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Women of Kashmir: Maimed Yet Resilient! - PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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PKKH Exclusive | by Khoulah Afzal Qamer

The decades-old struggle for power between India and Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has turned the ‘Paradise on Earth’ into the World’s most densely militarized conflict zone. Denying the Kashmiris the right to decide for their freedom as per their will gave rise to the secessionist movements in the late 80s, and a new wave of heightened violence hit the valley when India deployed 300,000 and 500,000 troops to stifle a rising population exceeding 10 million.

The Kashmiri civilians since then have suffered in silence, as murders, house-to-house raids, torturous interrogations, gang rapes, and forced disappearances became a norm. Like any war zone in the world, it is the vulnerable women of Kashmir who have borne the burden of the rising violence over the years. They have been witness to mass killings of the ‘suspected’ males of their families, helpless on the disappearance of their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. They have been gang-raped, maimed, discriminated and intimidated. War has been destroying their homes and lives, crippling their personalities with fear.
More than 10,000 Kashmiri women have been raped, molested and sexually assaulted since the beginning of the uprising in 1989, till September 2014. Rape is shamelessly used as a weapon of war by the Indian military, as they punish the women for allegedly assisting the militants by providing them with food and shelter.

According to a 1993 Human Rights Watch report on Kashmir, most cases of rape take place during cordon-and-search operations, and just living in a certain area can put women at risk of getting raped. There can be no doubt that the use of rape is common and routinely goes unpunished. Indian government authorities have rarely investigated charges of rape by security forces in Kashmir. In fact, the armed personnel have been given impunity through the oppressive "The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)", which enables the soldiers with power to kill and arrest people without warrant. It is this law which denied sanction to the few reported cases of sexual violence, while most incidents go unreported because of social stigmas and fear of authorities.

The indirect yet grave suffering of war atrocities can be observed in the quiet resilience of half widows-women whose husbands have been disappeared by the forces. Though there has been no official account of half-widows, a 2010 report named "Half-Widow, Half-Wife?" carefully estimates around 1500 half-widows in Kashmir. These women spend entire lives on false hopes. An undeclared dead husband leaves them with no property rights under civil law. Even though Islam allows them to remarry, 90% of half-widows do not consider this option due to various social pressures.

Conflict has not only affected the societal norms of Kashmir but has also deteriorated both the mental and physical health of the civilians. Violence induces stress, causes severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD, an unknown disease in the once peaceful Kashmir, now distresses 800,000 people, especially young females.

Stress and depression disturbs the normal hormone levels in females, leading to major reproductive problems, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the leading factor for infertility. Between six to ten percent of all Kashmiri women suffer from PCOS.

A 2006 study by the Medicines Sans Frontiers states that stress does not only cause infertility in women, but is also the main cause behind high rates of miscarriages and abortions. Moreover, orthopedic problems and hypertensions are also becoming common among Kashmiri females.

The rising conflict and the resulting difficulties leave Kashmiris with seemingly no choice but to take their own lives. The state of Jammu and Kashmir once boasted the lowest suicide rates in India; 0.5 deaths per 100,000 people in 1989. As war took its toll, the rate increased to 20 deaths per 100,000 in 2007, according to a research by Kashmir’s only psychiatric disease hospital. This report is just the tip of the iceberg. Most suicide attempts and the resulting deaths are not even reported, especially those taking place in the rural areas. The shame and fear of society is too great to report an act which has been forbidden in Islam, the religion of majority of the Kashmiris.

Sixty-two percent of all suicides are attempted by females. Due to the growing incidents of rape, torture, humiliation, stress, depression, infertility and society’s increasing pressures, the woman of Kashmir cannot help but think of giving up. The rate at which suicide is spreading among the Kashmiri womenfolk is alarming, to say the least.

The Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions cites rape, murder and torture of civilians by militants and the government as a violation of humanitarian law. Nevertheless, the heinous crimes against humanity taking place in Kashmir are grossly neglected at international forums. In this time and age when issues such as women empowerment and female liberty are prioritized above all, and when even minor acts of violence against women are dealt with seriously and rightly so, is the woman of Kashmir perhaps a tier lower than the ordinary female of the twenty-first century? Just because her endeavours does not serve the political agendas of certain world powers, should her struggle against the Indian war crimes go voiceless and in vain?

Source: PKKH.tv

PKKH Exclusive | by Khoulah Afzal Qamer

The decades-old struggle for power between India and Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has turned the ‘Paradise on Earth’ into the World’s most densely militarized conflict zone. Denying the Kashmiris the right to decide for their freedom as per their will gave rise to the secessionist movements in the late 80s, and a new wave of heightened violence hit the valley when India deployed 300,000 and 500,000 troops to stifle a rising population exceeding 10 million.

