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Win-Win For India In Asia - Flanker Diplomacy


May 28, 2011
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India’s expertise in maintaining Russian aircraft and its vaunted pilot training skills are helping New Delhi win friends and influence nations in Asia.


Su-27sk. Source: Sukhoi

The induction of advanced Flanker aircraft in Asian air forces is proving to be an unexpected windfall for India. As a maintenance hub for Sukhoi-27/30 Flanker series aircraft and by training foreign fighter pilots, the country earns a substantial amount of money. But more importantly, it strengthens New Delhi’s ties with the region.

Cooperation with Indonesia

In October 2013, India had agreed to train and support the Indonesian Air Force in operating its fleet of Sukhoi fighters. The Indonesians currently operate both Su-27 and Su-30 jets, with the latest batch of Flankers arriving last month.

According to the agreement, which was arrived at during the Indian defence minister’s trip to Jakarta, India and Indonesia will cooperate in the areas of training, technical help and spares support.

Defence and Security

In the past Jakarta had a pact with China to train its pilots and provide technical support for its Flanker fleet. But Jakarta has now veered round to the view that the Indian Air Force (IAF) is an ideal mentor. For, the IAF has earned a worldwide reputation as a dogfight duke after beating the powerful US Air Force in a series of Cope India air exercises.

Given that India will have one of the largest Flanker fleets in the world once all the planned 272 Sukhoi jets enter service, Indonesia’s decision to change fighter gurus is understandable. Indonesian officials held talks with a high-level IAF team to finalise details of the training and spares support package.

Besides Flanker servicing and training of pilots, India and Indonesia will significantly enhance their defence cooperation. “The two sides exchanged views on issues relating to regional and global security, bilateral exercises involving services, training, co-production of defence equipment and ammunition and visits at high levels,” said an Indian Defence Ministry spokesman.

Joint synergies

Defense Industry Daily explains the significance of the India-Indonesia Flanker deal: “The move will have an importance that goes far beyond its dollar value, as it’s part of a wider set of enhanced defence cooperation agreements the two countries are reportedly pursuing.”

Sukhois shift the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific

DID adds: “Indonesia isn’t looking to antagonise China, but China’s aggressive claims in the South China Sea are contrasting poorly with India’s support for freedom of navigation, and for multilateral resolution of the disputes under international law. The result is an important Indonesian tilt toward more cooperation with India, which fits very well with India’s own strategic priorities.”

Malaysian fleet

India also plays a role in helping the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) to maintain its fleet. While Sukhoi is the main contractor for supplying Su-30s MKMs, the aircraft’s canards, stabilisers and fins are manufactured by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited at Nasik under a $25-30 million value subcontract.

India had also accepted Malaysia’s request to train the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) personnel on the operation and maintenance of its Su-30 MKM fighters. “The initial training for the RMAF personnel was conducted in India by HAL and IAF,” says the website of the Indian diplomatic mission in Kuala Lumpur.

“Subsequently, a composite team of flying and technical training instructors was deployed at Gong Kedah Base as part of Indian Air Force Training Team (IAFTT) for two and a half years to impart the training. The IAFTT team personnel were felicitated in a special ceremony prior to their departure by General Dato Sri Rodzali bin Daud, Chief of the RMAF.

Vietnam spinoffs

Vietnam looking to purchase BrahMos cruise missiles

Flanker cooperation has had another spinoff. India’s success in mating the BrahMos cruise missile with its Sukhois has Vietnam showing interest in buying the missile. If the deal goes through, it would mark the first overseas sale of the much talked about missile jointly developed by India and Russia.

A senior Vietnamese delegation that visited New Delhi recently requested India to provide submarine training and conversion training for Vietnamese pilots to fly Sukhoi-30 aircraft.

Strategic moves

Indonesia and Malaysia are both Muslims nations and despite their historic Indic roots, their current religious affiliation makes them lean towards other Muslim nations.

Why is this a concern? Well, in the 1965 India Pakistan War, Indonesia dispatched naval warships to Pakistan to fight against India. Prior to that, when the Communist Party of Indonesia came to power, it sided with communist China. Indonesian leaders soon started voicing claims to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and demanded that the Indian Ocean be renamed the “Indonesian Ocean”.

Although Indian military power today is of an order of magnitude higher compared with the 1950s and 60s, and the Indonesians are unlikely to repeat their reckless gunboat diplomacy, the fact is India wouldn’t want Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur to support Pakistan in any way.

