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World Feared China Over Coronavirus. Now the Tables Are Turned.


Feb 5, 2011
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The fear and suspicion directed at China in the devastating early days of the coronavirus outbreak have made a 180-degree turn: It is the West that now frightens Asia and the rest of the world.

With Italy, Spain and the United States surging in contagion, many countries in Asia that suffered through the pandemic first seem to have wrestled it into submission, particularly China, and are now fighting to protect against a new wave of infection from outside.

The latest on the global spread and response

World Feared China Over Coronavirus. Now the Tables Are Turned.
Damien Cave and Tiffany May
The New York Times20 March 2020, 2:52 am GMT+8

Members of a neighborhood committee checking temperatures and IDs in Beijing on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. (Gilles Sabrié/The New York Times)
The fear and suspicion directed at China in the devastating early days of the coronavirus outbreak have made a 180-degree turn: It is the West that now frightens Asia and the rest of the world.

With Italy, Spain and the United States surging in contagion, many countries in Asia that suffered through the pandemic first seem to have wrestled it into submission, particularly China, and are now fighting to protect against a new wave of infection from outside.

Across Asia, travelers from Europe and the United States are being barred or forced into quarantine. Gyms, private clinics and restaurants in Hong Kong warn them to stay away. Even Chinese parents who proudly sent their children to study in New York or London are now mailing them masks and sanitizer or rushing them home on flights that can cost $25,000.

“We came back because we think going back to China is safer than staying in New York,” said Farrah Lyu, a 24-year-old recent college graduate who flew home to eastern China with her roommate this month.

The reversal of fortune would have been unimaginable a few weeks ago. At the time, China was the outbreak’s global epicenter, with people dying by the hundreds each day.

But Thursday, it reported no new local cases for the first time since the outbreak began. Its uncompromising response — locking down cities, shutting factories, testing thousands — seems to have brought China’s contagion under control.

Now the pandemic that originated in China is migrating and starting to recirculate. Across Asia, where Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea successfully grappled with the virus early, alongside China, there is a growing sense of fear and dismay. Much of the region looks west and asks: We’re getting it right — why can’t you?

For President Donald Trump, the answer has been deflection. Facing a torrent of criticism for playing down the epidemic in its crucial early stages, he has been trying to push blame back to China, worsening existing tensions between the two superpowers. Despite warnings that he is encouraging xenophobia, Trump has repeatedly used the term “China virus” in what critics see as an effort to distance himself from the problem.

Beijing has retaliated by falsely suggesting that the virus started with U.S. troops, while portraying itself as a heroic warrior against the contagion and a model for the world.

Especially in China and the Chinese diaspora, there is a growing demand for recognition of the hard work and sacrifices that tamed the outbreak, and a desire to tell the world what has gone right and wrong, and why.

“People in Western countries said China’s response was too authoritarian, didn’t respect people’s democracy and freedom enough,” said Yin Choi Lam, a Vietnamese-Chinese restaurant owner in Melbourne, Australia. “Now compare it to places like Italy, where the death rate is so high, or America, where no one knows how many people are sick. Would you rather have freedom or keep your life?”

Similar arguments are flooding Chinese social media. One popular comic shows China sick as the world watches behind a glass barrier, followed by a panel with an angry, healthy China behind the glass as other countries play and tussle without masks like unruly children.

Some of the heaviest scorn, however, has been saved for those who return to China and question the country’s harsh approach. A video that went viral this week showed a Chinese-Australian woman being confronted by police in Beijing after she evaded quarantine in order to exercise.

Users of the microblogging platform Weibo called for her to be sent back to Australia.

Critics both inside and outside China note that the country’s authoritarian response is not the only or the best way to fight an epidemic. Officials kept the virus secret for weeks, allowing it to spread uncontrolled in central China, then forced people to remain in overwhelmed cities.

