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Will US become a defaulter ?

You know what the simple answer is yea they will default. Its just a matter of time, I mean even if they manage to sort out the short time problems they will default when US$ loses reserve currency status. The tipping point will be reached within 5 to 10 years and frankly I personally am looking forward to .it. Thats the only way americans will stop murdering muslims around the world
You know what the simple answer is yea they will default. Its just a matter of time, I mean even if they manage to sort out the short time problems they will default when US$ loses reserve currency status. The tipping point will be reached within 5 to 10 years and frankly I personally am looking forward to .it. Thats the only way americans will stop murdering muslims around the world

Lol, Wish in one hand.....
no it wont AMERICA just need do one thing make a resolution pass to bring jobs back to america devalue its currency a bit hold onto expenses for 2-3 years control the free play of market and you will be back on track a country can never go bankrupt withen itself it just needs to print money if america devalues its currency by a bit say 3-4 inr in all the new transaction taking place the export will rise creating more jobs
Lol, Wish in one hand.....

Tell me a single country where they have tried printing money the way the have in america and where it has not lead to hyperinflation? And if you can do that I will accept that american going bankrupt is just my dream
I don't think it will happen at-least before WW-III. If it happens than her lender will be effected very badly. BTW China is one of the TOP direct or in-direct lender of USZ. Anyway if $ lose value, it's better for PAK coz all our loans are in f**king $$s
Tell me a single country where they have tried printing money the way the have in america and where it has not lead to hyperinflation? And if you can do that I will accept that american going bankrupt is just my dream

Well fake Indian currencies are made in Pakistan, but we have not seen hyperinflation as of yet.
While we are predicting demise of nations or their economies, an interesting question to go along with this is that whether Pakistan will be around to watch USA default. ??
Tell me a single country where they have tried printing money the way the have in america and where it has not lead to hyperinflation? And if you can do that I will accept that american going bankrupt is just my dream

read the above post a country can never go bankrupt as per inflation . you can control it by reducing the flow of money in the market ie liquidity that will result in lesser disposable income of the buyers when the sellers see's this he will lower down his price in order to sell his goods
no it wont AMERICA just need do one thing make a resolution pass to bring jobs back to america devalue its currency a bit hold onto expenses for 2-3 years control the free play of market and you will be back on track a country can never go bankrupt withen itself it just needs to print money if america devalues its currency by a bit say 3-4 inr in all the new transaction taking place the export will rise creating more jobs

Where are you guys living what do you think the effect of quantitive easing ie printing dollars is its a devaluation and americas been doing that for the last three years. Jobs will go back to america if the americans will accept indian chinese salaries. Why should some fat slob american eating hot dogs with jeans that dont fit comand a bigger salary than a person with similar education etc for the same job in china india etc
I don't think it will happen at-least before WW-III. If it happens than her lender will be effected very badly. BTW China is one of the TOP direct or in-direct lender of USZ. Anyway if $ lose value, it's better for PAK coz all our loans are in f**king $$s

it will depend on what condition has pak taken the loans fluctuating or fixed rate if it is fix you will have to pay in the same rate
While we are predicting demise of nations or their economies, an interesting question to go along with this is that whether Pakistan will be around to watch USA default. ??

Yes they will and as pakistans debt is in dollars they will have no debt.
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