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Will US become a defaulter ?

no it wont AMERICA just need do one thing make a resolution pass to bring jobs back to america devalue its currency a bit hold onto expenses for 2-3 years control the free play of market and you will be back on track a country can never go bankrupt withen itself it just needs to print money if america devalues its currency by a bit say 3-4 inr in all the new transaction taking place the export will rise creating more jobs

I wonder what will happen, If all countries ask USZ to get back their $$ and give gold :mps:
Where are you guys living what do you think the effect of quantitive easing ie printing dollars is its a devaluation and americas been doing that for the last three years. Jobs will go back to america if the americans will accept indian chinese salaries. Why should some fat slob american eating hot dogs with jeans that dont fit comand a bigger salary than a person with similar education etc for the same job in china india etc

my good man the printing money thing that i said was regarding the failure of domestic economy as per jobs are concerned they can very well pass a law regarding that and when a person will see he will soon be eating grass he will even accept the salary of a indian or chinese worker
read the above post a country can never go bankrupt as per inflation . you can control it by reducing the flow of money in the market ie liquidity that will result in lesser disposable income of the buyers when the sellers see's this he will lower down his price in order to sell his goods

I dont know whether to laff or cry..... talking to some of you guys is like throwing pearls to swine. ill laugh lol
I dont know whether to laff or cry..... talking to some of you guys is like throwing pearls to swine. ill laugh lol

which economics have you studied as per the swine one dont use the word or your gonna hurt yourself quite bad
my good man the printing money thing that i said was regarding the failure of domestic economy as per jobs are concerned they can very well pass a law regarding that and when a person will see he will soon be eating grass he will even accept the salary of a indian or chinese worker

Thats it my freind I dont think it is easy to get people like americans who are used to having a relativley good lifestyle to lower their expectations.
Tell me a single country where they have tried printing money the way the have in america and where it has not lead to hyperinflation? And if you can do that I will accept that american going bankrupt is just my dream

they have got away with printing money while not having reserve gold and commodities because of international trade being done in dollars......default will mean lost confidence in USD and countries trading in other currencies...
which economics have you studied as per the swine one dont use the word or your gonna hurt yourself quite bad

Oh please dont tell me you are not familiar with english colloquialism. why am I even bothering here with you
A beginning example of chess game between Pakistan and US. Although US was defeated in Afghanistan, influences failures in Pakistan, and aid cuts. :smokin:
Why such a sudden rise of USA hate soo recently, like USA defaulting, USA losing wars, USA will go into a recession, is all this speculation due to USA suspending the aid to Pakistan?
it will depend on what condition has pak taken the loans fluctuating or fixed rate if it is fix you will have to pay in the same rate

It hasnt sunk in has it. You just dont get it. If the dollar is worthless the interest will be in us dollars so thats gonna be nothin lol
It hasnt sunk in has it. You just dont get it. If the dollar is worthless the interest will be in us dollars so thats gonna be nothin lol

Well, you weren't completely asleep in economics.
Why such a sudden rise of USA hate soo recently, like USA defaulting, USA losing wars, USA will go into a recession, is all this speculation due to USA suspending the aid to Pakistan?

No if you look at my posts of over a month ago i was stating the same about the US economy
Well, you weren't completely asleep in economics.

Too right Thanks mate. i actually quite like american people though they can forgive me for saying so be a bit dim at time but the governments politics are just so unfair and unjust. If only you could resolve the palestinian israeli problem in a fair manner muslims around the world would have you as best freinds all over the place.
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