By contrast, South Korea, a vibrant capitalist democracy, along with Taiwan and Singapore, have managed the virus with transparency, efficiency and solidarity, while preserving freedom of movement.

Part of what has set some Asian countries apart is experience, said Leighanne Yuh, a historian at Korea University.

“From the outset of the epidemic, South Koreans took the situation very seriously, perhaps because of their previous experiences with SARS and MERS,” she said. “Wearing masks, washing our hands, social distancing — these were all familiar actions.”

In the United States and Europe, there was more hesitation. And now they are hubs of infection sending disease across the globe. In Australia, the United States is now the leading source of coronavirus cases, followed by Italy, then China.

Infections in China are also coming from outside. Officials said Thursday that 34 new cases had been confirmed among people who had arrived from elsewhere.

Many people in China now want their government to completely block access from the United States and other hot spots in the same way other countries suspended arrivals from China.

“I hope China can tighten its national borders and significantly reduce the number of people entering the country,” said Tang Xiaozhao, a plastic surgery manager in Shanghai. “Governments and people of most countries disappoint me.”

In Hong Kong, a semiautonomous Chinese territory has often acted as a bridge between China and the West, the shifting sense of angst can be seen in warnings from businesses where people gather.

One online warning, posted by a pub called Hemingway’s DB, tells expats that they will be reported to the police if they violate a new official requirement for 14 days of self-isolation upon returning from overseas. And a large fitness chain emailed customers to tell anyone who has returned from abroad since March 10, or lives with someone who did: “Kindly do not visit.”

For those with family members in the United States or Europe, there is also a frantic rush to help. On Wednesday at Hong Kong’s main post office, people lined up to send boxes of masks and alcohol wipes.

“During SARS, my mother drove from Canada to the United States to buy masks, so I had to send some back to her,” said Eric Chan, 45, a financier.

He was down to his last box in Hong Kong but had gone from pharmacy to pharmacy until he snagged a few boxes for his mother and siblings at inflated prices.

His own face was covered — most people in Hong Kong are still wearing masks.

The city, with a population of 7 million, has avoided total shutdowns, even as the virus peaked in mainland China. But this week Hong Kong moved to tighten its borders as it recorded a significant uptick in infections, most of them imported. Authorities are investigating five cases linked to Lan Kwai Fong, a night life area that is thronged with expatriates on weekends.

Many of those who recently returned to China might have predicted just such a cluster. They see in the United States and Europe a greater urge to go it alone — and studies have found that Americans and Europeans tend to focus on the individual rather than what’s interconnected.

Lyu, 24, and her roommate in New York, Tianran Qian, 23 — who flew back to their homes in Hangzhou, in eastern China — said they found the U.S. response disorienting. They had both been reading about outbreak clusters around the world for weeks, and for a time they stayed inside and wore masks as they would have at home.

But their American friends continued to socialize, describing the virus as little more than the flu.

“On your phone, you see what’s happening around the world, in Japan and Korea, and when you go into real life, people act as if it’s a normal day,” Lyu said, describing what it was like in New York before she left.

“They either don’t get it or they just ignore it,” Qian said. “People were so indifferent.”

At home in China, they said, they felt safer. They self-quarantined in their rooms, with their parents leaving food and novels at their bedroom doors.

Their groceries were delivered and even their trash was collected and treated by hospital employees in hazmat suits.

“Everything was planned,” Lyu said. “We don’t have to worry about everything.”

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

© 2020 The New York Times Company
India is about 10x dirtier. No coronavirus outbreak. Africans eat wild animals and shop at voodoo markets. No coronavirus outbreak (despite getting secondary infections from external sources). China, Italy, Iran are vastly more clean and developed but they get coronavirus outbreaks. We can completely rule out "dirty markets".

Only US shills are pushing that line of propaganda.
Yes, now we fear new pandemic from China coming in 2035-2040. This time we were lucky, Wuhan Bat virus only 3-4% death rate. Next time, Shanghai Pangolin virus might have 30-40% death rate.

