And this is a group some people would like to see as a government. Taliban have left no stone unturned into diverting the areas they control into a barbaric, racist, illiterate, sexist, backward and vicious areas and convert the people into the same mentality.
A 1000 lahnats on religious animals anywhere in the world, who always manage to attack the weakest link in order to make their own bastardised-self look better. And even more lahnats on those supporting bastards like these!
There, my frustration of the month is out.
afghani culture is far before of stone age culture
This is as much of Afghan culture as suicide bombing, honour killing, child brides, forced marriages, etc are Islamic culture. Sounds biased, doesn't it? This current culture however is promoted and practised by the 'good' Taliban and their followers: who are so called warriors of Islam, who promote courageous behaviour inside of Afghanistan but turn into 'bad boys Taliban' once the cross their borders. (Hope you get the gist.)
Their true culture was represented before the mess around Soviets were created by the Afghan government, and only their government is responsible for ruining the nation's culture, history, tradition and many other things that's beautiful about the country and its people.