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World double standards on Kashmir, Gaza deplorable says PM Gilani


Sep 12, 2008
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KARACHI: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday condemned the Mumbai attacks but deplored the silence of the international community on the atrocities being committed in Kashmir and Gaza.

Referring to the Mumbai attacks, Gilani said a large number of innocent men, women and children had been martyred in Palestine and it could not be considered a lesser tragedy than Mumbai, and asked why the world was silent on the issue. He also cited the example of Kashmir, where he said people were being subjected to the worst kinds of oppression and suppression because they demanded the right to self-determination.

The prime minister was talking to reporters after laying the foundation stone of the Accident, Emergency and Trauma Centre at Karachi’s Civil Hospital.

Not isolated: Asked if Pakistan’s foreign policy was being challenged by India, Gilani said the impression that Pakistan had been isolated in the international community was false. He said the country had good relations with its friends.

Pointing out that terrorism was the common enemy, the prime minister said there were external threats to be encountered, but the government’s priority was the country’s stability.

He said intelligence failure was India’s internal matter, but Pakistan was fully prepared to cooperate.

Long life: The prime minister said Pakistan prayed for the long life of India, but if something happened there, the blame was shifted on Islamabad.

To a question on reported differences between the prime minister and President Asif Ali Zardari, Gilani said there were no differences as both belonged to the same party.

Gilani said a UN probe into Benazir’s murder was necessary, adding if Interior Adviser Rehman Malik conducted the investigation, people would say the PPP’s own government was carrying out the probe.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Is he talking about PAK controlled Kashmir? Most of the west believe that most terrors are resided here...need proper walk through!

Indians kashmir is happy with their new CM. 60% voted for him..some of them boycott the voting becoz of terrror groups...and still there are some small ppl not happy with India and they are waiting for pak citizenship. No reply yet

Pls again dont start saying 70,000 rapes..etc stries..they are only good for terror training camps.
Is he talking about PAK controlled Kashmir? Most of the west believe that most terrors are resided here...need proper walk through!

Indians kashmir is happy with their new CM. 60% voted for him..some of them boycott the voting becoz of terrror groups...and still there are some small ppl not happy with India and they are waiting for pak citizenship. No reply yet

Pls again dont start saying 70,000 rapes..etc stries..they are only good for terror training camps.

You wish. No one protests against Pakistan in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir and Pakistani police never shot a Kashmiri. You can check the news on Indian Occupied Kashmir on 2008 alone, you will see how many Kashmiris have been killed by Indian army/troops. You will never read anything like that about Pakistan's Azad Kashmir.

The west can think anything they want. Israel and its best friend India are the only real terrorists, who kill innocent people who just want freedom.
You wish. No one protests against Pakistan in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir and Pakistani police never shot a Kashmiri. You can check the news on Indian Occupied Kashmir on 2008 alone, you will see how many Kashmiris have been killed by Indian army/troops. You will never read anything like that about Pakistan's Azad Kashmir. The west can think anything they want. Israel and its best friend India are the only real terrorists, who kill innocent people who just want freedom.

I dont know anything abt pak kashmir except i have heard a lot about terrors in that area. Personally i dont think politicians will find a solution. Both side loose power for ever if they do so. May be India is right ; May be paksitan is right..but finding a solution is real hard as per my understanding...

What do u think
Like a true politician, take the Palestine issue and tie it with Kashmire.

What's so different about Kashmir? Both regions have been under "OCCUPATION" for the past 60+ years. Both regions have "LAND" issues. Both regions have "SECURITY FORCES" surrounding them at the barrel of a gun. What's so different about it? Please, enlighten me!

The double standards are being played quite marvellously. Everyone around the world aren't protesting for nothing.
What's so different about Kashmir? Both regions have been under "OCCUPATION" for the past 60+ years. Both regions have "LAND" issues. Both regions have "SECURITY FORCES" surrounding them at the barrel of a gun. What's so different about it? Please, enlighten me!

The double standards are being played quite marvellously. Everyone around the world aren't protesting for nothing.

