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With eye on Turkey, Arabs look to mend ties with Al Assad

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Saddam would have gassed everyone away if not for the Americans and he is talking about Americans saving Arabs, after Kuwait he would have probably gone after Syria and then Turkey would face increased pressure. Actually that is what should have happened, with Saudi and Iraq allying after the Kuwait grab and then launching the great Arabziation program. Starting with Arabizing our fellow Arab Syria.

In all seriousness and fun aside, what was needed was to peacefully/sanely decide internal Arab disagreements without weakening each other and the region, thus not giving way to outside interference. Prior to that idiotic invasion/conflict foreign presence was very limited. No bases (really) of any kind.

Saddam was not the solution either as he was too rash and nobody could have guessed how Qusay would have ruled/behaved after him.

We would all have preferred (even though I was not alive back then) for greater regional integration to have occurred back then. All this trouble started with the weakening of Iraq. Every Arab country, especially neighbors, should help bankroll Iraq and make it stronger and make Iraq the natural (as historically) Eastern frontier of the Arab Ummah. Weakening of Syria is tied to the instability of Iraq. Iraqi patriotism will always prevail eventually as well as the Arab identity which rules supreme to this day.

What is also insane is that Iraq and Syria (due to regimes only) had such hostile relations in the modern era. This is unforgivable and should never be repeated. The same ideology (Ba'ath) even back then.

Anyway greater Arab regional integration is already occurring, despite all the odds in recent times, and will only grow stronger in the future. This will be the natural development as throughout recorded history.

My hope is just that it can happen peacefully and that we will create an Arab EU like organization that will strengthen our economic ties (best way to prevent any stupid conflicts and rivalries among regimes in power) and afterwards further integrate the countries militarily, politically etc.

My prediction is that regional Arab blocs (political, economic and military) will expand and incorporate more and more neighbors until there will be 2-3 strong regional Arab blocs that will eventually join hands and create an Arab EU like organization for the benefit of all, the people in particular, and what most of us wish for as that would be mutually beneficial.

Such a strong organization would be able to withstand any foreign interference, certainly from the region, but as we know, the region and its foreign actors, are not interested in such thing, whether they are Americans, Iranians, Turks, Israelis, Russians or whatever. Before Arabs do not realize this, they will keep committing the same mistakes.

Most of our leaders are trash and do not represent the will of the people and are more afraid of losing power than doing what is right/what they should be doing/what would and ALWAYS HAVE benefited the Arabs, namely regional cooperation. However they are on loan as we all know.

No other way around it I am afraid, even if wanting otherwise, meaning to live in your own little bubble (nation state) and blindly worship some largely fake borders that are dividing us.

Seems like they eat from the same plate or something. :D

Arab cuisine is very tasty so understandable but a legendary photo indeed. Good to see. I actually like Walid Muallem. Like two brothers.

As you know, we don't care so much whether big USA is the opponent or not

Americans know that better than anyone else, they never received such a beating since the Vietnam War in a much easier (for them to operate in) geography compared to Vietnam and a much smaller. The so-called Sunni triangle alone killed more US soldiers than Afghans have in almost 20 years of fighting against the US/West.

Failed to control it as well and failed their objectives aside from replacing Saddam, which was not really difficult in 2003, as that had more to do with the actual people wanting him gone, hence no initial resistance by large.
As you know, we don't care so much whether big USA is the opponent or not
it's not like Israel would go ballistic in the face of super-Iraq and basically use their influence to have the West knock Saddam out...not like that at all..
Americans know that better than anyone else, they never received such a beating since the Vietnam War in a much easier (for them to operate in) geography compared to Vietnam and a much smaller. The so-called Sunni triangle alone killed more US soldiers than Afghans have in almost 20 years of fighting against the US/West.

Jew USA don't scare us!

Sheikh Usama didn't care

Americans know that better than anyone else, they never received such a beating since the Vietnam War in a much easier (for them to operate in) geography compared to Vietnam and a much smaller. The so-called Sunni triangle alone killed more US soldiers than Afghans have in almost 20 years of fighting against the US/West.

The Sunni triangle indeed, I remember driving through Ramadi & Falliujah (though the highway, not inside the city as it was very dangerous in 2004) (as a kid of course). The amount of military presence there was insane
Would have done the same thing myself.

People like you make Mr Centcom sad...

These figures were righteous

Somehow those animals, despite killing 4 innocent people and raping those 2 underage girls, were not given death sentences (despite being judged on a federal level) but received life without the possibility of parole. Luckily the ring leader pig committed suicide in jail not many years ago. What a great day.

People like you make Mr Centcom sad...


