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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

If someone were to break objects with the name of God, we know how much of a fit the entire world of "peaceful" throw.

Here we can see some "peacefuls" clapping for this stupid act.
This verse doesn't apply for idol worshiping because Idols were smashed after the conquest of mecca , if this verse applies to idol worshiping then those who smashed the Idols of Kaaba were also blasphemers , you really think that ? There is no place or Tolerance for Idol worshiping in Islam or a Ideal Islamic society , they can worship in their homes but selling idols in market might not be allowed , but this act of women can be seen as interference in states job but this kind of incidents happen when state neglect its duty as implementing the laws of Allah and give preference to the laws made by men.

I never shed a tear when some hate crime against Islamic buildings take place in West or some non Muslim country, and probably never will because our people do the same to other religions.

This is the dumbest stance in this world.

*someone does blasphemy* - "Our feelings are hurt!"
*disrespect other religions and do what is blasphemy to them* - "Our religion commands us to do this"

Then people call themself peaceful, and whatever, I cannot, and never will understand the logic behind it.
This verse doesn't apply for idol worshiping because Idols were smashed after the conquest of mecca ,
That was house of Allah, made by Hz Ibrahim (AS). That was possessed by somewhat Hz Ibrahim progeny but they became pagans. So our Prophet (SW) retook as not only due to lineage (inheritance) but also as a rightful candidate (that house was only meant for Allah).
but this act of women can be seen as interference in states job but this kind of incidents happen when state neglect its duty as implementing the laws of Allah
Again, if you are a member of UN, then you must allow others to fully practice their religion. We can just guide them, but we cannot force them.
It is strange that it is even sold in Bahrain. I never see any Hindu idol being sold in any supermarket or Bookstore in Jakarta where Hindu community are actually present, although very very minority.

Selling Hindu god in Supermarket is actually an insult to Hinduism.
Shopping mall is not ideal place for religious artifacts should be monitored and only allowed to be ordered by religious authorities. Like you order your passport may be make a order with Government and then thru special order you get it delivered only for a center for religion
For example a formal Mandir can order it thru Government

Shopping mall is for things like Milk, Beef , Mutton, Eggs shopping mall also sells , toilet cleaning equipment and dish washers. You also buy stuff like plastic wrapper , or fish

For me , selling idol in shopping mall seem disrespectful in first place that shop was just being disrespectful to customers

Even in western society you go in Shopping mall you don't see Idols

You don't see a Jesus statue on Walmart door for example or in McDonalds

I am sorry but I am just surprised by the sale of such things in shopping mall

It does not justify what happened in the video though.
These idols couldn't save themselves
How to cow worshipers expect any help from idols?

elhamdulillah! tabarekallah! may allah the almighty never let see the great fire to be even millions of km near her hands!

This thread is becoming a prime example of why calling Muslims as a bunch of peaceful people is the biggest joke of the century.
These idols couldn't save themselves
How to cow worshipers expect any help from idols?

Mocking the faith of others is strictly prohibited in Islam, lest they insult Allah SWT out of spite.

Cheerleader Muslims on here have no idea about Allah's actual teachings.

Just the "I'm born into Muslim family and pray whenever I feel like and I engage in regular slandering of other faiths to feel more pious" type of Muslims.

we cannot but else can. if we are signatory of UN charter... Then we must allow other to practice freely.
Brother, before UN charter signatory we as Muslim have a duty to towards ALLAH SWT.
All non- muslim allowed to do their religious practices at the dedicated place, selling idols openly not allowed, they could sell it in their 'Mandirs'.
Any personal wish is null and void when it comes to Islam and it's teachings.
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