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Willing to work with India for peace in S Asia: China

Indeed the Watergate scandal over which Nixon resigned was an internal US matter. I painted the character of Nixon out for you & he comes out nothing but as a crook. He is hated & despised to such an extent in the US that any major scandal in the US and world over is given suffix "gate". Thats his legacy as President of the USofA. Presidents are remembered for positive contributions to their countries and Nixon gave America its biggest scandal and caused outrage.

Who cares if he resigned?

But he did say tht intenially didnt he?and indian leaders visted him didnt they?
Did he apologizing for abusing all of u indians?

Does he look like a saint to you. What more can one expect from a person like him.

Nobdys perfect.But he didnt harm me or my people in any major way?so i guess he is kinda saint.

I am not lying. He is on record saying that. Here is a link. You can get the video too if you search.

Naive Bush slights Pakistanis with a short-cut | World news | The Guardian

So he said tht unintentionally ... the moron might have though the pronounciation be be something like kiwis,aussies,brits or others.

He also called iraq eye rak?

I am sorry to say that the same cant be said of Pakistani-Americans, they are way behind. Though the Chinese are very close to Indians in this regard.

Education is the key to success and help u frm getting EMBARASSED!
Most of the community today lives a comfortable, middle-class and upper-middle-class existence[11][20], although there might be very few incidence of poverty among newer uneducated immigrants. Many Pakistani Americans also own their own businesses, including restaurants, groceries, clothing and appliance stores, newspaper booths, and travel agencies. It is common to include members of the extended and immediate family in the business. The Pakistani-American immigrant community is extremely generous and philanthropic. Research shows that in the year 2002, this community gave near US$ 1 Billion in philanthropy (including value of volunteered time).[18] An increasing number of Pakistani Americans work in the medical field. The Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America, APPNA, has been meeting in various locations across the United States for the past 30 years. There are more than 15,000 doctors practicing medicine in America who are from Pakistani decent.[34] Pakistan is the fourth highest source of IMG doctors in the US[35] and they are chiefly concentrated in New York, California, Florida, New Jersey and Illinois.[36] Pakistani Americans tend to follow the residence pattern set by other Americans, in that they move to more affluent suburbs as their prosperity increases. Members of the community believe in the symbolic importance of owning homes; accordingly, Pakistani Americans tend to save and make other monetary sacrifices earlier on in order to purchase their own homes as soon as possible.[11] Members of the family and the larger community tend to take care of each other, and to assist in times of economic need. Hence, it would be more common to turn to a community member for economic assistance rather than to a government agency. Relatively low levels of Pakistani-Americans are on welfare and public assistance.[11] According to the census the mean household income in the United States in 2002 was $57,852 annually, while that for Pakistanis, was $70,047.[3] Compared to other heritage groups in the United States, Pakistani Americans tend to be better educated with 60% holding a bachelors degree or higher professional degrees.[37] There are more than 1,000 Pakistani-American millionaires.

Pakistani American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My indian fnd.
Ye Nixon, US, Iraq kahan se aa gya.....stick to the topic guys!
Its a PAKISTANI FORUM and every one has the right to state the facts! If we go about ur statement then u should shut up while talking about Pakistans or chinas internal affairs and stick to ur endia threads!

never mentioned not to involve pak members its just dont bring pakistan in a discussion between india and china and troll

when mentioning india address it as india not endia it is not very difficult to change pakistan to some thing which no pakistani want to hear................. so edit ur previous post and address the country's name correctly
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Get used to it folks.. As I mentioned earlier as well, China is playing double game here.. They will continue business as usual and will grow them as India and China can't afford loosing each other's market but at the same time. China once in while will do something which will keep India on the Bay. This will help them to keep India on confusing stance and will never clear the same. For past 2 years I have seen China did something and then backtracked or apologized. No clear stance has been provided on something.
Get used to it folks.. As I mentioned earlier as well, China is playing double game here.. They will continue business as usual and will grow them as India and China can't afford loosing each other's market but at the same time. China once in while will do something which will keep India on the Bay. This will help them to keep India on confusing stance and will never clear the same. For past 2 years I have seen China did something and then backtracked or apologized. No clear stance has been provided on something.

Vague and confused
Situations between India and China is same as between America and Russia,from up both say we will work together and from inside they always work against.
Situations between India and China is same as between America and Russia,from up both say we will work together and from inside they always work against.

Welcome to the World Of international diplomacy :cheers:
Who cares if he resigned?

But he did say tht intenially didnt he?and indian leaders visted him didnt they?
Did he apologizing for abusing all of u indians?

