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Will Narendra Modi become the PM in 2014????

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Please, India's the failed state. Will disintegrate into 56 countries, soon
Kyu aag lagi hui hai tere peeche bhai :flame:? You need a girlfriend..umm wait 71 virgins? :cheesy:

On topic: I seriously want Modi to be the next PM. But he is not seen as the leader figure in BJP and also he has somewhat sidelined himself from the politics in Delhi. I see Arun Jaitly having a better chance than Modi, but who knows.
Bro a sizeable part of the netizens also excoriate MMS for being the silent [or incompetent] puppet when the country literally lunging downwards in everything from highs of recent past. But does that make MMS or Congress to say, okay we hve lost the faith of a section of people and so we will resign.

In a nation of 1.2 billion with various religions and idealogies opposition to leaders will always be there based on XYZ reasons. Should we make everyone ineligible because of that ?

Also allegations by themselves dont constitute proof. If and when a court of law indicts him, then even I will not support him. But I'm not a big fan of this trial by media, or kangaroo court syndrome wherein a man is subjected to the most vile of character assasination without a shred of proof against him.

Well said bro....
Nopes...but don't you think the same is true for Laloo..Mulayam...Mayawati and likes...same is true for Sajjan Kumar and co...Look i have said it before as well - no doubt he has done good for Gujarat however there are serious allegations on his role in Gujarat riots...if my country leader is being viewed by suspicion by a sizable part of the netizens then ideally such a person should not be our PM,no???

But they have cases registered against them. I don't think Modi have any .
moreover...........past incidents gives hints that he is more hindu than indian or gujarati

A Hindu who has completely reigned in the RSS/VHP acting in Gujarat, a Hindu who does not mind ordering demolishing temples to make way for roads, a Hindu under whose watch no riot happened for the past 10 years after Godhra not even after the Akshardham attacks where 54 Hindu devotees were killed by terrorists.

BTW what made you think he is more Hindu than an Indian ?
I can never imagine a man with a criminal record becoming the PMO of the Indian Union. I mean, what will that say about ourselves ?
I can never imagine a man with a criminal record becoming the PMO of the Indian Union. I mean, what will that say about ourselves ?

Does he have any case registered against him?
Does he have any case running against him?

Public perception plays an important role in a democracy. Tell me, how many of our past prime ministers were ever accused of being mass murderers.
I can never imagine a man with a criminal record becoming the PMO of the Indian Union. I mean, what will that say about ourselves ?

Do you know what a "criminal record" is ?

Public perception plays an important role in a democracy. Tell me, how many of our past prime ministers were ever accused of being mass murderers.

Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, VP Singh [inaction during the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits] and in Punjab, if my friends are to be believed, they think the same about Nehru too for his role in Partition.

How many airports, cricket stadiums, bridges we have named after them, mass murderers ?
Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and in Punjab, if my friends are to be believed, they think the same about Nehru too.

Not before assuming office now was it ?
Not before assuming office now was it ?

How does it make a difference ? Did they resign after those happened ? Actually 84 riots did happen before Rajiv became the PM.

Dont we, atleast a section, glorify them with all the naming of airports, bridges, cricket stadiums etc ?
Modi has got a clean chit in the SIT report, that's what I care about. Moreover, I don't want to be hung up on something that happened 10 years ago, let's move on and let the law take its own course. He has proved to be an efficient leader in Gujarat and I personally would want to see him as the next PM. Having said that given the current situation of BJP I don't see that happening but hey you cannot predict anything in an election, not many thought Congress would win the 2004 election, but it did.
Public perception plays an important role in a democracy.

So people would rather believe in some hersey than in the court of law. Then India is not ready for democracy.

Tell me, how many of our past prime ministers were ever accused of being mass murderers.

Rajiv Gandhi...."When the big tree falls, the ground trembles" or something like that. I don't think Modi ever uttered such statements.

Modi has got a clean chit in the SIT report, that's what I care about. Moreover, I don't want to be hung up on something that happened 10 years ago, let's move on and let the law take its own course. He has proved to be an efficient leader in Gujarat and I personally would want to see him as the next PM. Having said that given the current situation of BJP I don't see that happening but hey you cannot predict anything in an election, not many thought Congress would win the 2004 election, but it did.

In India, the media is the judge, jury and the executioner. Its high time that we end this type of KangarooCourts.
How does it make a difference ? Did they resign after those happened ?

Its makes a world of difference. If someone has to be awarded the highest position within the Indian Union, he/she must at-least be perceived by the Indian people and the world leaders to be an individual with a clean record.

I don't really see the point of this poll/discussion. Simply because there really is no chance in hell he's going to assume the PMO office anytime soon. Should the BJP come to power ( as they must ), i am pretty confident that they are prudent enough to not field Modi as the prime ministerial candidate. Ideal candidates would be Sushama or Jaitley.

Besides you folks never bother to look at the big picture. If Modi, assumes the PMO office ( hypothetically ), then can you imagine the political $h1tstorm that will ensue ? Muslims would be up in arms. Hindus would be divided ( some for and some against ), Minorities will feel threatened and will adopt a more rigid outlook. In effect , complete chaos.

So people would rather believe in some hersey than in the court of law. Then India is not ready for democracy.

Really ? Ready or not, how can anyone possibly hope to govern a nation like India without democracy ? The nation survives as a single unity solely due to the democratic set-up and the decentralization of central powers. In a nation like India no one individual can hope to connect with the individuals belonging to various groups ( identified by their caste, creed, religion, language and ethnicity ). The differences are much too well defined.
Its makes a world of difference. If someone has to be awarded the highest position within the Indian Union, he/she must at-least be perceived by the Indian people and the world leaders to be an individual with a clean record.

I don't really see the point of this poll/discussion. Simply because there really is no chance in hell he's going to assume the PMO office anytime soon. Should the BJP come to power ( as they must ), i am pretty confident that they are prudent enough to not field Modi as the prime ministerial candidate. Ideal candidates would be Sushama or Jaitley.

Besides you folks never bother to look at the big picture. If Modi, assumes the PMO office ( hypothetically ), then can you imagine the political $h1tstorm that will ensue ? Muslims would be up in arms. Hindus would be divided ( some for and some against ), Minorities will feel threatened and will adopt a more rigid outlook. In effect , complete chaos.

No one can rise up against a elected leader. Did Sikhs take up arms against Congress ?
Normally i don't care what happens in India or not, but why would you want to elect a terrorist?

He is not responsible for the Gujrat riots if that is what you are referring to. You are probably not familiar with the Indian political scene. Trust me, Congress is sure to lose elections this upcoming term and they desperately want to find a scapegoat and divert attention for their pathetic performance. The only way for Congress to win against Modi is to give him a bad reputation, which unfortunately has been done.
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