**** CENTCOM. Give a shit about that organization. Resistance against illegal invaders is always welcomed, more so murdering pedophiles. I always hailed the Iraqi resistance regardless of sect or group as long as they targeted occupiers. That will never change and has nothing to do with religion either for me.
The US lied about Usamah, he didn't have a p0rn collection, the 9/11 attackers did not go to prostitutes. It's all propaganda which the monkeys fall for. Also makes it very likely that Saddam wasn't even hiding in a hole.

These are psychological warfare methods to destroy the image of certain people and attack their follower base
The US lied about Usamah, he didn't have a p0rn collection, the 9/11 attackers did not go to prostitutes. It's all propaganda which the monkeys fall for. Also makes it very likely that Saddam wasn't even hiding in a hole.

These are psychological warfare methods to destroy the image of certain people and attack their follower base

OBL or no OBL (from hero to enemy), resistance against illegal occupiers can never be a crime, this is completely natural and understandable as well as retaliating after such horrific crimes like the one I referred to. In fact people of the region, in particular Arabs, should never forget the destructive role of the US against Iraq. It is sad that a 250 year old nation (back then even younger) could even do what they did against the cradle of civilization and a former imperial power like us that ruled one of the largest empires in history. But you have ups and downs, we were ahead for millennia, now we need to do some catching up, but at least the locals, rightly so, gave the occupiers hell and something that they will never forget as well as largely failed their initial plots. Unfortunately their idiotic invasion also lead to other problems that we don't need to discuss now.

That is why a part of me would be against a Western invasion of Iran, as it would create more mess in the region, despite my dislike of the Arab Mullah's ruling Iran.

Anyway that was off-topic.
the hell that was created and used to fight Americans went so far in extremist ideology that it created ISI->ISIS->IS which became a far bigger problem in the recent years. Not sure why so many ex-republican guards have been so fond of IS, they've enabled it in every way.

The west never learns, they should stay out of the region. Who knows what other organisation might grow and how exterme it may be in the future.
the hell that was created and used to fight Americans went so far in extremist ideology that it created ISI->ISIS->IS which became a far bigger problem in the recent years. Not sure why so many ex-republican guards have been so fond of IS, they've enabled it in every way.

The west never learns, they should stay out of the region. Who knows what other organisation might grow and how exterme it may be in the future.

Extremism is welcomed/beneficial in extreme conditions (wars), especially if you are technologically and numerically inferior and outnumbered. Stalin was extreme as well when he defeated the Germans during WW2. Without that extreme discipline and extreme punishments for his own soldiers, the Germans would probably not have lost. Of course geography, weather, outside support (US support that reached unoccupied Siberia) etc. and the Germans being too stretched on both fronts, (West and Eastern and South), helped them as well.

The Arab tradition does not take a mild view of invaders (who does?) even more so if they are engaged in behavior that challenges/weakens the honor of those they invade. You cannot expect a different reaction anywhere in the Arab world than what occurred after the horrific incident that I described where innocent civilians were 4 family members were brutally killed and raped.

As for the Ex-Republican guards, as you know many if not the majority were from areas within or close to the so-called Sunni triangle and given the strong tribal/clan ties in Iraq, revenge is obligatory if an occupier hurts/attacks your own to avenge them and not look weak among your own peers. There was the religious aspect as well as rightly (proved to be) fear of losing their status in the society and becoming marginalized. That combined with the patriotic element, religious (which always grows in a war like environment where death is a natural thing) and you have a toxic element along with Arab and foreign Muslim volunteers that went to fight the occupiers.

Of course like in the Afghanistan-Soviet (anti-USSR) it is inevitable that extreme factions within that environment will emerge and in this case that was what later became ISIS and its predecessors.

Actually what people forget is that the first years after 2003, especially from late 2004 onwards, Iraq as a functional state stopped existing outside of the occupied Green Zone in Baghdad. It attacked many opportunities within that saw it as an opportunity to gain influence and rise in influence. Regardless of sect. People like Al-Sadr created their own political group, militia, following just by name (used his father's name) and fighting the Brits/Americans (Mahdi Army) to launch their political career and turn into leeches along with the rest of the clowns among the Shias.

Some of the Sunni clowns (In Anbar and elsewhere) at times wanted their own fiefdoms (personal) due to some at times legitimate and at others less legitimate complains against Baghdad and then you had the Nujaifi lot in the North but luckily the only parallel groups within that community turned into extremism (ISIS) that is largely defeated now (outside of sporadic attacks) but not so much militias within the state or powerful political parties that acted/act upon foreign orders/songs.

Such an insane/complicated 30 years, I really feel for the relatives of mine that stayed/still live in Iraq. So many talented young people perished, so many dreams destroyed, so much potential wasted, so many money stolen/wasted (corruption), weakening of the state institutions (military in particular), useless constitution and parliament (political elite) etc.

