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Will the Taliban Destroy Pakistan?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: Can the Taliban Defeat and Destroy Pakistan?

While some Pakistanis, including major political leaders, are afraid of speaking out against the Taliban, other Pakistanis are taking the challenge posed by the insurgents lightly. They are underestimating the power and the capacity of a rag-tag band of barbarians to bring down the Pakistani state and take control in the nation's capital in Islamabad. It's important for Pakistanis to learn from history to end such complacency.

Ibn Khaldun
History Lessons:

Famous medieval Islamic historian Abd ur Rehman Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) argued in his masterpiece"Muqaddima" that tribesmen and barbarians have often had more courage and social cohesion than settled and civilized folk. He cited many instances in history when rag-tag bands of ill-educated and uncivilized insurgents have swept in and conquered lands whose rulers became corrupt and complacent.

Fall of Empires:

History is witness to the fact that great empires were brought down by relatively unsophisticated but highly committed armed groups of fighters. Roman empire was destroyed by blue-eyed barbarian tribes from Northern Europe. Persian and Byzantine empires were brought to their knees by desert-dwelling Muslim tribesmen from the Arabian Peninsula. Thriving Islamic Caliphate of Baghdad in what is known as the Golden Era of Islam was sacked by Mongols and completely destroyed. China, too, was conquered and ruled by Mongols. India was repeatedly attacked and conquered by invaders from Europe and Central Asia and ruled by their dynasties for centuries.

The Taliban:

The Taliban attacking the Pakistani state are not fundamentally different from earlier generations of barbarians and tribesmen in history. They have shown that they, too, are highly committed and willing to die for whatever they believe in . They are clear in their aims and ready to use whatever means it takes to achieve their goals. They have been relentless in their attacks on the Pakistani state and civilian population.

Taliban vs Pakistan

Pakistan's Response:

The response of the Pakistani leadership has so far been highly confused in the face of concerted Taliban efforts to destroy the Pakistani state. There is a lot talk about "talks" but it's not clear what they are going to talk about? The Taliban have made it clear that they do not accept Pakistan's constitution. They have rejected democracy as a system of governance. They have stepped up their attacks on state institutions and Pakistan's security apparatus. They have unleashed a reign of terror and killed tens of thousands of civilians in the last few years.

Are Pakistani political leaders willing to compromise on the constitution of Pakistan? Or the democratic process? Or Pakistan itself? Are they willing concede defeat to a band of barbarians without a fight?


Pakistani leaders need to develop necessary consensus to fight the existential challenge posed to the nation by the Taliban and their allies in Pakistan. They need to declare war and show determination, not weakness, in the face of relentless Taliban attacks on innocent civilians. They must remember that it took Sri Lanka a long sustained effort spanning decades to win against the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). It will take a long and sustained effort for Pakistan to win the war on Taliban to preserve Pakistan. It's time for Pakistanis to learn the lessons of history to chart and stay the course. Once there is a clear strategy and plan, I am confident that the Pakistani state and its military will eventually defeat and destroy the Taliban.

Haq's Musings: Can the Taliban Defeat and Destroy Pakistan?
One calls them uncivilized, barbarians living in a cave in the 1400s yet we fear them....very interesting...

Pakistan will destroy the TTP.

Difficult - Half of the Politicians thinks the Army created them & in a way reap what they sow whilst the other half thinks that they the TTP are little more than naughty sons of the soil throwing a tantrum !

One calls them uncivilized, barbarians living in a cave in the 1400s yet we fear them....very interesting...

The Cavemen have nothing to loose & very little to live for - What better recruits for the fireworks could there be ?
Difficult - Half of the Politicians thinks the Army created them & in a way reap what they sow whilst the other half thinks that they the TTP are little more than naughty sons of the soil throwing a tantrum !

Most worthwhile causes are difficult.

We waited a hundred years to get HK back from the colonialists, and we'll wait a thousand years for Taiwan if we need to.

If Pakistan gets a strong and decisive leadership, and focuses on getting rid of the TTP, the majority of the TTP's power and influence can be destroyed within a decade.
Is Taliban only in tribal areas of Pakistan?
The "Taliban", I think, will reclaim Afghanistan after the USA leaves in 2015 -16. Then, Afghanistan will dismember Pakistan by effectively annexing the Pashtun portions of Pakistan.
The "Taliban", I think, will reclaim Afghanistan after the USA leaves in 2015 -16. Then, Afghanistan will dismember Pakistan by effectively annexing the Pashtun portions of Pakistan.

If Afghanistan tried to annex a part of Pakistan, they would probably be nuked.

No nuclear armed country is going to let anyone annex their provinces.

Not that Afghanistan would be even close to being able to overpower the Pakistani Army in the first place though.
If Afghanistan tried to annex a part of Pakistan, they would probably be nuked.

No nuclear armed country is going to let anyone annex their provinces.

Not that Afghanistan would be even close to being able to overpower the Pakistani Army in the first place though.

Point being a return of Taliban would mean, disaster for the tribal region in and near Pak-Afghan border. The ideology that these guys use to brain wash and use people for senseless violence and kill anyone who opposes their way is a danger. So even if the Taliban can't match the Pakistani army their ideology and methods of violence will wreak havoc in the region, and as already demonstrated with the war on terror with the US, these guys are a pain to wipe out, since they can hide and blend with the people in the tribal region, so unless Pakistani army is willing to take the dangerous step of moving in by force and forcefully disarming and clearing out the region I don't see much dent in the Taliban operation in the region.
One calls them uncivilized, barbarians living in a cave in the 1400s yet we fear them....very interesting...

No we do not fear them.

This is the difference between civilized and uncivilized. We want to give them every chance to avoid bloodshed. If they do not understand then they shall face the music.
The "Taliban", I think, will reclaim Afghanistan after the USA leaves in 2015 -16. Then, Afghanistan will dismember Pakistan by effectively annexing the Pashtun portions of Pakistan.

Effectively annexing Pakistan ? :blink:

Even their conventional army that has been up to exactly that since '48 hasn't been able to do that; the Taliban would be slaughtered if they were tried to fight in a conventional sense like that !

They are, however, brilliant special forces which means that they'd make life hell for us if they turn on us but more than increased casualties & a stunted economy I don't foresee any territory changing hands per se !
The "Taliban", I think, will reclaim Afghanistan after the USA leaves in 2015 -16. Then, Afghanistan will dismember Pakistan by effectively annexing the Pashtun portions of Pakistan.

Now that USA has failed you are predicting that we shall also fail. This normally is the mentality of a loosing party who thinks that since they have not been able to achieve their target other would also not be able to achieve it.

Wrong my dear. We have dealt with them previously and shall deal with them again. Perhaps time is approaching when we may increase our area of influence and territory.
We cant completely avoid the effect Taliban ideology as a medieval system or propoganda.There is something different in the case of Taliban.Taliban is not corrupted like civilized system.That is their main advantage.Another factor their brotherhood,they will not betray their brothers in any case.I saw a you tube video about Taliban and Canadian Sniper in that video told Taliban dont fear death.
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