Flanker diplomacy is thus an excellent way to boost defence ties with these two countries. Indonesian and Malaysian military officers working in sync with the IAF will most likely be in India’s corner in an India-Pakistan or India-China conflict.

Flanker diplomacy: Win-win for India in Asia | Russia & India Report

Though this article is a trifle dated, it gives one an idea of the extent of cooperation between India and the South East Asian nations and the shift in geostrategic equations. Now since Indonesia has its eyes set on the SU-35, HAL will have its hands full.

In addition, the IAF and Singapore's RSAF regularly conduct joint training and exercises too in India. Below are some pics....




RSAF F-16s in formation with a Su-30 over Kalaikunda


An Indian pilot returning after flying an F-16 sortie with his RSAF counterparts.
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@orion hunter be a sensible op regarding title of thread"Win-Win For India In Asia - Flanker Diplomacy"what is flanker diplomacy Indonesia is one of those countries who don't really know last time i heard on PDF they were using SU-27 to escort a C-130 carrying drug dealers,and PLAAF is largest operator of Su-27 family with 500+ units but still by giving help to a country whose aircraft stay more in hanger then in air,you think India has won game of diplomacy on ASIAN DIPLOMATIC CHESS BOARD....please never mind but change name of Thread...
@orion hunter be a sensible op regarding title of thread"Win-Win For India In Asia - Flanker Diplomacy"what is flanker diplomacy Indonesia is one of those countries who don't really know last time i heard on PDF they were using SU-27 to escort a C-130 carrying drug dealers,and PLAAF is largest operator of Su-27 family with 500+ units but still by giving help to a country whose aircraft stay more in hanger then in air,you think India has won game of diplomacy on ASIAN DIPLOMATIC CHESS BOARD....please never mind but change name of Thread...
its not alwys wining .. its being part of it too
as you said china habe largest su27 like them
still they trining with IAF..
so its not alwys for wining
its not alwys wining .. its being part of it too
as you said china habe largest su27 like them
still they trining with IAF..
so its not alwys for wining
Well you are not a troll i will ans,look PLAAF only gave full access to Pakistanis regarding there training facilities and both countries train together but still Chinese will not provide good training to others+bro it would have been really win win condition if it was country with whom PRC was having trouble...
@orion hunter be a sensible op regarding title of thread"Win-Win For India In Asia - Flanker Diplomacy"what is flanker diplomacy Indonesia is one of those countries who don't really know last time i heard on PDF they were using SU-27 to escort a C-130 carrying drug dealers,and PLAAF is largest operator of Su-27 family with 500+ units but still by giving help to a country whose aircraft stay more in hanger then in air,you think India has won game of diplomacy on ASIAN DIPLOMATIC CHESS BOARD....please never mind but change name of Thread...

Whose airforce which aircraft staying more in hanggar than in air, you smartass? Are you Indonesian Air Force official? or someone who knows the fact about Indonesian Air Force capability?
Well you are not a troll i will ans,look PLAAF only gave full access to Pakistanis regarding there training facilities and both countries train together but still Chinese will not provide good training to others+bro it would have been really win win condition if it was country with whom PRC was having trouble...
thanks for not considerting me trolllll:-)
i am not expert in said issue but still try
no country will evr give fullacces to its trainign and tactics to anyone .. even alley best buddies..
Su-30 MKI best secrte is only know by IAF and for Su30MKK its PLLF ..
india do regeorus trainf singapor f16 stil it cant have parity with what PAF knows for same
agiant PRC country
as i said its not alwsy about wining .
it about budling relation ..
we are not in princiaple agiant china and expect same for china too even no country aginast each toher except hisptiria l and relgious ecnomica issue whihc beyionf repair
as you said both have su 27 ... in major ..india can learn from them abot su 27 too if required
Whose airforce which aircraft staying more in hanggar than in air, you smartass? Are you Indonesian Air Force official? or someone who knows the fact about Indonesian Air Force capability?
Now dear chum tell me about Indonesian air force capabilities.....

thanks for not considerting me trolllll:-)
i am not expert in said issue but still try
no country will evr give fullacces to its trainign and tactics to anyone .. even alley best buddies..
Su-30 MKI best secrte is only know by IAF and for Su30MKK its PLLF ..
india do regeorus trainf singapor f16 stil it cant have parity with what PAF knows for same
agiant PRC country
as i said its not alwsy about wining .
it about budling relation ..
we are not in princiaple agiant china and expect same for china too even no country aginast each toher except hisptiria l and relgious ecnomica issue whihc beyionf repair
as you said both have su 27 ... in major ..india can learn from them abot su 27 too if required
Sir in your opinion your IAF has learnet all secrets of f-16 and su-27 from Indonesia and Singapore but on other hand PAF has learent nothing about su-30mkk from china and after India has learnet why they haven't scrapped su-27's and f-16
Now dear chum tell me about Indonesian air force capabilities.....