Yet the brave youth are not giving up and demand real changes and an end to the post-2003 society by destroying the current corrupt and useless political system.

I remember attacking it way back, almost 10 years ago as you might recall, where I was called al kind of names (extremist, naive etc.) and unfortunately my predictions turned correct by large.

EDIT: That was far too long, will stop myself now and call it a day and you are aware of it all already.

Let me end with this note:

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whats that? insulting our president is an insult in our whole nation.. !

@waz @cabatli_53
Tell your president to stop meddling in our affairs then.

Next page.

In all seriousness and fun aside, what was needed was to peacefully/sanely decide internal Arab disagreements without weakening each other and the region, thus not giving way to outside interference. Prior to that idiotic invasion/conflict foreign presence was very limited. No bases (really) of any kind.

Saddam was not the solution either as he was too rash and nobody could have guessed how Qusay would have ruled/behaved after him.

We would all have preferred (even though I was not alive back then) for greater regional integration to have occurred back then. All this trouble started with the weakening of Iraq. Every Arab country, especially neighbors, should help bankroll Iraq and make it stronger and make Iraq the natural (as historically) Eastern frontier of the Arab Ummah. Weakening of Syria is tied to the instability of Iraq. Iraqi patriotism will always prevail eventually as well as the Arab identity which rules supreme to this day.

What is also insane is that Iraq and Syria (due to regimes only) had such hostile relations in the modern era. This is unforgivable and should never be repeated. The same ideology (Ba'ath) even back then.

Anyway greater Arab regional integration is already occurring, despite all the odds in recent times, and will only grow stronger in the future. This will be the natural development as throughout recorded history.

My hope is just that it can happen peacefully and that we will create an Arab EU like organization that will strengthen our economic ties (best way to prevent any stupid conflicts and rivalries among regimes in power) and afterwards further integrate the countries militarily, politically etc.

My prediction is that regional Arab blocs (political, economic and military) will expand and incorporate more and more neighbors until there will be 2-3 strong regional Arab blocs that will eventually join hands and create an Arab EU like organization for the benefit of all, the people in particular, and what most of us wish for as that would be mutually beneficial.

Such a strong organization would be able to withstand any foreign interference, certainly from the region, but as we know, the region and its foreign actors, are not interested in such thing, whether they are Americans, Iranians, Turks, Israelis, Russians or whatever. Before Arabs do not realize this, they will keep committing the same mistakes.

Most of our leaders are trash and do not represent the will of the people and are more afraid of losing power than doing what is right/what they should be doing/what would and ALWAYS HAVE benefited the Arabs, namely regional cooperation. However they are on loan as we all know.

No other way around it I am afraid, even if wanting otherwise, meaning to live in your own little bubble (nation state) and blindly worship some largely fake borders that are dividing us.

Arab cuisine is very tasty so understandable but a legendary photo indeed. Good to see. I actually like Walid Muallem. Like two brothers.

Americans know that better than anyone else, they never received such a beating since the Vietnam War in a much easier (for them to operate in) geography compared to Vietnam and a much smaller. The so-called Sunni triangle alone killed more US soldiers than Afghans have in almost 20 years of fighting against the US/West.

Failed to control it as well and failed their objectives aside from replacing Saddam, which was not really difficult in 2003, as that had more to do with the actual people wanting him gone, hence no initial resistance by large.
Yes indeed the Americans received a lot of casualties even though they fought against minority of Iraqis and not all of them. They have better technology than that of Vietnam and weaker enemy than the Viet cong who had uniforms and training with backing of Laos, soviets, China, North Korea, Cuba and north Vietnam unlike the Iraqi insurgents.

Also in Afghanistan they are fighting with more sophisticated weapons than the soviets had in the 1980s against the taliban who weaker than the mujahideen that the soviets faces unlike the mujahideen who got support from many countries the taliban only get little support from Pakistan yet the Americans failed in both countries.

Loved when they abducted, tortured and burned those occupying American pigs from the same regiment that killed Abeer, her sister and two parents. Would have done the same thing myself.

Never forgot.

They were private contractors one of them was navy seal who worked as instructor for Demi Moore in G.I. Jane movie. But you know Iraqis and Arabs are hot heads and hot blood they will get you no matter what.
Your bullshit doesn’t make any sense how the west is targeting turkey when turkey is loyal dog of the west???!!:lol:
The other parts make sense though.

Turkey was /Is GCC + US's "manager" of ISIS affairs. I have nothing against Turkey but i wont let that important point go.
The other parts make sense though.

Turkey was /Is GCC + US's "manager" of ISIS affairs. I have nothing against Turkey but i wont let that important point go.
I don’t believe that they managed ISIS but indeed they and the Kurds benefited from the rise of ISIS.

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