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Won't vacate Siachen, we can't trust Pakistan, says Manohar Parrikar

How do you come to this conclusion?
Army gives its professional advice to the Government.

Then it is upto the GoI to accept it or reject it based on what its overarching goals are. The Army cannot challenge the GoI's orders.
Judging by your
How do you come to this conclusion?
Army gives its professional advice to the Government.

Then it is upto the GoI to accept it or reject it based on what its overarching goals are. The Army cannot challenge the GoI's orders.
If we vacate the position, the enemy can occupy the position and they would have the strategic advantage. Then we would have to lose many more lives. We know the experience of 1984 (Siachen conflict),

Source: Won't vacate Siachen, we can't trust Pakistan, says Manohar Parrikar
by this line .What is strategic importance of that peak other than keeping an eye on Pak and CHina .I must say there are ways to solve this through technology both India and Pak place sensors on the position with UAV and Satelite monitoring can solve but it is interest of both armies to stay there and drain money with baseless assumptions on each other
So indian army is out of control just like ours good one ,It was always between Armies of both countries not with people
Hmmm... I don't follow your thought process here, it's army's job to advice the Defense Minister in matter of security, it is then the DM job to convey that advice to the Government, which takes the decision. Why on earth would a government disregard the army's advice if they say that vacating such a strategic post would be a disaster.
Then it is upto the GoI to accept it or reject it based on what its overarching goals are. The Army cannot challenge the GoI's orders.

Are you sure that Government of India will ORDER the Army to vacate Siachen
When the Army has given it in writing that they are OPPOSED to withdrawl

FYI the MMS govt did try to find a way to demilitarise Siachen
but nothing came out of it

NO govt has the GUTS to do something like this

IF the Army Chief calls a Press conference and announces his RESIGNATION
and says that Government is GIVING away Siachen then there will be
RIOTS in the country and the PM and the Government will be ............

Use your imagination
Hmmm... I don't follow your thought process here, it's army's job to advice the Defense Minister in matter of security, it is then the DM job to convey that advice to the Government, which takes the decision. Why on earth would a government disregard the army's advice if they say that vacating such a strategic post would be a disaster.
My friend you are looking at it from wrong side ,It is the job of civilians to make roadmaps ,army or para millitary forces only execute here Army is recommending that they dont wanna leave this place where is civilian though process ?
My friend you are looking at it from wrong side ,It is the job of civilians to make roadmaps ,army or para millitary forces only execute here Army is recommending that they dont wanna leave this place where is civilian though process ?

Good question

The civilians ask the Army for its INPUTS

The army has said that let Pakistan AUTHENTICATE ; DEMARCATE and DELINEATE
the AGPL and then we can Talk

That has never been done by Pakistan Army

Now The civilians also know that Pakistan and China will Take Siachen once we leave

So when that Happens who will Take responsibility

Till today NEHRU is abused for 1962

Nobody in India wants to be blamed for loss of territory
Good question

The civilians ask the Army for its INPUTS

The army has said that let Pakistan AUTHENTICATE ; DEMARCATE and DELINEATE
the AGPL and then we can Talk

That has never been done by Pakistan Army

Now The civilians also know that Pakistan and China will Take Siachen once we leave

So when that Happens who will Take responsibility

Till today NEHRU is abused for 1962

Nobody in India wants to be blamed for loss of territory
You are so wrong ,Civilian relies on pic provided to them by Army or guys on the front in your case Army is providing what it wants to provide .Its not about point scoring its about mind set which at the moment both armies are playing with each other. Pak & China dont have interest in Siachin ,you think so what are your feelings and why since these reports are also coming from the same group of people which are there to serve
My friend you are looking at it from wrong side ,It is the job of civilians to make roadmaps ,army or para millitary forces only execute here Army is recommending that they dont wanna leave this place where is civilian though process ?
Civilian thought process? What does civilian have to do with the post. There are no civilians living on the Siachin, only army men, if army feels it is needed to keep the other side in check what does civilian have to do with it. It is a strategic point no one in their right mind would vacate it.

You are so wrong ,Civilian relies on pic provided to them by Army or guys on the front in your case Army is providing what it wants to provide .Its not about point scoring its about mind set which at the moment both armies are playing with each other. Pak & China dont have interest in Siachin ,you think so what are your feelings and why since these reports are also coming from the same group of people which are there to serve
If yours army wasn't interested it would not have tried to take the point from India to begin with. Musharraf tired his best and failed miserably, now your guys are sitting at the bottom of the glacier waiting for a chance. No one is foolish enough to give up a vantage point.
Civilian thought process? What does civilian have to do with the post. There are no civilians living on the Siachin, only army men, if army feels it is needed to keep the other side in check what does civilian have to do with it. It is a strategic point no one in their right mind would vacate it.

If yours army wasn't interested it would not have tried to take the point from India to begin with. Musharraf tired his best and failed miserably, now your guys are sitting at the bottom of the glacier waiting for a chance. No one is foolish enough to give up a vantage point.
I can only say one thing for you and your post ,What the great Luther King said "There is a sucker born every minute." if you dont want to understand its ok i get it only time will tell who is correct .
I can only say one thing for you and your post ,What the great Luther King said "There is a sucker born every minute." if you dont want to understand its ok i get it only time will tell who is correct .

Lol, the quote is from Barnum , and secondly a fool is the one who gives up the vantage and allows his enemy to take the advantage.
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Lol, the quote is from Barnum , and secondly a fool is the one who gives up the vantage and allows his enemy to take the advantage.
Thanks for correcting me on Quote .For Vantage and advantage check the price
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