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Won't vacate Siachen, we can't trust Pakistan, says Manohar Parrikar


Sep 20, 2014
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: India on Friday ruled out withdrawal of Army from the icy heights in Jammu & Kashmir, saying Pakistan cannot be trusted and it may occupy the strategic area if India vacates.

Defence minister Manohar Parrikar said in Lok Sabha that vacating Siachen could lead to bigger loss of lives and reminded about the "experience" of 1984 when India evicted Pakistan from the strategically critical heights after a bloody fight.

"I know we have to pay the price and I salute our armed forces personnel. But we have to maintain this position. We have to man the strategic position. The position is very important from the strategic point," Parrikar said while replying to questions against the backdrop of the recent loss of 10 soldiers in an avalanche.

"I don't think anyone in this House can take Pakistan's words for granted ... If we vacate the position, the enemy can occupy the position and they would have the strategic advantage. Then we would have to lose many more lives. We know the experience of 1984 (Siachen conflict)," he said.

India occupies the highest point in Siachen glaciers, the Saltoro Ridge which is located at 23,000 feet, he said.

On February 3, an avalanche hit an Army post in a forward location in Siachen glacier, burying 10 soldiers, including a JCO. One of them was found alive under a huge mass of ice after six days but he died a few days later.

The defence minister said so far 915 people have lost their lives in the last 32 years in Siachen, which comes to 28 lives every year. This has now been reduced to 10 lives every year.

Parrikar said constant medical support is given to those serving in the Siachen glaciers which is six times more than the normal medical care. A total of 19 categories of clothing are provided to the soldiers in addition to various other assistance like snow scooters.

"There is no supply shortage. ... We can't totally conquer nature," he said.

In Rajya Sabha, JD(U) member K C Tyagi voiced concern over the death of soldiers in Siachen recently and said India and Pakistan should work towards withdrawal of troops from such tough areas to save the lives from both sides.

Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Tyagi referred to the avalanche mishap and said many Indian and Pakistani soldiers die due to difficult working conditions in Siachen.

He recalled that during the Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi, an attempt was made to withdraw forces from both sides from such difficult terrain.

This issue should figure in talks between India and Pakistan whenever it happens next time so that untimely deaths of soldiers can be prevented, Tyagi said.

Won't vacate Siachen, we can't trust Pakistan, says Manohar Parrikar - Times of India
someone please send this idiot to the highest post in sia chin and make him stay there for at least a month. hope he will change his mind later on
someone please send this idiot to the highest post in sia chin and make him stay there for at least a month. hope he will change his mind later on
It's not his decision he got this from the army which vehemently refuses to vacate the posts because it knows that Pakistan will pull a Kargil if they leave.which will result in a bloody battle.
Its good that they arnt leaving... pulloting water from highest point getting more handicap men .. every week 2 men dies in siachin... keep up the good work...
How about ask this brain dead person to send his kid for service.. i am sure he will refuse cuz its easy to let someone els kids die.
Its good that they arnt leaving... pulloting water from highest point getting more handicap men .. every week 2 men dies in siachin... keep up the good work...
How about ask this brain dead person to send his kid for service.. i am sure he will refuse cuz its easy to let someone els kids die.
There is a waiting list in the Army for those who volunteer to serve in Siachen.
Its good that they arnt leaving... pulloting water from highest point getting more handicap men .. every week 2 men dies in siachin... keep up the good work...
How about ask this brain dead person to send his kid for service.. i am sure he will refuse cuz its easy to let someone els kids die.
It's considered to be a prestigious posting within the IA and those who have served in Siachin are well respected by the rest of the IA fraternity.

If the Indian side is brain dead then what does it make the Pakistani side for occupying a more dangerous (down slope) and strategically pointless postion nowehre near the Siachin glacier?
It's considered to be a prestigious posting within the IA and those who have served in Siachin are well respected by the rest of the IA fraternity.

If the Indian side is brain dead then what does it make the Pakistani side for occupying a more dangerous (down slope) and strategically pointless postion nowehre near the Siachin glacier?
They dont know that. Most Pakistanis are taught that the Pak Army is also on Siachen as equals with the IA. Whereas from their position they cannot even see the Soltoro ridge. :p:
MP is one of the most sincere DM that India has ever had. It is natural for him to be speaking honestly, But it is pretty difficult to be politically correct !!!
Its good that they arnt leaving... pulloting water from highest point getting more handicap men .. every week 2 men dies in siachin... keep up the good work...
How about ask this brain dead person to send his kid for service.. i am sure he will refuse cuz its easy to let someone els kids die.
One of my uncle was posted in siachin around 15 yrs back.... He used to give me special mantra during my school days which was used to motivate the soldiers posted in siachin, don't remember now....
He is physical instructor now in some school..... He was from Garhwal rifle ....

We have reduced the casualty on our side barring few fatalities we will remain there...
The nefarious design of our neighbour has always prevailed over any reasonable & sensible negotiations on the issue from both side..... So all hail to strategic Triumph(for losers) of Kargil ....
There is a waiting list in the Army for those who volunteer to serve in Siachen.
offcourse .. i belive indian army can do wonder.. highest award to alive man in kargil when he was alive in hospital...
i am sure there are list of people who wanted to serve.. when they can receive anything anytime :) ... i belive there is another list of Pakistanies to indian who you wanted.. all you guys have is only list :).. keep up the good work with lists.

One of my uncle was posted in siachin around 15 yrs back.... He used to give me special mantra during my school days which was used to motivate the soldiers posted in siachin, don't remember now....
He is physical instructor now in some school..... He was from Garhwal rifle ....

We have reduced the casualty on our side barring few fatalities we will remain there...
The nefarious design of our neighbour has always prevailed over any reasonable & sensible negotiations on the issue from both side..... So all hail to strategic Triumph(for losers) of Kargil ....

thats not gain... thats what Pak did in tiger hills when india cried and Pakistan left kargil.. other wise its not so hard to melt the glaciars when specially its flowing east :)
i hope you continue on those post for another 20 years .. cuz somthing big is on the way.
Its good that they arnt leaving... pulloting water from highest point getting more handicap men .. every week 2 men dies in siachin... keep up the good work...
How about ask this brain dead person to send his kid for service.. i am sure he will refuse cuz its easy to let someone els kids die.

How about pakistan vacate their side of the glacier ? Nobody is forcing you to stay there.

Practice what you preach first.
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