Sir in your opinion your IAF has learnet all secrets of f-16 and su-27 from Indonesia and Singapore but on other hand PAF has learent nothing about su-30mkk from china and after India has learnet why they haven't scrapped su-27's and f-16

Oh well, i had scrolling back your posting history and that's full of retarded comments, you are just usual troll here no wonder
Now dear chum tell me about Indonesian air force capabilities.....

Sir in your opinion your IAF has learnet all secrets of f-16 and su-27 from Indonesia and Singapore but on other hand PAF has learent nothing about su-30mkk from china and after India has learnet why they haven't scrapped su-27's and f-16
sir ..
you got me worng .. i said exact opsitte
IAF can learn few thing but not its secrte .. of f16 and su27 no AF will allow other AF to know theried tctics and secerte who ever may be
who ever says we know all about cross country platform with few or may excised with 3rd party country is lying ..
Su30mki best know to IAf .. so mkk to china and f16 to paf .. so on
each other can learn cross platform but no way the real secret
We fly our Sukhoi more than Russian do
Now dear chum tell me about Indonesian air force capabilities.....

We fly our Sukhoi more than Russian do, it is the fact.........If we are not confident with our Sukhoi's pilot we wont send them to Aussie at Pitch Black exercise 2012 where there were dog fight simulation between heavy fighters, Aussie used their F-18 SH for instant, there were USAF fighters as well. You are going to surprise to see the result though

We havent bought Sukhoi simulator yet, thats why we went to China and India to train our new pilot efficiently using simulator instead of flying the plane directly at home.
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Oh well, i had scrolling back your posting history and that's full of retarded comments, you are just usual troll here no wonder
For example......

We fly our Sukhoi more than Russian do, it is the fact.........If we are not confident with our Sukhoi's pilot we wont send them to Aussie at Pitch Black exercise 2012 where there were dog fight simulation between heavy fighters, Aussie used their F-18 SH for instant, there were USAF fighters as well. You are going to surprise to see the result though
well sir over rated Russian and PLAAF flankers are busiest of all and we are talking about capabilities,if you can remove my backwardness about Indonesian Air Force,with your knowledge i will be thank full...
For example......

well sir over rated Russian and PLAAF flankers are busiest of all and we are talking about capabilities,if you can remove my backwardness about Indonesian Air Force,with your knowledge i will be thank full...

Just ask Aussie Air Force, who won "within visual range dog fight" between our Sukhoi and their F-18 Super Hornet. Why then Aussie needs another 58 F-35 after that "exercise" ????? . We had use F-16 as aerobatic team since early 1990's so it explains a lot.......and now we use Sukhoi 27/ 30 as aerobatic team as well.
Just ask Aussie Air Force, who won "within visual range dog fight" between our Sukhoi and their F-18 Super Hornet. Why then Aussie needs another 58 F-35 after that "exercise" ????? . We had use F-16 as aerobatic team since early 1990's so it explains a lot.......and now we use Sukhoi 27/ 30 as aerobatic team as well.
i am asking about net centric warfare,aerial refueling and AWACS capabilities...

Mind your language. You've just exhibited the level of your upbringing. Haven't you been taught basic mannerism and courtesy in your environment?

Your post made you look rather childish and silly. Grow up.
come on orion i wasn't trolling at all but rather pointing at name of thread....
i am asking about net centric warfare,aerial refueling and AWACS capabilities...

come on orion i wasn't trolling at all but rather pointing at name of thread....

We have aerial refueling capabilities since 1980 and yes, we dont have AWACS yet, I cannot tell you more than that.....

Yeah, at least our Pilots has guts, who on earth are brave enough to face 5 F-18 of USAF on air ( and many others in their air craft carrier) by just using 2 F-16 with only sidewinder in their wings.... :lol:

Just check Bawean incident during Bush administration, and yes dog fight were really happening with jamming and other stuffs going on...........
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