For someone who was shouting wolf over trolling, you come out as a hypocrite for first dragging Canada & then Nixon in an India-China thread. Let me indulge you for the last time & if you still have any naive queries after that, start a new thread.

Let me give you a time line now:

1.Nixon's comment was made in 1971. The tape on which he made the comment was secret then. So no one knew that he had made that comment.

2. Nixon died in 1994.

3.These tapes were declassified in 2005. Now Nixon has been dead for 11 years, how do you expect him to apologies??

However Henry Kissinger has expressed regret over these comments. Here is a link:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kissinger regrets India comments

By the way, Nixon also called Pakistani's as "extremely stupid", now if you are laying so much emphasis on his comments on India, i am pretty sure that are subscribing to his comments about Pakistani's too!!

Here is the link:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira

Nobdys perfect.But he didnt harm me or my people in any major way?so i guess he is kinda saint.

Quiet a list of saints you have: Richard Nixon, A.Q Khan... and some people wonder whats wrong with you lot?

So he said tht unintentionally ... the moron might have though the pronounciation be be something like kiwis,aussies,brits or others.

He also called iraq eye rak?

First you accused me of lying and said that Bush never said that and now you are accepting it. You come across as rather ignorant to me.

Education is the key to success and help u frm getting EMBARASSED!

Pakistani American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My indian fnd.

Few Indian Americans for you:

1. Vikram Pandit - CEO of Citigroup which owns Citibank, one of the largest banks in the United States of America.

2. Indira Nooyi - CEO Pepsi Co.

3. Rajiv Shah - Administrator for USAID, heck an Indian American is in charge for US aid to Pakistan.

4. Bobby Jindal - Governor of Lousiana

5. Kapana Chawla - NASA astronaut

6. Vinod Khosla - Co founder "Sun Microsystems"

The list is practically endless, this could go on for some time. Lots of NASA scientist are American Indians. Many top people in the Obama administration too are Indians. Just search mate, you will be surprised. How many Pakistani-Americans do you see who are so successful?

The situation is so bad for Pakistanis that some have to pose as Indians not be discriminated against. Here is a link:

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare | Reuters

I am sure that you must be thoroughly educated by now & hence will stick to the topic at hand.
with the position of a highly influential ally of Pakistan....China can work with India to ensure peace in South Asia if they are able to rein in the more hawkish elements in the Pakistan military but for this to happen they must first strive to improve their relations with India .....which is not gonna happen if they continue to indulge in unnecessary provocations....

But its unlikely the GOI will respond to this message.....India has always been opposed to any role of China as a mediator in South Asia.....the only thing the Indian establishment is interested in is a Chinese guarantee of non interference in the subcontinent........
Vague and confused

It may be Vague as either it may not suited you or may be you dint find any content. Regarding confusion here I list down where China backtracked from their stance as the sole purpose was to snub India:-

1) China said Indian Kashmir as India controlled Kashmir and P0K as part of North Pakistan.

Back Tracked:- After discussion with Indian ambassador, It removed P0K as North Pakistan from Xinhua.

2) China earlier said there were no Army present in P0K

Back Tracked: Now they say that Chinese army was in P0K to help flood victims.
Reference:- India's pressure works; China says Azad Kashmir not in Pak - World News - IBNLive

You may also check Xinhua as well.

3) China said earlier that it is not building any dam on Brahmaputra River(Yarlung-Tsangpo) in Nov 2009.
China denies building dams on Brahmaputra: Foreign secretary - The Times of India

Back Tracked: In Apr 2009, It said it is building very small dam on the same river almost 1000 Km away from India.

China says dam on Brahmaputra small project: Govt: Rediff.com India News

The point, I reiterate, While India-China will grow economically. China will always do things to snub India as this will gain them psychological advantage.
First, China and India share about 2,000 kilometers of border, and the boundary has never been formally delineated. The famous poet Robert Frost said in a well-known poem that “Good fences make good neighbors.” Many confrontations between countries have been ignited by disputes in their border area. The two sides should quicken their steps on demarcation consultations that began in the 1980s.

Second, as China gains an increasing sphere of influence in the world arena, many Indians, including high-ranking officials, see China as a potential rival or even a threat to India. This may partly explain why India has yet to recognize China’s market economy status, while over 60 countries have granted such status to China. Such anti-China sentiments will not help cultivate a friendly atmosphere for bilateral ties to grow, but rather sow the seeds of distrust between the two countries.

