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Women Raped at Mazar-I-Quaid

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Really feel sorry for the girl. Sounds like a terrible ordeal.
Appalling thing to happen no matter what circumstances. Find the culprits shoot them.

Better yet go with neo's castration idea with the use a G3 rifle.
Appalling thing to happen no matter what circumstances. Find the culprits shoot them.

Better yet for neo's castration use a G3 rifle.
Neo's castration? :D

We should have harsher punishment for rapists, I suggest immidiate castration.

We need harsh punishment for this type of crime. Something which will put so much fear in the minds of the people that they will be scared to even talk about it. Your suggestion is right and might I add that it should be done in front of the public so that everyone sees the consequences of such an act.
well castration can't be done in public, but i know a public execution should do the job. we need to "cleanse" our country before it gets out of control.
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