My point was that he is using current Palestine situation to put light on Kashmire issue, by naming them together. As a Indian, since i am baised, I find it appauling, but it is freedom of speech that reins in the world. Well the lastest news i have read about Gilani is that his job is very shaky.
My point was that he is using current Palestine situation to put light on Kashmire issue, by naming them together. As a Indian, since i am baised, I find it appauling, but it is freedom of speech that reins in the world. Well the lastest news i have read about Gilani is that his job is very shaky.

It makes perfect sense to relate the two issues together. As i described earlier, the nature of the Palestine and Kashmir issue have striking similarities. If no one brings the Kashmir issue under the spotlight NOW, how will it ever get resolved?

It's your BIASED approach that allows you to think that Kashmir dispute should not be related to any other dispute in the world. Simply because your BIASED thinking teaches you that there IS no issue and shouldn't be questioned about by any Individual whatsoever.
What's so different about Kashmir? Both regions have been under "OCCUPATION" for the past 60+ years. Both regions have "LAND" issues. Both regions have "SECURITY FORCES" surrounding them at the barrel of a gun. What's so different about it? Please, enlighten me!

The double standards are being played quite marvellously. Everyone around the world aren't protesting for nothing.

Hey.. If you ask the price of the apple Mr. Gilani is giving the price of mango..!!! Brother.. the world have condemned the gaza attacks even india have done that..!!! And if the world is making so halla gulla about mumbai because Indian's care about their citizens and want to make sure the perpetrators are punished..!!! Mr.gilani even had talked about marriot and Benazir.. the perpetrators are still scot free because your governemnt DONT CARE..!!! And regarding kashmir.. its the influx of the external forces that has caused this much killings in kashmir..!! If the people wants to move towards peace.. these vested intrest will not allow them to move towards that..!!! When tourism picked up.. there will be some bombings.. when people come out to vote.. there will be some killings..!!!!External elements wants to make the life of normal kashmiries hell so that there is no other alternative for the ARMY to increase their presense there..!!! In an embarrasing incident few days ago.. indian troops where unable to apprehend the terrorists who sneaked into india.. in poonch sector..the encounter went for around 8 days!!! This proves that people are comming from outside to terrorise people..!!! Once the cross border terrorism stops.. you will never hear about an unrest in Kashmir and i am sure about taht..!!!
You wish. No one protests against Pakistan in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir and Pakistani police never shot a Kashmiri. You can check the news on Indian Occupied Kashmir on 2008 alone, you will see how many Kashmiris have been killed by Indian army/troops. You will never read anything like that about Pakistan's Azad Kashmir.

Every day there are violations in Kashmir. I agree. Ppl have died. Military lost their too...First thing is No one can raise gun against govt. Simple and no compramise rule. Even naxalites have the same issue. Govt cant negotiate with ppl having gun. If u raise gun govt has to kill keeping its billion ppl interst against few. This is how every country runs. If kashmir ppl ready for peace then there could be some talks. Otherwise nothing is possible.
India believes the ppl with guns are terrors. These ppl never intersted in kashmir and kashmir ppl. All they want is to kill Indian solders.
I dont know anything abt pak kashmir except i have heard a lot about terrors in that area.

Yea you "heard" a lot about terrors from your biased indian media.
You never been to Azad Kashmir so you wouldn't know.
Every day there are violations in Kashmir. I agree. Ppl have died. Military lost their too...First thing is No one can raise gun against govt. Simple and no compramise rule. Even naxalites have the same issue. Govt cant negotiate with ppl having gun. If u raise gun govt has to kill keeping its billion ppl interst against few. This is how every country runs. If kashmir ppl ready for peace then there could be some talks. Otherwise nothing is possible.
India believes the ppl with guns are terrors. These ppl never intersted in kashmir and kashmir ppl. All they want is to kill Indian solders.

I dont see these Kashmiris with guns.

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Is he talking about PAK controlled Kashmir? Most of the west believe that most terrors are resided here...need proper walk through!

Please define what really "terror" or "terrorism" means?

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