother, who attended the trial with her husband.

Zhang’s lawyer Ren Quanniu sais, “We will probably appeal,” adding that the trial at a court in Pudong, a district of the business hub of Shanghai

“Ms Zhang believes she is being persecuted for exercising her freedom of speech,” he had said before the trial.

Criticism of China’s early handling of the crisis has been censored, and whistle-blowers such as doctors warned. State media have credited the country’s success in reining in the virus to the leadership of President Xi Jinping.

The virus has spread worldwide to infect more than 80 million people and kill over 1.76 million, paralyzing air travel as nations threw up barriers against it that have disrupted industries and livelihoods.

In Shanghai, police enforced tight security outside the court where the trial opened seven months after Zhang’s detention, although some supporters were undeterred.

Foreign journalists were denied entry to the court “due to the epidemic”, court security officials said.

A former lawyer, Zhang arrived in Wuhan on Feb 1 from her home in Shanghai. Her short video clips uploaded to YouTube consist of interviews with residents, commentary and footage of a crematorium, train stations, hospitals and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Detained in mid-May, she went on a hunger strike in late June, court documents said. Her lawyers told the court that police strapped her hands and force-fed her with a tube. By December, she was suffering headaches, giddiness, stomach ache, low blood pressure and a throat infection.

Requests to the court to release Zhang on bail before the trial and livestream the trial went ignored, her lawyer said. Other citizen-journalists who had disappeared without explanation included Fang Bin, Chen Qiushi and Li Zehua.

While there has been no news of Fang, Li re-emerged in a YouTube video in April to say he was forcibly quarantined, while Chen, although released, is under surveillance and has not spoken publicly, a friend has said.

The United Nations human rights office voiced concern on Monday at four-year prison term imposed on Zhang and reiterated its call for her release.

The essence of the lab escape theory is that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s first and only Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) facility. (BSL-4 is the highest pathogen security level). The WIV, which added a BSL-4 lab only in 2018, has been collecting large numbers of coronaviruses from bat samples ever since the original SARS outbreak of 2002-2003; including collecting more in 2016 (Hu, et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018). Led by researcher Zheng-Li Shi, WIV scientists have also published experiments in which live bat coronaviruses were introduced into human cells (Hu et al., 2017). Moreover, according to an April 14 article in the Washington Post, US Embassy staff visited the WIV in 2018 and “had grave safety concerns” about biosecurity there. The WIV is just eight miles from the Huanan live animal market that was initially thought to be the site of origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These are published papers.... they had been experimenting all along.
I think the world needs to make sure that China is held to account for this. All countries should support bringing China to full transparency like the Australians have already shown the courage to do.

Whether there was any Chinese culpability or not, China needs to be fully transparent as the consequences of this virus has been dire for the whole world.

It bears not thinking about if the virus unleashed also severely affected the young and healthy like the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 did.

China for its own reputation needs to be fully transparent as otherwise the suspicion would be that they were negligent or culpable in spreading this virus around the globe.
Absolutely correct; they keep digging themselves into a black hole. Their value system is different - you are always guilty - prove your innocence. Therefore, the way CCP approached it is based on that - cover it up. Then ask anyone to prove it.

These people had been experimenting and collecting all along. Just check the papers directly.

The essence of the lab escape theory is that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s first and only Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) facility. (BSL-4 is the highest pathogen security level). The WIV, which added a BSL-4 lab only in 2018, has been collecting large numbers of coronaviruses from bat samples ever since the original SARS outbreak of 2002-2003; including collecting more in 2016 (Hu, et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018). Led by researcher Zheng-Li Shi, WIV scientists have also published experiments in which live bat coronaviruses were introduced into human cells (Hu et al., 2017). Moreover, according to an April 14 article in the Washington Post, US Embassy staff visited the WIV in 2018 and “had grave safety concerns” about biosecurity there. The WIV is just eight miles from the Huanan live animal market that was initially thought to be the site of origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ge, X. Y., Li, J. L., Yang, X. L., Chmura, A. A., Zhu, G., Epstein, J. H., ... & Zhang, Y. J. (2013). Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor. Nature, 503(7477), 535-538.

Ge, X. Y., Wang, N., Zhang, W., Hu, B., Li, B., Zhang, Y. Z., ... & Wang, B. (2016). Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft. Virologica Sinica, 31(1), 31-40.

Hu, B., Zeng, L. P., Yang, X. L., Ge, X. Y., Zhang, W., Li, B., ... & Luo, D. S. (2017). Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. PLoS pathogens, 13(11), e1006698.

Just a couple to digest and you will get the smoking gun.
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The US holds 1.6 trillion Dollars in Chinese bonds and Europe holds 3.4 Trillion USD. The US government has no assets inside China.The Chinese state owned enterprise have mines , onshore and offshore oil and gas assets worth many Billions. The US is well with in its legal right to offset the 1.6 Trillion against the 1.5 Trillion $ securities held by China.

Even more, if the US really wanted to hurt CPC it can go after CPC party and family members hidden billions overseas.
Go ahead and play confiscate game. You want China to confiscate your beloved Tesla factory? Think deeper before what u wished for. Tell me what significant China asset in US, you can bargain with us?
Go ahead and play confiscate game. You want China to confiscate your beloved Tesla factory? Think deeper before what u wished for. Tell me what significant China asset in US, you can bargain with us?

Tesla is privately owned not state owned - so yeah I guess it will hurt Mr Musk.
China state owned enterprise own 1.1 Trillion Dollars in overseas assets.
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