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With eye on Turkey, Arabs look to mend ties with Al Assad

Araps here does not even worth to respond. they had no idea whats going on..all they care is to fail Turkey ...you guys not muslim nor human.. shame for your own kind..just a photos what you support..maybe you would have shame yourself when you see those Araps kids killed just becouse they are sunni muslim... i never seen such a stupid arabs in my life like you guys ..View attachment 595026

If they wanted to make peace with Assad, why not just do that in the beginning instead of pumping in weapons and fighters? KSA is running a paradoxical foreign policy which has put itself at a disadvantage in literally every conflict in got involved in.

Israelis funded and trained Daesh, pushing them into Syria, which gave them the perfect justification to bring in newly KSA/UAE/Israeli/US/EU trained PKK into Sunni Arab areas.

I suspect Uncle Sam had that planned out all along, the target was not Syria, but actually Turkey. They fear the Turks' independence and ability to galvanize Arab people to fight against their agents and resist Israel.

KSA is the biggest loser here, they will be used like a tissue and discarded when the time comes.
If they wanted to make peace with Assad, why not just do that in the beginning instead of pumping in weapons and fighters? KSA is running a paradoxical foreign policy which has put itself at a disadvantage in literally every conflict in got involved in.

Israelis funded and trained Daesh, pushing them into Syria, which gave them the perfect justification to bring in newly KSA/UAE/Israeli/US/EU trained PKK into Sunni Arab areas.

I suspect Uncle Sam had that planned out all along, the target was not Syria, but actually Turkey. They fear the Turks' independence and ability to galvanize Arab people to fight against their agents and resist Israel.

KSA is the biggest loser here, they will be used like a tissue and discarded when the time comes.
Your bullshit doesn’t make any sense how the west is targeting turkey when turkey is loyal dog of the west???!!:lol:
He is stupid and most of his post doesn’t make any sense he always glorify turkey even though they are Seculars and member in the crusader NATO.

Turkish parliament refused to allow the US, British, and Australian forces to invade Iraq from their territory in 2003.

In the recent incident that Turkey sent its troops to Northern Syria against PKK, it has benefited Iraq, Syria, and Turkey in several ways:

1) It's prevented the formation of an autonomous Israeli-backed Kurdish state in Northern Syria, one that was paving the way for an independence;

2) it has allowed Sunni Arabs, Turkomen, and others moved back to their territories where they were evicted before;

3) it has allowed the Syrian opposition forces that are backed by Turkey a breathing space that they can secure a territory in which they can operate;

4) and it lended the Syrian opposition a helping hand at the negotiation table with the Assad-led government.

I really don't understand how Syrian govt, Iraq, and the rest of the Arab world view it as negative. In the long run, it'll benefit both Syria and Iraq.
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Turkish parliament refused to allow the US, British, and Australian forces to invade Iraq from their territory in 2003.

That's just legislative stuff
US army circumvented legislative obstacles by airdropping into the north from Incirlik air base

Yet still our Kurdish animals keep failing against us, muhahahhaha

I don't know what the solution is with regards to Kurds/Kurdish nationalism and the KRG. I only know that I do not like them.
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So what was the purpose of that whole war?
Interesting .... those 3 countries suppose to finance the war are now talking about Greater Pan-Arabian joint. Well, atleast that would bring peace in the region. But, Turkey paid very high price and rest all walk out free and this Syrian war keep haunting Turkey next few decades....... Pak learn from Afghan war and still paying the price.
Turkey and Iran need to stop dreaming of colonising Arab lands. Their previous empires are long dead and buried.

Maybe Arabs can turn Turkey and Iran into their experimental colonies and see how they like it.
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He is a retarded Islamist, "Pan-Islamic" my ***.


Learn some tact.

funny how they use that word against normal muslims..

what you wanna say is muslim, the word that makes you feel bad :)

It's convenient to just personally attack people and invent fake labels if you don't agree with someone's point of view.

Of course I am going to support Turkey, most Syrians support Turkey as well.
funny how they use that word against normal muslims..

what you wanna say is muslim, the word that makes you feel bad :)
Whatever floats your boat buddy.

Of course I am going to support Turkey, most Syrians support Turkey as well.
Are you fucking mentally retarded? Most Syrians support Assad which is enemies with Turkey. You may have a fancy degree but you aren't people smart for sure.

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