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Women Fighter Pilots in PAF

show shaw ke liye rakhi hain...just to meet some universal standards...

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

good though for having a good image of the airforce
Women are almost % of our population, they are equal citizens with equal rights and then some more (respect). They should have freedom of choice to do whatever they want to do just as men. I fullky support Pakistani women in doing whatever they want and can. And this is not even againt the teachings of Islam either, there have been many examples of women taking part in wars (Gazwa) though mainly in support functions like caring for the injured, fetching water, collecting arrows etc.

Ambreen Gull First Female Fighter pilot Of PAF
Women being more physically suited to a fighter cockpit than men is a myth. The ideal physical specimen has the thick, strong, somewhat squat body of a wrestler or weight-lifter. The worst body type is the rail-thin marathon runner physique.

But while they have no advantage, they have no great disadvantage either. Men do tend to do better in 3d spatial interpretations and other perceptions that help in the air. But in all societies, there will be women who will do fine.
They generally have lower G tolerance. Guys that are superbly fit aerobically, like runners and cyclists, have low blood pressure and low pulse, which is great for health, but makes sustaining high G much more difficult.

It went so far that at one point, we were discouraged from aerobic exercise and instead encouraged to lift weights. They even installed a nice free-weight gym for us!
They generally have lower G tolerance. Guys that are superbly fit aerobically, like runners and cyclists, have low blood pressure and low pulse, which is great for health, but makes sustaining high G much more difficult.

It went so far that at one point, we were discouraged from aerobic exercise and instead encouraged to lift weights. They even installed a nice free-weight gym for us!

With due respect, the German Luftwaffe busted this myth of G tolerance. They figured that women on average were tolerating more Gs than men, without G suits on, in the centrifugal tests. The reason that they gave was the fact that average women height is shorter than men. Hence their heart is more nearer to brain so it is relatively easier to continue pumping blood to the head during high G moves.

This was shown and tested by Luftwaffe and shown on Discovery channel.
women have lower hb level in their blood as compare to men making their brains more susceptible to hypoxia .it is a completely foolish idea to induct ladies in fighting arms.i dont know wat the hell has gone wrong with our military planners.their is alot of differnce in the grooming of the ladies in west n in pakistan.i saw a lady cadet firing.she couldn't even hit the 4ft into 4ft board at 200 metres not to mention the small target at the centre of that board
With due respect, the German Luftwaffe busted this myth of G tolerance. They figured that women on average were tolerating more Gs than men, without G suits on, in the centrifugal tests. ............l.

If you had paid attention in Intermediate you would have learnt the same thing in the English lesson
Valentina Treshkova ........... First Woman in space
Anyone can handle loads of G while fully reclined, like an astronaut. The issue in fighters is that G is directed in a line from your brain to your rear, and under G, the blood leaves your brain and flows downhill. You pass out.

The blood will leave your brain at about 4 G. A good G suit is worth maybe 1 or 2 G, no more. What keeps people conscious above 6 to 7 G is the L-1 or M-1 strain maneuvers, in which abdominal muscles are used to move the blood back uphill. This requires a lot of muscle mass and strength to do successfully for any modest period of time. And in general, men have stronger and thicker muscles.

I never said women can't do it, I said they don't have some magic advantage, despite the German study. If I were to guess, they took random people from the street and put them in a centrifuge... people who were not trained. The difference comes in training. When men work muscle groups, they get stronger, thicker, faster, than women, and a trained male is going to have more endurance, and be more effective, in moving the blood uphill against high G forces.
With due respect, the German Luftwaffe busted this myth of G tolerance. They figured that women on average were tolerating more Gs than men, without G suits on, in the centrifugal tests. The reason that they gave was the fact that average women height is shorter than men. Hence their heart is more nearer to brain so it is relatively easier to continue pumping blood to the head during high G moves.

This was shown and tested by Luftwaffe and shown on Discovery channel.

according to this web site, a man's heart is 25% larger than a women's heart , so it can pump 25% more blood to brain comparative to woman heart, i think it will eliminate any advantage of distance from hart to brain....
Men's vs. Women's Heart Rate Monitor: The Differences / Fitness / Equipment
I think in the end it comes down to thick and powerful abdominal muscles. Every squadron has a guy acknowledged as a "G-monster", a man who can not only sustain 8 or 9 G, he can also speak calmly and direct others in his flight in a big turning engagement. Guys like that get nicknames like "Mongo" or "Horse".

Women also have (to be blunt) larger thighs and rear end, areas that allow a lot of blood to flow to when under G. But like any other military activity, if a woman can meet the standards, then she should be allowed to do the job. The trick is to not lower the standards under pressure from feminist or activist groups.
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