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World Bank raises India’s GDP growth forecast to 10% in FY22

it's a shady projection so don't get your hopes up. by all practical measures, it will most likely remain below the 2019 level which was not all too impressive to begin with.
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Lol. IMF predicted earlier that India would have negative growth of 12% but it turned out to be only -6.5% in FY 2021. It is expecting India to grow by 11.5% this fiscal and we'll grow by 15%.

We are not Pakistan to have our economy run by imbeciles. You just wait and watch.
Lol. IMF predicted earlier that India would have negative growth of 12% but it turned out to be only -6.5% in FY 2021. It is expecting India to grow by 11.5% this fiscal and we'll grow by 15%.

We are not Pakistan to have our economy run by imbeciles. You just wait and watch.
really? buddy? a certain imbecile that has been caught fudging up economic numbers & also gave up almost 1200 sq km of your land to China while claiming that not an inch of imbecile err I mean indian land has been given up. but it's okay, you can always "protest again"! yeah let's wait and watch your imbecile in action... :coffee:
Screenshot_20210405-050717_Samsung Internet.jpg
really? buddy? a certain imbecile that has been caught fudging up economic numbers & also gave up almost 1200 sq km of your land to China while claiming that not an inch of imbecile err I mean indian land has been given up. but it's okay, you can always "protest again"! yeah let's wait and watch your imbecile in action... :coffee:
Lol. China took 1200 sq km when they were at finger 4. Now when they moved back to finger 8, how do you think they took those 1200 sqkms with them? You know sometimes it pays to think with brain for once in a while. Indian economy is doing quite well, thank you. Of course we cannot do as well as stupendous 1.5% that Pakistan is expected to achieve this fiscal. I mean what an achievement. Obviously we need to take economic lessons from you imbeciles. Lol.
World Bank is right when it projects negative growth but wrong when it projects positive growth.
Lol. China took 1200 sq km when they were at finger 4. Now when they moved back to finger 8, how do you think they took those 1200 sqkms with them? You know sometimes it pays to think with brain for once in a while. Indian economy is doing quite well, thank you. Of course we cannot do as well as stupendous 1.5% that Pakistan is expected to achieve this fiscal. I mean what an achievement. Obviously we need to take economic lessons from you imbeciles. Lol.
your own "strategic partner" pulled your chaddis down in front of the whole world!:rofl:

neways...on topic...your economic performance matches your lac performance!:omghaha:

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Lol. Pakistanis should be the last to talk about economy. You know your GOP revenue per annum is less than 20 days of GOI revenue? What a shame.
and? we are 1/6th your size. if you compare yourself with your peer then compare yourself to China ...oh and while yourselves to China, try and ask them to give your land back as well while you're at it, y' know? that land you lost without firing a single shot. :woot:
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Rss idiots, 12% this year? In your cow dreams
Says a a CCP bot who claims to be a lonelyman.😜😜
World Bank made the report. But as per these bots RSS made these claims. Good to see that even World Bank is under RSS now. Supa powa it is.
Bow down you bot.... 🤣🤣🤣
Nations whose economy is in a bad state (we all know which country it is) and are looking for loans might also suck up to RSS. Due to their hold over the World Bank they might get them some easy money.
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Says a a CCP bot who claims to be a lonelyman.😜😜
World Bank made the report. As per these bots RSS made these claims. Good to see that even World Bank is also under RSS now. Supa powa it is.
Bow down you bot.... 🤣🤣🤣
Nations whose economy is in a bad state (we all know which country it is) and are looking for loans might also suck up to RSS. Due to their hold over the World Bank they might get them some easy money.

RSS WhatsApp IT warriors, with white servants dream, are busy cooking up numbers to give to world bank, only World Bank fools trust Modi numbers.
Did the Modi create 100K new jobs already, did he solve the peasants protest problem? what's India's COVID cases? How's the Make in India coming along :rofl:

RSS wants white servants, but so proud of white boy's predictions!
RSS WhatsApp IT warriors, with white servants dream, are busy cooking up numbers to give to world bank, only World Bank fools trust Modi numbers.
Did the Modi create 100K new jobs already, did he solve the peasants protest problem? what's India's COVID cases? How's the Make in India coming along :rofl:
Observations that you have made can be discussed with a FM who appears keen to do so and not with some one like you whose only aim appears to be of a pathetic troll who comes out of some hole to only post negative comments like this.

Your life on PDF revolves around few words like RSS, yindus, cows etc. That’s your level and not of someone who wants to have a healthy discussion.
Stay away and stay lonely you filthy bot.😜😜

And don’t derail the thread by posting totally unrelated comments. World bank made the report then how the f**k RSS came into this picture?
Now when they moved back to finger 8, how do you think they took those 1200 sqkms with them?
That’s a new Chinese technology. It has been also exported to “some” very dear friends of China. They can now occupy and claim territory with this new tech. 😜
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Bcs CN pledged to gradually remove limits on foreign investment in car manufacturing and financial sectors. It means US car companies like Tesla can dominate CN EV market.

US earn more money from CN while more CN companies go bankrupted.

In 2018, China pledged to gradually remove limits on foreign investment in the country's car manufacturing joint ventures while also phasing out all equity caps in the automotive industry within five years. Officials say opening-up can invigorate the market, force companies to innovate and integrate Chinese resources with international resources.

The 50 percent cap, put in place in 1994, was removed for international manufacturers of new energy vehicles and commercial vehicles in 2018 and 2020, respectively. The limits will be scrapped for gasoline passenger car producers starting in 2022.

United States electric carmaker Tesla was the first to benefit from the cap removal and kicked off the construction of its wholly-owned plant in Shanghai in January 2019. The first vehicle rolled off the assembly line in the same year.

Observations that you have made can be discussed with a FM who appears keen to do so and not with some one like you whose only aim appears to be of a pathetic troll who comes out of some hole to only post negative comments like this.

Your life on PDF revolves around few words like RSS, yindus, cows etc. That’s your level and not of someone who wants to have a healthy discussion.
Stay away and stay lonely you filthy bot.😜😜

And don’t derail the thread by posting totally unrelated comments. World bank made the report then how the f**k RSS came into this picture?

That’s a new Chinese technology. It has been also exported to “some” very dear friends of China. They can now occupy and claim territory with this new tech. 😜

Pathetic RSS modi *** licking dick sucking trolls, graduated from whatsup university, like a slave type RSS talk points:rofl:

Mark my words, no way Modi RSS India can achieve 10% growth, even after 20% down economy
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Pathetic RSS modi *** licking dick sucking trolls, graduated from whatsup university, like a slave type RSS talk points:rofl:
Words coming from a CCP Bot who can’t think other than two words fed by CCP propaganda.
Mark my words,
Ohhh. Mark words of an A**?
You are hilariously incompetent. Be careful. CCP might send you to a re-education camp for showing such incompetence. 😉😉

Seeing your reasoning capability and high IQ 😉😉here you go into my ignore list.
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