The Kashmiri civilians since then have suffered in silence, as murders, house-to-house raids, torturous interrogations, gang rapes, and forced disappearances became a norm. Like any war zone in the world, it is the vulnerable women of Kashmir who have borne the burden of the rising violence over the years. They have been witness to mass killings of the ‘suspected’ males of their families, helpless on the disappearance of their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. They have been gang-raped, maimed, discriminated and intimidated. War has been destroying their homes and lives, crippling their personalities with fear.
More than 10,000 Kashmiri women have been raped, molested and sexually assaulted since the beginning of the uprising in 1989, till September 2014. Rape is shamelessly used as a weapon of war by the Indian military, as they punish the women for allegedly assisting the militants by providing them with food and shelter.

According to a 1993 Human Rights Watch report on Kashmir, most cases of rape take place during cordon-and-search operations, and just living in a certain area can put women at risk of getting raped. There can be no doubt that the use of rape is common and routinely goes unpunished. Indian government authorities have rarely investigated charges of rape by security forces in Kashmir. In fact, the armed personnel have been given impunity through the oppressive "The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)", which enables the soldiers with power to kill and arrest people without warrant. It is this law which denied sanction to the few reported cases of sexual violence, while most incidents go unreported because of social stigmas and fear of authorities.

The indirect yet grave suffering of war atrocities can be observed in the quiet resilience of half widows-women whose husbands have been disappeared by the forces. Though there has been no official account of half-widows, a 2010 report named "Half-Widow, Half-Wife?" carefully estimates around 1500 half-widows in Kashmir. These women spend entire lives on false hopes. An undeclared dead husband leaves them with no property rights under civil law. Even though Islam allows them to remarry, 90% of half-widows do not consider this option due to various social pressures.

Conflict has not only affected the societal norms of Kashmir but has also deteriorated both the mental and physical health of the civilians. Violence induces stress, causes severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD, an unknown disease in the once peaceful Kashmir, now distresses 800,000 people, especially young females.

Stress and depression disturbs the normal hormone levels in females, leading to major reproductive problems, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the leading factor for infertility. Between six to ten percent of all Kashmiri women suffer from PCOS.

A 2006 study by the Medicines Sans Frontiers states that stress does not only cause infertility in women, but is also the main cause behind high rates of miscarriages and abortions. Moreover, orthopedic problems and hypertensions are also becoming common among Kashmiri females.

The rising conflict and the resulting difficulties leave Kashmiris with seemingly no choice but to take their own lives. The state of Jammu and Kashmir once boasted the lowest suicide rates in India; 0.5 deaths per 100,000 people in 1989. As war took its toll, the rate increased to 20 deaths per 100,000 in 2007, according to a research by Kashmir’s only psychiatric disease hospital. This report is just the tip of the iceberg. Most suicide attempts and the resulting deaths are not even reported, especially those taking place in the rural areas. The shame and fear of society is too great to report an act which has been forbidden in Islam, the religion of majority of the Kashmiris.

Sixty-two percent of all suicides are attempted by females. Due to the growing incidents of rape, torture, humiliation, stress, depression, infertility and society’s increasing pressures, the woman of Kashmir cannot help but think of giving up. The rate at which suicide is spreading among the Kashmiri womenfolk is alarming, to say the least.

The Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions cites rape, murder and torture of civilians by militants and the government as a violation of humanitarian law. Nevertheless, the heinous crimes against humanity taking place in Kashmir are grossly neglected at international forums. In this time and age when issues such as women empowerment and female liberty are prioritized above all, and when even minor acts of violence against women are dealt with seriously and rightly so, is the woman of Kashmir perhaps a tier lower than the ordinary female of the twenty-first century? Just because her endeavours does not serve the political agendas of certain world powers, should her struggle against the Indian war crimes go voiceless and in vain?

Source: PKKH.tv

no matter how much propagandas your military released on your news medias.. india will never going to give up kashmir... by try to separate Kashmir from india.. pakistan will only isolate in this world and reduce its potential for growth... pakistan is the reason for its current unrest and terrorism related problems... further they cultivate terrorism more pakistan will bleed...
its interesting how violence didnt start off, and..how indian forces didnt flood kashmir,,......untill the 90s.
Pakistan is directly responsible for all the bloodshed in Kashmir in past,Had Pakistan not sent terrorists there would have been no deployment of troops in Kashmir.
India has now devloped an excellent counter terrorism force which kills all the terrorists coming from across the border mercilessly as a result of which Kashmir is now more peaceful than most of the cities of Pakistan and now the snakes which Pakistan nurtured are biting its own hands.
no matter how much propagandas your military released on your news medias.. india will never going to give up kashmir... by try to separate Kashmir from india.. pakistan will only isolate in this world and reduce its potential for growth... pakistan is the reason for its current unrest and terrorism related problems... further they cultivate terrorism more pakistan will bleed...

