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Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

@Tps43 ...you couldn't keep it under the wraps.. could you. Had i known you would say it openly here, i would have stopped you. Next time try to keep your lips sealed.
Yeah I got a lil over excited

Smoke and mirrors.
Ever see a delta operative embedded with FC ?

Issi liye baar baar yehan mukhtalif patrian charhani hain.
Bhai jo sarkar keh rahi hai wohi sahi hoga hum ku apne parr jalain

You have some explaining to do. :confused:
Sometimes my buddies draw a line gor me and if they don’t then I can’t put full stop lool
Yeah I got a lil over excited

Bhai jo sarkar keh rahi hai wohi sahi hoga hum ku apne parr jalain

Sometimes my buddies draw a line gor me and if they don’t then I can’t put full stop lool
2 aircraft are down, we don’t care how(for now).

What matters is that the airforce that was bragging of two front wars and superior technology dominance was taken aback and has resorting to posting badly written spoken word poems to try and boost morale while pacifying the anger of their pilots.

It also means that they are preparing and adapting. Next time wont be such a cake walk.
2 aircraft are down, we don’t care how(for now).

What matters is that the airforce that was bragging of two front wars and superior technology dominance was taken aback and has resorting to posting badly written spoken word poems to try and boost morale while pacifying the anger of their pilots.

It also means that they are preparing and adapting. Next time wont be such a cake walk.
True , for the first after 1971 paf retaliated with offensive plan and that took iaf by surprise but one thing is for sure god forbid if war breaks out today then atleast our air force will be at advantage.
It also means that they are preparing and adapting. Next time wont be such a cake walk.
One of the biggest differences between Pakistani posters such as yourself and otherwise respected & knowledgeable Indian posters on this forum and elsewhere - a recognition that the enemy is not stagnant. Any ‘success’ from our end will be dissected, analyzed and adapted to.
Read the post again. i mentioned the mig separately.

After what has happened, they will need to loan elephant's balls to dare to do a misadventure like they did with the Atlantic.

A lot has changed since then, and they know about it too well now. We may end up killing the bogeys before they know it.

No, it is not false bravado.
They are cowards like Atlantic incident they are planing to level they score even this time they may tried to hit civilian jet....Pathetic
People ask they have shot down our F-16 block 52+, we are ready for lined up inspection did you ask MODI/IAF they have courage to announce the same.....We can release gun camera video but in BVR we can only show you lock in not actual shooting which only can experts verify that.....

There are videos of Sardar / Sikh pilot who died in CMH...do you want to force Indians to shoot down even a passenger jet just like they did during Kargill "Atlantic" grow up bro....

We have handed over his body to red cross well documented event lets wait for the details when necessary we will release...
Oops. Seems little bit too much. Haven't seen any video of sikh pilot. How did india hide the wreckage is the biggest question. How did they hide the death of the pilot? PAF hasn't officially said anything about F-16s nd indian claim.
Oops. Seems little bit too much. Haven't seen any video of sikh pilot. How did india hide the wreckage is the biggest question. How did they hide the death of the pilot? PAF hasn't officially said anything about F-16s nd indian claim.
Wreckage fell on Indian side and pilot was captured by army so civilians have no video....
The Su-30 fell from a very high altitude and was already breaking up in the air. It probably did not fall in a neat pile hence is easier to hide as the wreckage is spread over a larger area.
The Su-30 fell from a very high altitude and was already breaking up in the air. It probably did not fall in a neat pile hence is easier to hide as the wreckage is spread over a larger area.
This indeed supported by news from India that Large no of indian army personnel have to deployed to that area to search the area and collect the remains/pieces of AIM-120c missiles fired from F-16 on that day. Actually the entire activity is meant for big bird's wreckage collection from area covering large area. No civilian is allowed till the search completed.

Something along the lines-

In addendum; they basically performed a mock attack on real world targets.

The most important takeaway was that the PAF established air superiority during the time the attack was in progress. This was not a stand off drop off munitions sneak attack and run but a proper package that went in, supressed EW threats, took control of the target skies by either shooting down or chasing away enemy aircraft and then executed the attack with an extended time on target.

This was a straight forward “dont mess with us!”

As close as it gets. Read it nor for the sake of reading. Get the message and you'll know what actually happened.
As close as it gets. Read it nor for the sake of reading. Get the message and you'll know what actually happened.
That this happened in broad day light and the very next day told me that it was well coordinated and was meant to destroy any perception of deterrence. I agree.
Just tell me this: was the Bison a JF17 kill? And in any future confrontation would the JF17/SD10 be PAFs first or second choice for air combat?

@Tps43 @messiach @The Eagle @Dazzler

Many have shared what happened. However, we can only rely upon official statement. For the time being, it is proven that PAF ruled the sky the way we wanted. The whole package delivered a surprise that enemy is analyzing and wouldn't dare another violation unless, something more capable. Currently, PAF totally checkmated the game in almost every area. Also, this is not the point where we shall stop rather, men in uniform are back to work since that time and polishing further skills.

People have been tortured with "Raptor" this & that for so long which is settled within seconds by PAF. Many have confirmed so I will mention in my words as well that BVRs were like raining on them and there was no escape at all.

Also, that story of MKI escaping 4 or so BVR is nothing but in reality, was running like hell & trying to get out of Radar Lock every time PAF sets on it. The deluded minds have nothing to boast now except that MKI dodged them & doesn't even know that what actually happened. But there statement also proves that how the hell MKI was trying to save himself all the time and couldn't get a single shot.

Thunder did more than expected and the word is out especially to the interested parties. Interested Air Force will be briefed as & when needed. Proven its mettle, felt the pace of battle & so, tasted.
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