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Will Pakistan default in 2012?

Without the ability to borrow money or a poor credit rating Pakistan will decline to a level of AFGHANISTAN or ethopia today.

CREDIT RATING and servicing your debts are vital ingreidents for sustained growth.

GET out of the medievil caveman atitude of we dont need credit or good rating and start to enter the 21st century for your peoples sakes
our economy is definitely going through a rough patch, especially as we must meet our external debt obligations

thus far, we are meeting our debt obligations in a timely manner and have been responsible in repaying debts payables.

the real question is, why does the govt. continue to operate inefficiently --forgoing sources of revenue and also clinging stupidly onto enterprises in need of privatization in the interests of ending these daily losses being incurred (substantial ones)

Pakistan wont default, but the currency will depreciate further most likely....inflation will rise without a shadow of a doubt, and this can increase social unrest amongst the downtrodden segments of society

Pakistani people and Pakistani domestic politics and policies are primarily the ones to blame.....we must not allow this debt trap cycle to continue.

with the right policies in place, in just 4-5 months we could see massive turnaround......and dont even take my word for it. Take the words of the former CBP director, take the word from the head of IMF's resident rep in Islamabad --whom I personally know and have sat down with semi-formally (the last time being 2 weekends ago during a visit to DC)

i don't think its going to be big deal if we default.

Nobody invests here already not even our own ppl so no effect.
We have little trade with outside so no effect.
Loaned money doesn't reach the population anyway so again no effect.
What else is left ?

Anyways Pakistan has not defaulted for the last 60 years unlike some of the more stable EU countries. PPL with way too much free time should try to monetize their time and develop android apps instead of predicting doom for others.
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