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World has learnt that having all its industry in China is a bad idea.Time for Pak,Ind,BD to attack

Aug 19, 2017
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We need to convince investors it better to spread out their industries....This will be a golden oppurtunity for Pak as finally they will become an exporting superpower..It will have a big influence for India and BD too...we should divide the world according to zones of influence...Pak supplying till eastern board of US ,Ind,BD supplying till entire US,Canada (just short of eastern coastline) and Latin America..Once the virus has decimated tens of millions of people and is over, factory equipments should be shifted from China to the Ganga and Indus Valley
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Pakistan has many benefits of war factories in China....
From a small pistol to the biggest war plane is available....
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These experts may not update their numbers properly.
The percentage that China export contribute to China GDP is below 19% at the moment. If you calculate the amount of shadow economy and the trade war, the number would be even lower, much lower.
That means that export is not the aim for the China Economy, but the internal consumption.
You can move your factory out of China, and then you will have to export your product into China if you want to make money from China Market. An idiot.
You can move 20% of your production capability outside of China, and then what? due to the scale of your factory in China, your product would never be as compatible as your old factory in China.
The only way out is to promote India. But, unlike China 4 decades ago, India already has its own industries and companies.
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Can they replicate Chinese efficiency ? Do they have various Earth raw materials supply chains as China has ?

China also didnot have this at one point...Investors will bite down for a few years of low productivity till infra comes online in South Asia...then Indus and Ganga valleys will flow with milk and honey...just take half of China's current GDP ..and divide it among us...is that incentive enough for you to start seriously thinking this proposal?
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China also didnot have this at one point...Investors will bite down for a few years of low productivity till infra comes online in South Asia...then Indus and Ganga valleys will flow with milk and honey...just take half of China's current GDP ..and divide it among us...is that incentive enough for you to start seriously thinking this proposal?

Many countries simply do not have what it takes and they never will. There is only one China. Subcontinental people are good at entertainment. Let them have it.

An aunty will never become an uncle.
Many countries simply do not have what it takes and they never will. There is only one China. Subcontinental people are good at entertainment. Let them have it.

An aunty will never become an uncle.

dissapointing that you think this way about even your own people
Many countries simply do not have what it takes and they never will. There is only one China. Subcontinental people are good at entertainment. Let them have it.

An aunty will never become an uncle.

PakBrother mine,

Sharp. Always sharp. Delight!!

There is a fundamental difference between two regions i.e. East/NorthEastAsia and the SouthWest/SouthAsia!

The industrial and RnD output of China is far too large whence compared with the combined output of the same from the entire SouthAsianRegion.

It is not just factories... its the sense of Industrialism and Industriousness... which our region somehow doesn't have.

SEZs are the key to start a process of Industrialism in Pakistan and it will take minimum of 30yrs to have some solid basis to even start thinking about Industrialised country.

@Juggernaut_is_here is clever youngman and apparantly he has a masla in mind...let us call it a tunz!

From PakPerspective we need to focus on the trippiling per achre yield and implement IndustrialFarming...with associated RnD and AgroIndustrialUniz.... there is NO Shame in copy/pasting the West in this regard!

Even garaments is not enough...although alot of garments from China will be relocated to our end as well...since we are in the process of establishing GarmentCities...

For a reminder.... China used to make t-shirts...while it kept on investing in its education, research and infrastructure.

We don't seem to have a sense of Planning!

dissapointing that you think this way about even your own people

I am realistic and I know my people very well. They still struggle with simple tomatoes, onion, flour, sugar etc. They largely live in a semi feudal society with rebranded Chinese gadgets. It is always very important to set realistic and achievable goals and targets. The society always determines the state. Not other way around. The social fabric in the sub-continent is rotten to the core. Only natural selection and evolutionary mechanism as a whole can say what lies ahead.
You all are giving up without even starting a fight...No wonder why highly trained Turkish slave soldiers broke down the barrier of the Khyber Pass

I am realistic and I know my people very well. They still struggle with simple tomatoes, onion, flour, sugar etc. They largely live in a semi feudal society with rebranded Chinese gadgets. It is always very important to set realistic and achievable goals and targets. The society always determines the state. Not other way around. The social fabric in the sub-continent is rotten to the core. Only natural selection and evolutionary mechanism as a whole can say what lies ahead.

High IQ comment...eventhough I hated reading it
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Modern manufacturing tend to form clusters for the efficiency, even inside China supply chains are largely located in a few provinces, yet here you want to scatter them across countries?
We need to convince investors it better to spread out their industries....This will be a golden oppurtunity for Pak as finally they will become an exporting superpower..It will have a big influence for India and BD too...we should divide the world according to zones of influence...Pak supplying till eastern board of US ,Ind,BD supplying till entire US,Canada (just short of eastern coastline) and Latin America..Once the virus has decimated tens of millions of people and is over, factory equipments should be shifted from China to the Ganga and Indus Valley
for that first India needs to learn in peace with all its neighbors to achieve this progress which Pakistani PM always talks about.
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