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World Exclusive JF-17 and Rafale in Joint Exercise

Whatever IAF buys PAF is always one step ahead of it, the image below is enough to give them sleepless nights.

ufffffffff, please yar, kuch to khayal karo, this picture ALONE will give the indians very uncontrollable & messy diarrhea cuz Qatar either let our boys fly their rafales or that's a mark of a rafale kill, either way, not lookin' all too good for the indian diarrhetic controls...can you at least give them enough time to run & get in line for the toilet? I dred imagining the true number indians that have suffered a rectal release in their pants (and india is a "shitty" country to begin with)!!!
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No need to refrain, or to imply somehow you have access to insider info that no one else has and yet at the same time happy to share it (like you have been) on an open internet forum. It implies an inherent contradiction no. Not asking for any secrets, just very odd hearing about "regular" exercises with Singapore and Thailand and the US that the IAF never publicises when we all now the opposite is very much the case,, unless you are of course implying that every year the IAF secretly goes up against mass Viper formations with many squadrons (like the PAF does at Konya and China) yet manages to keep this hidden from the rest of the world apart from *checks notes* you on this forum. Can you see why I am slightly cynical?


There was no need for this reply.
These exercises are always a gold mine of lesson, experience, skills and building tactics. There's no sort of conclusion that who performed good or bad against others. That's just childish.

Even though we had the experience through learnings from exercises in past, this time is different and more advance given the nature of threat and advancement of EW, Weaponry, detection, evading, locking, far sight and how to dominate battlefield. It's just more wanted and highly needed in view of platform in use of adversary. No doubt brothers did a lot for each other especially Thunder in arena against advanced vipers and Rafale.

Personally, I have no interest as who won or lost because, that's not the purpose of such exercises. It warrants to learn, learn fast and learn everything. Brothers must be thanked for such an opportunity, occasion and idea. Does anyone remember the times when PAF Chief and others been visiting Qatar beside their Turkey visits? It 5akes time but it surely bear fruits. In'Sha'ALLAH.

For the rival operating same platform as a Frontline jet; it will hurt, it will hurt a lot. Imagine GD Bakhshi's style anger against France.
Seeing the pain in the Indian Defense experts’ face is worth these efforts! They know how miserably they have failed to capitalize on the time, energy, opportunities, funds etc. they were abundantly provided by almost the entire world!!! Now, it’s their time to pay back.....
Great now off to Egypt to find out more about it

I believe we mastered the Flanker now the Rafale is next

soon Rafale will be shot down and Modi will shout F35

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