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Will India send its soldiers to Afghanistan?


Sep 26, 2018
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MEA remains mum on the issue

India doesn't seem to be in any mood to send troops to Afghanistan, but it is hesitant to say this outright.

At the weekly media briefing today, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi spoke in a roundabout manner about India's commitment to Afghanistan's future, but managed not to say anything about troop deployment.

Afghanistan's army chief General Wali Mohammad Ahmedzai is expected to visit India on a three-day tour later this month, and the possibility of sending Indian soldiers to take on the Taliban is expected to pop up at the talks.

India has steadfastly refused to send its soldiers into the Afghan war, and has concentrated instead on infrastructure and capacity building in the country. With the withdrawal of western forces, there is increased international pressure on India to take part in the fighting.

Bagchi said that India and Afghanistan's relationship was fixed by the strategic partnership agreement of 2011 and India is committed in the long term to Afghanistan. He said as a contiguous neighbour, India supports the government and people of Afghanistan in realising their dream of a peaceful, democratic country where interests of all groups, inclusion women and minorities are protected.

Bagchi said he was not aware of any invitation to India to join either the Russia-US-China grouping of Afghanistan, or the US led connectivity initiative through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

Afghanistan is not contiguous to India. Perhaps the indian writer needs to look up the definition.
Pakistan should not hinder indian military intervention on the behalf of puppet Kabul regime.
It's time to test indian false bravado, and inflated ego. Let them put their money, where their mouth is.
However, then we reserve the right to take appropriate actions to raise the cost so high for India that they will not even think about interfering in another country for next one hundred years.
World only took notice of Nazis when it was too late. Now fascist India is being coddled like Nazis were before they set out to conquer the world.
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Pakistan should not hinder indian military intervention on the behalf of puppet Kabul regime.

India will use Iranian air space to ferry soldiers… good idea in age of rising fuel prices..

ps what happened to the india Afghanistan air bridge?
LOL, for what reasons?? Buy taliban they will turn out to be better assets..

why is india even bothered about taliban killing Indians… you guys have done a brilliant job your selves.

Almost 5 million dead due to modi wonder policy after declaring victory over COVID…

The bitter reality is India just used the shoulder of US and NATO to become relevant in afghanistan. India was never a regional player in afghanistan and never will be. Don't expect pajeet to fight for afghans like you in afghanistan. Their whole involvement in afghanistan was for weakening pakistan. That Hindu baniya is very clever ,he will cry for the money wasted there but will never involve to suffer from further money and resource wastage.
Deep inside their hatred for Muslims and afghans for particular is present. They just see afghans as those Muslim invaders who buried their ancestors in the Hindu Kush mountains.
Lol at india super power
Cant do anything and decide what to do

one person from indian side says we r loosing billions and gov need to do something about it , efforts of 20 years are in dust now

Other person comes and says we can’t and shouldn’t do anything , must not send boots on the ground

buy hey if you want to save your 20 years of investment and current favourite gov in Kabul , you need to decide and decide fast , time is running out
Do indians have much deeper pocket than USA .... ???

Do the indians have more secure and effective National Security appratus than USA .... ???

India is on the different continent much far away than the USA from Afghanistan ... ???
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