Third, India has always harbored a grudge over China’s all-weather friendship with Pakistan. The China-Pakistan relationship is based on mutual trust and mutual support in nation building and international cooperation. To maintain a peaceful external environment, China also wants to build closer ties with India. If China could become a mutual friend to the two Asian rivals, it will contribute more to regional peace and stability. This will eventually serve India’s interests as well.

An “Asia century” will remain only a dream until the two Asian giants can treat each other with mutual trust and respect.
The problem of Pakistan is a problem of India herself, because Pakistan is born of the fundamental chaos of India herself, an ongoing chaos, not limited and including the Gorkhas, the Eastern “Red Belt”, etc. China is not Pakistan’s only ally. US established alliance with Pakistan before PRC with Pakistan. Note: India had actually recognized PRC before Pakistan did, (which may be a source of the “betrayal” feeling). Perhaps India feels that PRC “owes” something to India for the early diplomatic recognition?!

Perhaps what PRC “owes” to India is more reflected in India’s own ambition among the “Non-aligned” movement (NAM). (Which is to say that it is more India’s own disappointed hopes that China did not support India enough in India’s own game during the Cold War playing US against USSR.)

If there is anything missing from the “List” above, one should perhaps include the Non-aligned Movement of India, for that is fundamentally opposite of many of its own policies. NAM is a dangerous game that India plays, that is duplicity to its own name.

Like NAM, after the Cold War, India is searching for its own relevance in the new world, where there is ONLY 1 acknowledged superpower to play with. (Perhaps China is another that India can play US against?) In such a case, as long as India plays the NAM game between US and China (for India’s own benefit), then turn about is only fair game. Pakistan will just be the other that US and China will play against India.

Whether Dalai Lama has political clout in India is irrelevant as whether the Taliban has clout in Pakistan. India is permitting DL’s followers to conduct their political (and other) activities in India, as much as Pakistan is turning a blind eye to Taliban(and other terrorists) in Pakistan.
The problem of Pakistan is a problem of India herself, because Pakistan is born of the fundamental chaos of India herself, an ongoing chaos, not limited and including the Gorkhas, the Eastern “Red Belt”, etc. China is not Pakistan’s only ally. US established alliance with Pakistan before PRC with Pakistan. Note: India had actually recognized PRC before Pakistan did, (which may be a source of the “betrayal” feeling). Perhaps India feels that PRC “owes” something to India for the early diplomatic recognition?!

Perhaps what PRC “owes” to India is more reflected in India’s own ambition among the “Non-aligned” movement (NAM). (Which is to say that it is more India’s own disappointed hopes that China did not support India enough in India’s own game during the Cold War playing US against USSR.)

If there is anything missing from the “List” above, one should perhaps include the Non-aligned Movement of India, for that is fundamentally opposite of many of its own policies. NAM is a dangerous game that India plays, that is duplicity to its own name.

Like NAM, after the Cold War, India is searching for its own relevance in the new world, where there is ONLY 1 acknowledged superpower to play with. (Perhaps China is another that India can play US against?) In such a case, as long as India plays the NAM game between US and China (for India’s own benefit), then turn about is only fair game. Pakistan will just be the other that US and China will play against India.

Whether Dalai Lama has political clout in India is irrelevant as whether the Taliban has clout in Pakistan. India is permitting DL’s followers to conduct their political (and other) activities in India, as much as Pakistan is turning a blind eye to Taliban(and other terrorists) in Pakistan.

1. China is undoubtedly Pakistan's only reliable ally......and yes it was natural considering the geo strategic reality then and had china not attacked and completely shattered the faith of our military establishment.....we might be having a strong bilateral relationship perhaps even a de facto military alliance like we had with Russia. China did own at least a good relationship considering we were one of the first to offer diplomatic recognition....realities are simply too different now.....

2.India was insular looking with protectionist practices and a closed economy for most of its history....there was no question of playing any international game or balancing act between superpowers....all our military agreements and alliances has till date concentrated on our two primary areas of threat.....

3.In current geopolitical realities we are globally interconnected in ways which we could have never previously foretold .....China is emerging as a superpower and if India has to exist ....the situation demands that we rapidly reorganize our military,economy and international diplomacy to safeguard ourselves.....and this involves resisting intense pressure from the old superpower to join its camp yet possessing sufficient clout to deter any aggression from the new rising one.....a very fine line which our current polity seems to be cautiously trying to walk.....

4.Apart from genuine protests against Chinese heavy handedness in Tibet the Dalai Lama and his followers live remarkably in peace in India ....circumstances considering.....no comparison is possible between the two cases.....till date how many angry Tibetans armed with AK 47's do we see sneaking into Tibet to cause havoc do we get to see....???
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