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Workers should remain united if British police arrest me | Altaf


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Says false persecutions cannot stop struggle of quest for truth.


LONDON (Dunya News) - Addressing the zonal committee of party in Hyderabad and Mirpur Khas via telephone, MQM chief Altaf Hussain said that the workers should not get worried if the British police arrest him.

He said miseries of detention and registration of false cases had always been used against struggle for truth.

Altaf said that he was innocent and he was not afraid of being arrested.

He urged workers to participate in the voting process in by election in peaceful manner.

Earlier, in a statement issued from London on Saturday, Altaf Hussain demanded that Pakistan’s rulers speak the truth about their inability to stop US drone attacks in the tribal areas of the country.

The MQM chief said facts could not be hidden in the era of information technology.

He questioned the capability of those claiming to stop drone attacks when they could not even arrest an armed man in Islamabad.

Altaf Hussain said that country’s defence could be strengthened only through speaking truth and learning from past mistakes.

“Nobody will dare to cast an evil eye on Pakistan if we jointly defend its borders,” he said and added that all the political parties should admit their mistakes and refrain from burying every issue.
Seems like there has been new developments in the case. He gave similar statement when the Scotland Yard raided his home couple of months ago.

Seems like there is potential chance of his arrest any time soon and he already knows it.
C'mon it was in light mood, after all altaf is you beloved leader and its he who's saying his supporters to stay calm in case he gets arrested.. :P

jamil, how many times , even here, i have to say that i dont like altaf, if i have spoken farsi till now, please tell me

i atleast have enough guts to call spade a spade

im not a blind pujari like immy fans

what more do i need to do to say i dont like this guy?

you dont like even hate MQM, so why do i care what do you say, but still i have tolerance to talk sense into people like you?
He must be arrested in money laundering case if some developments are over there ..........
jamil, how many times , even here, i have to say that i dont like altaf, if i have spoken farsi till now, please tell me

i atleast have enough guts to call spade a spade

im not a blind pujari like immy fans

what more do i need to do to say i dont like this guy?

you dont like even hate MQM, so why do i care what do you say, but still i have tolerance to talk sense into people like you?

well that's something new to me, may be my bad but seriously never read anything such from you.. May be I missed it. But still, looking at your 9 out of 10 posts are in favor of MQM one can easily say you're Altaf's supporter. You're perhaps over reacting on my sarcastic post.. :)
well that's something new to me, may be my bad but seriously never read anything such from you.. May be I missed it. But still, looking at your 9 out of 10 posts are in favor of MQM one can easily say you're Altaf's supporter. You're perhaps over reacting on my sarcastic post.. :)

i started MQM criticism thread i bashed MQM

do you pujaris even try to criticise when your party was found will fake degrees, corruption allegations, militant mafia presence, nepotism, selling tickets for 30 million etc

no, you still supported your party

if i was supporting PTI i would have already left supporting PTI

you had governance for over two months, atleast MQM delivered when it got the chance, i dont even expect PTI to be any better then ANP, infact worse
i started MQM criticism thread i bashed MQM

do you pujaris even try to criticise when your party was found will fake degrees, corruption allegations, militant mafia presence, nepotism, selling tickets for 30 million etc

no, you still supported your party

if i was supporting PTI i would have already left supporting PTI

you had governance for over two months, atleast MQM delivered when it got the chance, i dont even expect PTI to be any better then ANP, infact worse

Calm down buddy, Altaf hasn't yet been arrested and you're already frustrated, take it easy at least until he's not arrested.. :cheesy:

And who told you that we PTIans are blind followers of IK? We criticize IK and PTI a lot, find my today's posts and you'll have a proof. Don't whine if you miss something and stop acting like only sane person on earth. I'm talking sarcastically to you and you're going nuts. You're known for your arrogant hatred towards PTI, so keep whining like a cry baby, no one is stopping you..
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