Well, i hope this was a lesson and you guys finally start enforcing the food safety laws over there, the rest of the world would really appreciate a more responsible China, not only in this regard but also towards the environment.

That is too much to ask. Most of them are in total denial and trying to shift blame to bio warfare. Nothing will change/
Yes, now we fear new pandemic from China coming in 2035-2040. This time we were lucky, Wuhan Bat virus only 3-4% death rate. Next time, Shanghai Pangolin virus might have 30-40% death rate.

That is too much to ask. Most of them are in total denial and trying to shift blame to bio warfare. Nothing will change/
Denial? More like some try hard to change the truth and facts neighbour countries can control better while reason are asked why Europe thousands km away not able to and blame game agenda.
February 05
China Criticizes Australia's Coronavirus Travel Ban

Feb. 1, 2020

China criticizes U.S. border closure as coronavirus death toll rises
“It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” China's foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement Saturday.

US, World owe China thanks and apologies over Wuhan virus: Xinhua News


LOL! Thanks China!!
February 05
China Criticizes Australia's Coronavirus Travel Ban

Feb. 1, 2020

China criticizes U.S. border closure as coronavirus death toll rises
“It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” China's foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement Saturday.

US, World owe China thanks and apologies over Wuhan virus: Xinhua News


LOL! Thanks China!!
Trump said it was a flu.... Lol
Initially the World feared China.

Now the World hates China.

Speak for yourself.

Serbia, Italy, Iran, Japan, South Korea, and dozens of other nations greatly appreciate how China has not only sacrificed its own economy to stop the virus but to send supplies and medical experts overseas to rescue other nations. Meanwhile, the president of Serbia lamented that Serbia was totally abandoned by his European "partners" and the us is increasing sanctions on Iran and Venezuela during this crisis. The wold condemns the American despots.
Serbia, Italy, Iran, Japan, South Korea, and dozens of other nations greatly appreciate how China has not only sacrificed its own economy to stop the virus...
Selfish interests. Either China suffers economically in the short term under drastic measures, or collapse. There was no altruism.

...but to send supplies and medical experts overseas to rescue other nations.
The genetic information of the COVID series, including the latest 19, is well known.


The Chinese goobermint had to conduct a two-prong attack to save face.

First, distract from what China did wrong by alleging COVID19 came from the US military. An idea absurd among professionals.

Second, send medical teams wherever as face saving measure.
Selfish interests. Either China suffers economically in the short term under drastic measures, or collapse. There was no altruism.

You're a well known China-basher. If China cured cancer, you would accuse them of hating oncologists and want to make them unemployed. If China solved world hunger, you would attribute it to "face". You constantly use illogical motivated reasoning that everyone can see through. I won't reply to you again.
Nonsense, this virus is from outside region of China. Once again, some one to link to wildlife in China.


This virus is a foreigner agent pass into China by others. If you talking about hygenie, I guess European need to learn more since their extend of the spread is more extensive than China.
The virus originated in China, the first outbreak happened in China too, your own scientists were able to trace its origin, you guys are endengering our relatives lives with your unresppnsible actions stop with the BS now and take responsibility. Close the market selling and farms producing exotic meat we dont want to loose our relatives just because you guys think eating some exotic animal will enchance you sexual life or something.

You are wrong. People are still searching for the patient zero AKA first patient

Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally | Science | AAAS


So far, all evidence points to either an accidental release of bioweapons OR intentional biowarfare by the us.
Why would anyone release a highly infectious bio weapon in our globalized world where it only needs a couple hours to spread around the globe? It would be stupid to do that because it would sooner or late hit yourself too. Stop the BS now the desperate face saving attempts arent convincing anyone, you should instead take responsibility now not to repeat this anymore, thats what would earn you respect. But right now you guys are doing it worse by denying and putting the blame somewhere else.
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