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Withdrawal from Siachen – a manifestation of Prithviraj Chauhan syndrome!

I pray that if shyte was to hit the fan, then in the Army says no openly and goes public with government's intentions.

That will toast the UPA.

That is a red line no political party will cross.

Our army will not be vacating anything anytime soon.

And decisions of such nature are never taken without the Army very much involved.
That was a typo.

It was not Durrani but much much before him. It was Ghauri he's referring to.

And he was pardoned 17 times before he finally won through deceit (Kshatriya code of honor doesn't allow killing of a downed-unarmed enemy and hence emperor Prithviraj spared him numerous times and let him go honorably).

Oh come on mate. Jai Chand is symbol of treachery in Indian history. I am merely telling you what I have come cross.

I pray that if shyte was to hit the fan, then in the Army says no openly and goes public with government's intentions.

That will toast the UPA.

A man who invaded your Motherland for so many times and your king pardoned him 17 times, doesn't go with any logic. If he was pardoned one time and then once he committed the crime surely he would have been sentenced. 17 times is just not wild estimation, it is unthinkable even in dream. Even no Muslim general will go through 17 defeats, rather than they would have liked to die on the hand of enemies for sure. 17 times pardoned - just think yourself.He was defeated once and Captured by Pritviraj. Why he didn't kill him is big question! May be because of Multan and Ghauris will then be untied against Prithvi. Cause both the two Empires were looking for more lands.
This pardoning thing is total falsified glorification.Now our nationalists are distorting history just like the islamic invader fanboys,Ghauri was knocked out unconscious in the battle and carried of the battlefield by a loyal companion.His army was defeated as he couldn't cope with the elephants.There was no forgiveness as he was not captured,but prithviraj laxed his preparations and also he was arrogant that alienated allies.
The fact that in the battle between these dynastic feuds the state of the common people hardly improved.Rulers came and went ,empires rose and fell and from the end of the gupta age to the coming of the english the common standard of living and technological standard remained stagnant,while europe with the magnacarta and renaissance had moved far ahead inspite of its conflicts.These medieval feudal warlords that are glorified were often incredibly brave personally but rigid,short sighted and arrogant,casteist and fought not for love of the motherland as per se but for their own interests.
A man who invaded your Motherland for so many times and your king pardoned him 17 times, doesn't go with any logic. If he was pardoned one time and then once he committed the crime surely he would have been sentenced. 17 times is just not wild estimation, it is unthinkable even in dream. Even no Muslim general will go through 17 defeats, rather than they would have liked to die on the hand of enemies for sure. 17 times pardoned - just think yourself.He was defeated once and Captured by Pritviraj. Why he didn't kill him is big question! May be because of Multan and Ghauris will then be untied against Prithvi. Cause both the two Empires were looking for more lands.
noope tshering is right in this case.read hindu history and you will know.
Why are we discussing this again and again. Its Indian territory. We leave it when we feel we need to. Not when the PA feels there is a need for demilitrisation. Nor when the spineless MMS thinks its required.
So how many times Indians pardoned Durrani! Just interested! As you claim!!

Even though he was a Khan,not too many people know him as Abdali, rather he is known as Shah of Durrrani.

Only a nincompoop would intervene in this fashion. His original tribal name was Abdali. Nadir Shah complimented him for his loyal services by calling him 'Durr-i-Durran', pearl of pearls. He started using the name Durrani, and his tribe, too, were known as Durranis thereon.

I am not surprised at this intervention.
For peace india should not withdraw from siachen.... If india not had moved from kargil in winter than kargil war never had happened.... Peace is must. If india moved out and pakistan does any mistake than it will only bring war which is not good.... Btw ex army chief v.k singh have said there is no pak army in siachen.... He told pak army is far away from siachen.... He also said if pak army having difficulty being close to siachen than it doesnt mean india should help them by withdrawing army.... He said india facing same problem in kashm!r.... Does it mean pakistan army should moved out?....
All text we read says that Prithviraj has captured Gauri during first battle and pardoned him to allow him to return to from where he cam. After that Gauri attacked several time and finally scored victory over Prithviraj.

Pardoning some one once can be justified but forgiving 17 times is total BS!

Also, AUSTERLITZ is correct most of these kings/ war lords were too much occupied with bravery / valor/ honor etc and fought for their own glory than welfare of masses.
Total nonsense. There is no Hindu history to read it, only the account of his court poet, Chand Bardai. That account was so defective in every respect that it is clearly not of any use in terms of history.

Can't believe they made a TV series based on that, to make worse they added fictionalized events. :tdown:
you mean to say ghauri.
this is a propaganda that ghauri lost 17 or 18 times but in actual he lost just one time and next time he defeated prithvi but if prithvi would have executed him then there would have been no second attack from his side.
prithvi raj was solely responsible for the invasion of india

why blame him?

it was jaichand who conspired against prithvi and samyukta was not his niece
A man who invaded your Motherland for so many times and your king pardoned him 17 times, doesn't go with any logic. If he was pardoned one time and then once he committed the crime surely he would have been sentenced. 17 times is just not wild estimation, it is unthinkable even in dream. Even no Muslim general will go through 17 defeats, rather than they would have liked to die on the hand of enemies for sure. 17 times pardoned - just think yourself.He was defeated once and Captured by Pritviraj. Why he didn't kill him is big question! May be because of Multan and Ghauris will then be untied against Prithvi. Cause both the two Empires were looking for more lands.

some muslim generals have been defeated 4 times (48,65,71, 99)

and are looking for more
I love Gauri, he is the man who shown India the right direction.

Hail Gauri.. ;)
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