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Will There Be HIGH MARK 2020?


Sep 5, 2007
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Can someone please answer if PAF is going to conduct its most comprehensive 5-yearly exercise in 2020?
i dont think our economy can afford such an exercise this year. secondly military has adopted many strict policies regarding the health of its manpower which will hamper the smooth progress of the exercise. a person with simple flu and sorethroat will have to quarentine himself for 2 weeks. what he will do in exercise. and this practice is going on almost in every department in pakistan. if somene sneezes or coughs in the office all others give him strange looks and try to stay away from him.
I think cost and Covid-19 are not the biggest factors determining if the exercise will be held or not. The economy is not in such a dire situation that normal operational requirements are being cut back, in fact they are picking up because of the issues on the border. Precautions are necessary in response to Covid but operational readiness cannot compromised because of it. One of the scenarios tested in such exercises could very well be how to operate under pandemic conditions. The factor that could lead to a delay or cancellation is the situation on the eastern border. Exercises can be used to hide intent I.e. for example deploying to FOBs can be done in guise of an exercise. On the other hand, exercises also leads to attrition I.e. wear and tear of equipment and manpower which requires time for recovery.
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Today i was thinking about 2020 Pakistan Army exercice just like Azm-e-nau in 2010, is something similar planned?
Last High Mark was in 2016 ... So we might see one next year with B3 participating. (OK! Last bit is my dream)
there isnt going to be any exercise this year. these exercises need lot of budget. exercise means mobilizing troops and thus exposing them to greater risk of contracting disease. it will be a foolish idea to go on with any exercise during a crisis time. also there is no need to practice for war during a pandemic as one member mentioned. your enemies are also human beings and they are also facing the same situation at their end. they wont push their soldiers to any sort of war during such a crisis. no army can afford to lose its soldiers to disease during a war and even if they dont get killed they will remain unavailable for active duty for about 3 weeks. war requires incorporation of many civil infrastructure and manpower like hospitals, transport, doctors and paramedics. when the civilian population itself is suffering and dying how can they will help the military. secondly what will be the international response to the aggressor country during a pandemic. it wont get any diplomatic support for its actions so its better for the military to stay confined to barracks and help the nation fighting the disease rather going to an exercise.
the reason why i am against any exercises during the current crisis

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