Yes, we burned them with Agent Orange and dirty bombs! Oh, stop - it is American way of doing things.
Nah, Russians have their own ways when invading Afghanistan. I'm sure you knew.
Russia has always been the savior of European people, against NAZIsm, Genghis Khan and mongols etc.
Europe will be safe with Russian presence, NATO cancer is the only problem to this alliance. Hypocrite Trump had promised to dismantle NATO but he betrayed his own words, typical liar US presidents.
Please ignore Bolshevs, Russian people are a peaceful nation.
Soviet is gone boy!
Get the f out of Afghanistan thugs!
Haha thats funny. Peaceful nation. The Poles would like to contradict that when the Russians negotiated the Non-aggression pact with the Nazis same country that its savior fighting against to take half of Poland before Nazis stab the Russians in the back.