Pakistan is directly responsible for all the bloodshed in Kashmir in past,Had Pakistan not sent terrorists there would have been no deployment of troops in Kashmir.
India has now devloped an excellent counter terrorism force which kills all the terrorists coming from across the border mercilessly as a result of which Kashmir is now more peaceful than most of the cities of Pakistan and now the snakes which Pakistan nurtured are biting its own hands.
why is india so scared of referendum than its a democratic country or is ito_O
why is india so scared of referendum than its a democratic country or is ito_O
We will not allow referendum because of some muslims having some issues with the government.
They can stay or they can leave,it's up to them but kashmir will remain an integral part of India.
Remember these are also the same muslims who slaughtered hindus,sikhs and other minorities.
We will not allow referendum because some muslims have issues with the government.
They can stay or they can leave,it's up to them but kashmir will remain an integral part of India.
Remember these are also the same muslims who slaughtered hindus,sikhs and other minorities.
remove democratic country than plus its not upto indian its the people living there its upto them to decide if they want freedom or not it was unfair to you when Britishers were ruling us and leaders were saying its not fair for Britain to decide the fate of india it was unfair back than its fair now IRONY up your
remove democratic country than plus its not upto indian its the people living there its upto them to decide if they want freedom or not it was unfair to you when Britishers were ruling us and leaders were saying its not fair for Britain to decide the fate of india it was unfair back than its fair now IRONY up your
India is a democracy.
Kashmiri people can choose the government they like.
OTOH Pakistan should give freedom to balochis and sindhis.
why is india so scared of referendum than its a democratic country or is ito_O
Get the heck out of Kashmir first as per the UN Resolutions. Then talk.

Second, the Shias of the Kashmir Valley abhor you, the people of Jammu don't even bother about you and the Ladakhis care a fig about Pakistan or independence.

A survey carried out across both Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir, that its author claims is the first ever of its kind, shows that only 2% of the respondents on the Indian side favour joining Pakistan.

In six of the districts surveyed late last year by researchers from the London-based think tank Chatham House, not a single person favoured annexation with Pakistan, a notion that remains the bedrock for the hardline separate campaign in Kashmir.

However, the study by Robert Bradrock, a scholar from London's Kings College, showed that 44% of people on the Pakistani side favoured independence.

But you guys don't talk about your side of the LoC? Why?
Pak is ready to vaccate its part of Kashmir but you need to change your constitution first which says Kashmir is integral part of India. India made Kashmir its part officially in 1952. So you change your consitution first and then guve us gurantee that india wont occupy Pak Kashmir. Do you know think Pak is stupid to vaccate its part of Kashmir when you call the whole Kashmir as your own territory.

Also about Survery. If you are so sure that People of Kashmir are not willing to join Pak then change your constitution and do a plebescite in Valley. But you wont do this because you know people of Kashmir will vote agaisnt you in any pebescite at any time which is why you are not willing to have a plebescite in Kashmir.

You dont want to have any third party interefence in Kashmir Issue too . The reason is same. You know veyr well any third party will say to have a plebescite as this is the most logical thing to do which is why you dont want third party.

So please change your constitution and then ask us to vaccate our part of Kashmir.
remove democratic country than plus its not upto indian its the people living there its upto them to decide if they want freedom or not it was unfair to you when Britishers were ruling us and leaders were saying its not fair for Britain to decide the fate of india it was unfair back than its fair now IRONY up your

Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India.You can take it or leave it.Those who cant tolerate that ,can leave the valley .Tribal invasion backed by our western neighbour started all of this and tortured ,raped and killed and drove out real sons of soil Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley .
India is a democracy.
Kashmiri people can choose the government they like.
OTOH Pakistan should give freedom to balochis and sindhis.
u disgrace ur self im living in sindh and getting all the freedom i could ask for have more freedom than i could ask for stop changing the topic u have lost it 5 of my class mates are baloch and havve been to balochistan initial analisis very hospitable people and as patriotic as they com btw wts happening in west bangal ?

Get the heck out of Kashmir first as per the UN Resolutions. Then talk.
Second, the Shias of the Kashmir Valley abhor you, the people of Jammu don't even bother about you and the Ladakhis care a fig about Pakistan or independence.
A survey carried out across both Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir, that its author claims is the first ever of its kind, shows that only 2% of the respondents on the Indian side favour joining Pakistan.
In six of the districts surveyed late last year by researchers from the London-based think tank Chatham House, not a single person favoured annexation with Pakistan, a notion that remains the bedrock for the hardline separate campaign in Kashmir.
However, the study by Robert Bradrock, a scholar from London's Kings College, showed that 44% of people on the Pakistani side favoured independence.
But you guys don't talk about your side of the LoC? Why?
utter bull shit so called surveys in azad kasmir im from there i would know better anyway i ddont like reading bullshit i skimmed and to conclusion if u guys have soo much support would a refrendum hurt thought so u fear the worsr dont u now dont be like other indians dnt change the topic
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