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Won’t apologise or withdraw charges against Devyani: US


Sep 3, 2012
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Won't apologise or withdraw charges against Devyani: US | Firstpost

Washington: The United States has ruled out acceding to either of the two Indian demands - withdrawal of charges against its diplomat Devyani Khobragade, and an apology for alleged mistreatment, after her arrest in New York last week.

"We take these allegations very seriously. We're not in any way walking back from those allegations or the charges. Again, this is really a law enforcement issue," the State Department spokesperson, Marie Harf said.

"No," she said when asked if Khobragade would go "scott free" and US courts would be asked to drop the charges.

Refuting that charges against the diplomat could be dropped, she said:"I don't know the details of the complaint, and I don't know if even withdrawing the complaint, which I'm not saying anybody is considering would, in fact, drop the charge. That's not something that's even being considered."

"We certainly take these types of allegations very seriously though. It's not a decision for us whether to prosecute or not," Harf said.

She said that the US informs annually every country having diplomats there through diplomatic notes about "obligations they have for their staffs when they bring them to the United States."

"We make those obligations very clear and we take any allegations that they haven't done so very seriously. So certainly, there's no discussion like that going on. We just want the process to move forward," she added.

She refused to distance the State Department from alleged highly rhetorical statement of Preet Bharara, the US prosecutor handling the case, as was being reported from India.

The report came following the telephonic conversation between the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Wendy Sherman, and India's Foreign Secretary, Sujatha Singh.

Contradicting Salman Khurshid's statement, Harf said no telephonic conversations between him and John Kerry was planned and nothing is scheduled as of now. "No plans (for Kerry) to (call Khurshid)," she said in response to a question.

"I mean, he (Kerry) always open to, but I think there was some misreporting out there today that he maybe was planning to, and that's just not the case," she said.

Khurshid in media interview in Delhi was quoted as saying that he was scheduled to have call with Kerry.

Kerry is on year-end family vacation and would return to Washington after holidays, she said.
Sick is the mind of the amreekans who cannot admit their own mistake. I hope we sever ties with these most ungrateful of people. Why should we help to contain China if amreeka acts like this to us?
Sick is the mind of the amreekans who cannot admit their own mistake. I hope we sever ties with these most ungrateful of people. Why should we help to contain China if amreeka acts like this to us?

Containment of China and criminal case against the defendant are 2 different thing, don't group it together to justify the criminal case should be drop.
Why does someone need to have a maid when they can't afford it ? If an American Diplomat is posted in London/Tokyo/Paris he/she will have to do all the work plus all their household work or pay the prevailing wages in those countries.

BTW under American system the cash salary portion must be the minimum wage, there is no way around it.

She is gonna have more cavity searches !!
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The US Attorney in this case is an INDIAN AMERICAN named Pretinder Singh Bharara and goes by nick name of Preet Bharara. Why would he be Anti Indian in this case ?
The US Attorney in this case is an INDIAN AMERICAN named Pretinder Singh Bharara and goes by nick name of Preet Bharara. Why would he be Anti Indian in this case ?

He is just following the law. Where he was from is irrelevant. Lets just focus on the fact that the Indian vice consular broke the law and is now a felony suspect.

Sick is the mind of the amreekans who cannot admit their own mistake. I hope we sever ties with these most ungrateful of people. Why should we help to contain China if amreeka acts like this to us?

I feel sad that many Indians like you support another Indian violating the law in another country. Indians should feel ashamed of its own diplomatic wantonly violating the law of another country. Instead, most of you guys try to justify the crime. No wonder India is the way it is today.
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The Accused Diplomat Devyani Khobragade is Indian. The Victim Nanny Sangeeta Richard is Indian. The Prosecuting US Attorney Pretinder Singh Bharara is Indian-American.

This is an Indian Drama being played on Global Stage.
He is just following the law. Where he was from is irrelevant. Lets just focus on the fact that the Indian vice consular broke the law and is now a felony suspect.

I feel sad that many Indians like you support another Indian violating the law in another country. Indians should feel ashamed of its own diplomatic wantonly violating the law of another country. Instead, most of you guys try to justify the crime. No wonder India is the way it is today.
hav u ever been to india?
I am not sure how other people react to a story like this, but if i see my neighbors house burning I try to help as much as possible to put that fire out. Not because I like my neighbor or his house, but because that fire if not put out will burn my house as well + I am just a nice helpful self interested person. If they can do this to a diplomat even if she is 100% in the wrong, then think how you and your children will be treated if you 50% wrong in the future. I love how the law is melted out to regular folks in the US and everyone knows about martha stewart jail and a pot smoking hippies jail is kind of different. Just my two cents.
No one is arguing properly. I mean they are saying that if embassy staff of country "X" works in country "Y" then they have to be paid the salary of country "Y". If yes then all the nations that have embassy in US must pay their staff as per US salary...Right? Anyone?. Now this action of this nanny will result in the following and it will be followed by other countries, even China and Pakistan whose members are voraciously supporting US here.

Some may argue the maid is not staff, but a nanny working for the staff, OK. Then Indian Govt. thinks that after this case subsides, it will convert all the domestic helps/nannies into Govt. staffs. They will be on contractual basis and the employer will choose his/her own employee. This will solve the future problems like this. This will be applied only to Embassy or Govt. staff posted in foreign countries, not to Individuals working abroad.
Containment of China and criminal case against the defendant are 2 different thing, don't group it together to justify the criminal case should be drop.

But India will keep reminding USA about containing China, as in, "Is this nanny really worth damaging your China-containment strategy?"
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